List of Data file extensions

There are many different data file extensions and data file types used with computers, and you'll find an entire list of data file extensions and types on our computer files and file extensions page. It is impossible to remember all file extensions and their associated software programs.

Below is the list of data file extensions, broken into categories by sort of files along with the developer and available 100% free online data file tools and apps.

Extension File Type Free Apps
._PLAYMUSICID Google Play Music ID File Free _PLAYMUSICID Apps
.{PB Corel WordPerfect Document Index File Free {PB Apps
.~HM HostMonitor TestList Backup File Free ~HM Apps
.001 Split Archive File Free 001 Apps
.17T 2017 StudioTax Return File Free 17T Apps
.1PE TurboTax Form File Free 1PE Apps
.1PH TurboTax File Free 1PH Apps
.3DMARK-RESULT 3DMark Results File Free 3DMARK-RESULT Apps
.3DMDEF 3DMark Definition File Free 3DMDEF Apps
.3DP 3DMark2011 SE Project File Free 3DP Apps
.3DR 3DMark Results File Free 3DR Apps
.3DR 3D Rad Project File Free 3DR Apps
.3DT 3D Topicscape File Free 3DT Apps
.3DW Studio Store Visualizer 3D Environment File Free 3DW Apps
.3ME TurboTax Form File Free 3ME Apps
.3PE TurboTax 2008 Form File Free 3PE Apps
.4DV 4D View Ultrasound File Free 4DV Apps
.4FS Puppy Linux Save State File Free 4FS Apps
.5VW 5View Packet Capture File Free 5VW Apps
.73C TI-73 Constant File Free 73C Apps
.73L TI-73 Data List File Free 73L Apps
.8XG TI-83/84 Plus Group File Free 8XG Apps
.8XK TI-83 Plus Application Upgrade File Free 8XK Apps
.8XS TI-83/84 Plus String File Free 8XS Apps
.8XV TI-83/84 Plus Variable File Free 8XV Apps
.A1WISH Audials Wishlist File Free A1WISH Apps
.A3L Authorware 3 Library Free A3L Apps
.A3M Authorware 3 Macintosh File Free A3M Apps
.A3W Authorware 3 Windows File Free A3W Apps
.A4L Authorware 4 Library Free A4L Apps
.A4M Authorware 4 Macintosh File Free A4M Apps
.A4W Authorware 4 Windows File Free A4W Apps
.A5L Authorware 5 Library Free A5L Apps
.A5RPT Alpha Five Project Report File Free A5RPT Apps
.A5W Authorware 5 Windows File Free A5W Apps
.A5WCMP Alpha Five Web Components File Free A5WCMP Apps
.A65 Authorware 6.5 File Free A65 Apps
.AAE Sidecar Image Edit File Free AAE Apps
.AAM Authorware Map File Free AAM Apps
.AAN Pro Tools Elastic Audio Analysis File Free AAN Apps
.AAO Agenda At Once File Free AAO Apps
.AB DNA Sequence File Free AB Apps
.AB1 DNA Electropherogram File Free AB1 Apps
.AB2 Print Shop Address Book File Free AB2 Apps
.AB3 PhotoImpact 3 Album File Free AB3 Apps
.ABCD AudioVisual Book Data File Free ABCD Apps
.ABCDP Address Book CoreData Person File Free ABCDP Apps
.ABDATA Adobe Bridge Data File Free ABDATA Apps
.ABI DNA Chromatogram File Free ABI Apps
.ABKPRJ Ashampoo Backup Project Free ABKPRJ Apps
.ABP AVS Barcode Profile Free ABP Apps
.ABT Annotated Braille Text File Free ABT Apps
.ABY AOL Address Book File Free ABY Apps
.ACA Agent Character Animation File Free ACA Apps
.ACC Graphics Accounts Data File Free ACC Apps
.ACF Agent Character Data File Free ACF Apps
.ACF X-Plane Aircraft File Free ACF Apps
.ACG Audio Comparer Group File Free ACG Apps
.ACG Agent Preview File Free ACG Apps
.ACMI Tacview Flight Track File Free ACMI Apps
.ACQ AcqKnowledge Data Graph File Free ACQ Apps
.ACR Audio Comparer Results File Free ACR Apps
.ACZ AppCraft Project Free ACZ Apps
.ADCP Adobe Device Central Project File Free ADCP Apps
.ADDISM Addism Data File Free ADDISM Apps
.ADI Amateur Data Interchange Format Free ADI Apps
.ADICHT LabChart Data File Free ADICHT Apps
.ADIDAT ADInstruments Simple Data File Free ADIDAT Apps
.ADIF Amateur Data Interchange Format Free ADIF Apps
.ADOX ActivDox Document Free ADOX Apps
.ADT ACT! Document Template Free ADT Apps
.ADU Addict User Dictionary File Free ADU Apps
.ADV Nortek Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter File Free ADV Apps
.ADVS Adobe Device Central Device Set Free ADVS Apps
.ADX Approach Index File Free ADX Apps
.AECACHE After Effects Cache File Free AECACHE Apps
.AES ooVoo Log File Free AES Apps
.AFE Avid File Exchange File Free AFE Apps
.AFF Spellcheck Dictionary Description File Free AFF Apps
.AFT Family Tree Database Free AFT Apps
.AGD AgileGraph Data File Free AGD Apps
.AGGR Adobe Captivate Aggregate File Free AGGR Apps
.AGLIB Adobe Lightroom Library Free AGLIB Apps
.AGTOOLKIT Adobe Lightroom Toolkit Free AGTOOLKIT Apps
.AIFB AIF Builder Project File Free AIFB Apps
.AIV AIVault Data File Free AIV Apps
.ALC Dynamics AX Label Description File Free ALC Apps
.ALD Dynamics AX Application Label Data File Free ALD Apps
.ALDF Aldfaer Genealogy File Free ALDF Apps
.ALF Alf Interactive Test Free ALF Apps
.ALF Unity License Request File Free ALF Apps
.ALG AlgoBox Algorithm File Free ALG Apps
.ALI Dynamics AX Label Index File Free ALI Apps
.ALI RoboHelp Alias File Free ALI Apps
.AMB All My Books Database File Free AMB Apps
.AMB AIMMS Model File Free AMB Apps
.AMC Ant Movie Catalog File Free AMC Apps
.AML Automation Markup Language File Free AML Apps
.AMM All My Movies Database File Free AMM Apps
.AMSORM OnLine Ringman Auction Client File Free AMSORM Apps
.AMU PictureGear Studio Photo Album File Free AMU Apps
.AN1 Street Atlas USA Draw File Free AN1 Apps
.AN8 Vector NTI DNA File Free AN8 Apps
.ANIME Anime Studio Document Free ANIME Apps
.ANIMEPROJ Anime Studio Document Data File Free ANIMEPROJ Apps
.ANME Anime Studio Document Free ANME Apps
.ANN Lingvo Dictionary Annotation File Free ANN Apps
.ANS HotDocs Binary Answer File Free ANS Apps
.ANSYM Adobe Edge Animate Library File Free ANSYM Apps
.ANX HotDocs Answer File Free ANX Apps
.APALBUM Aperture Album File Free APALBUM Apps
.APH Ability Album File Free APH Apps
.APLIBRARY Aperture Library Free APLIBRARY Apps
.APPCONTENT-MS Application Content File Free APPCONTENT-MS Apps
.APXL Keynote Presentation Data File Free APXL Apps
.ARA Archivaldo Resource Archive Free ARA Apps
.ARC Nintendo Archive File Free ARC Apps
.ARC.LH Nintendo Archive File Free ARC.LH Apps
.ARCHITECT SQL Power Architect Project Free ARCHITECT Apps
.ARFF Attribute-Relation File Format Free ARFF Apps
.ARH ArheoStratigraf Project File Free ARH Apps
.ARN Autoruns Data File Free ARN Apps
.ART BERNINA Embroidery File Free ART Apps
.AS AppleSingle File Free AS Apps
.AS2 ActivStudio Resource Pack Free AS2 Apps
.ASHPRJ Ashampoo Burning Studio Project Free ASHPRJ Apps
.ASM Pro/ENGINEER Assembly File Free ASM Apps
.ASND Adobe Sound Document Free ASND Apps
.ASR Adobe Photoshop Scratch File Free ASR Apps
.AST ClarisWorks Assistant File Free AST Apps
.ATF Axon Text File Free ATF Apps
.ATOMSVC Atom Service Document Free ATOMSVC Apps
.ATS Advanced ETL Transformation Script Free ATS Apps
.ATTR iPhoto Attributes File Free ATTR Apps
.AUR Aurora Timetable File Free AUR Apps
.AUTOSAVE Fusion Auto-save File Free AUTOSAVE Apps
.AVC Kaspersky Virus Database Free AVC Apps
.AVENIRPROJ StoryMill Project Free AVENIRPROJ Apps
.AVHDX Automatic Virtual Hard Drive File Free AVHDX Apps
.AVJ AntiVir Job File Free AVJ Apps
.AVL AntiVir Status Report File Free AVL Apps
.AVP AntiVir Profile Free AVP Apps
.AVRO Avro Data File Free AVRO Apps
.AW Answer Wizard File Free AW Apps
.AWBR WriteOnline WordBar File Free AWBR Apps
.AWDB Access Walker Database File Free AWDB Apps
.AWG Activeworlds Object Group File Free AWG Apps
.AZW3F Amazon eBook Metadata File Free AZW3F Apps
.AZZ AZZ Cardfile Database File Free AZZ Apps
.AZZX Uncompressed AZZ Cardfile Data File Free AZZX Apps
.BAFL BurnAware File List Free BAFL Apps
.BAR Brew MP Binary Application Resource File Free BAR Apps
.BASERPROJ DNA Baser Project File Free BASERPROJ Apps
.BC Adobe Bridge Cache File Free BC Apps
.BCC Calendar Creator File Free BCC Apps
.BCI Belarc Advisor Report File Free BCI Apps
.BCL Illumina Base Call File Free BCL Apps
.BCM Business Contact Manager File Free BCM Apps
.BCM Adobe Bridge Cache File Free BCM Apps
.BCT Adobe Bridge Thumbnail Cache File Free BCT Apps
.BDC Babylon Dictionary File Free BDC Apps
.BDF Binary Data File Free BDF Apps
.BDF Bulk Data Input File Free BDF Apps
.BDIC Chrome Dictionary File Free BDIC Apps
.BED UCSC BED Annotation Track File Free BED Apps
.BFX Bitware Fax Document Free BFX Apps
.BGL Babylon Glossary File Free BGL Apps
.BGT Graphics Accounts Data File Free BGT Apps
.BHO Behold Organize File Free BHO Apps
.BIM Bytessence InstallMaker Document Free BIM Apps
.BIN Generic Binary File Free BIN Apps
.BIN Nintendo Wii Data File Free BIN Apps
.BINARY PC Building Simulator Save File Free BINARY Apps
.BIONIX BioniX Wallpaper Playlist File Free BIONIX Apps
.BJO TabRite Tablature File Free BJO Apps
.BLB Blob Data File Free BLB Apps
.BLD Envisioneer Building Project File Free BLD Apps
.BLG Windows Binary Performance Log File Free BLG Apps
.BLG BibTeX Log File Free BLG Apps
.BLN Golden Software Blanking File Free BLN Apps
.BLOGTHIS Windows Live Writer Data File Free BLOGTHIS Apps
.BLUEBUTTON VA Blue Button Data File Free BLUEBUTTON Apps
.BM2 Boardmaker Interactive Board File Free BM2 Apps
.BMS BIOWRAP Multi-Layer Security File Free BMS Apps
.BNK Spotify Playlist File Free BNK Apps
.BNK ExamView Question Bank File Free BNK Apps
.BOK TestGen Testbank File Free BOK Apps
.BOOK iBooks Author Document Free BOOK Apps
.BOOK Budget In Brief Book File Free BOOK Apps
.BOOKTEMPLATE iBooks Author Document Template Free BOOKTEMPLATE Apps
.BOX E-mail Mailbox Free BOX Apps
.BPD Binary Printer Description File Free BPD Apps
.BPD Business Plan Pro Document Free BPD Apps
.BPDX Business Plan Pro Document Free BPDX Apps
.BPHYS Blender Cache File Free BPHYS Apps
.BPJ Boxsim Simulation Project Free BPJ Apps
.BPL Bore Plan Log Free BPL Apps
.BPLX Bore Plan XML File Free BPLX Apps
.BPM Trados AutoSuggest Dictionary File Free BPM Apps
.BRAIN PersonalBrain Mind Map File Free BRAIN Apps
.BRD EAGLE Circuit Board File Free BRD Apps
.BRF Braille Ready Format File Free BRF Apps
.BRIDGECACHE Adobe Bridge Cache Export File Free BRIDGECACHE Apps
.BRL MicroBraille File Free BRL Apps
.BRN BrainStorm Data File Free BRN Apps
.BRS RoboHelp Browse Sequence File Free BRS Apps
.BRW Calyx Point Borrower File Free BRW Apps
.BSD BSDL File Free BSD Apps
.BSDL Boundary Scan Description Language File Free BSDL Apps
.BTF NationsBank Check Images Free BTF Apps
.BTIF NationsBank Check Image File Free BTIF Apps
.BTINSTALL uTorrent Installer File Free BTINSTALL Apps
.BTM BizTalk Map File Free BTM Apps
.BUL I4 Bullseye Data File Free BUL Apps
.BVP VodaHost BlueVoda Project File Free BVP Apps
.C3D Coordinate 3D File Free C3D Apps
.C4P CrossOver Software Installer File Free C4P Apps
.CAA Chinese Academic Article Link File Free CAA Apps
.CADC Corpatla Data Container File Free CADC Apps
.CAF Class Action Gradebook File Free CAF Apps
.CAMERROR Camtasia Studio Error File Free CAMERROR Apps
.CAMM espresso Mind Map Document Free CAMM Apps
.CAP Packet Capture File Free CAP Apps
.CAPT Capito Data File Free CAPT Apps
.CAPX Capella CapXML File Free CAPX Apps
.CAR Car Explorer Data File Free CAR Apps
.CAT4D Cinema 4D Catalog Free CAT4D Apps
.CAV Comodo Virus Definitions File Free CAV Apps
.CAWR Espresso workreport Document Free CAWR Apps
.CBG CyberGauge Data File Free CBG Apps
.CBG ChessBase Game Moves File Free CBG Apps
.CBMAP Containment Breach Map File Free CBMAP Apps
.CBXML CodeBox Library Free CBXML Apps
.CBZ ChessBase Encrypted Database Archive Free CBZ Apps
.CCA Multimedia Fusion File Free CCA Apps
.CCA cc:Mail Archive File Free CCA Apps
.CCH Corel Chart File Free CCH Apps
.CCLD Construction Clouds Data File Free CCLD Apps
.CCP RIB Import Converter Profile Free CCP Apps
.CCR ASTM Continuity of Care Record Free CCR Apps
.CCT Director Protected Cast Resource Free CCT Apps
.CDF Common Data Format Free CDF Apps
.CDF NetCDF Format File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Nominal Small Business Accounting Company Data File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Affymetrix Chip Definition File Free CDF Apps
.CDF Content Definition File Free CDF Apps
.CDI INTEX Output File Free CDI Apps
.CDM Conceptual Data Model File Free CDM Apps
.CDP CD/Spectrum Pro File Free CDP Apps
.CDP ConceptDraw PROJECT File Free CDP Apps
.CDPX ConceptDraw PROJECT XML File Free CDPX Apps
.CDPZ ConceptDraw PROJECT Document Free CDPZ Apps
.CDR Crash Data Retrieval Data File Free CDR Apps
.CDX Compound Index File Free CDX Apps
.CDX ChemDraw Exchange File Free CDX Apps
.CDXML ChemDraw XML File Free CDXML Apps
.CEF Class Action Gradebook Elementary File Free CEF Apps
.CEL Affymetrix Probe Results File Free CEL Apps
.CEL Battery 3 Drum Cell File Free CEL Apps
.CELTX Celtx Project File Free CELTX Apps
.CERTSIGNINGREQUEST Apple Developer Signing Certificate Request File Free CERTSIGNINGREQUEST Apps
.CFA ComProbe Analyzer Capture File Free CFA Apps
.CFB Compound Binary File Free CFB Apps
.CFS CFS Console File Free CFS Apps
.CFX Flow-Cal Data File Free CFX Apps
.CGD Common Grid File Free CGD Apps
.CHC HCFR Colormeter Data File Free CHC Apps
.CHG Quicken Online Data File Free CHG Apps
.CHK InterCheck Checksum Database Free CHK Apps
.CHN Ethnograph Data Free CHN Apps
.CHV ChView Interactive Star Map File Free CHV Apps
.CIF Crystallographic Information File Free CIF Apps
.CIRC Logisim Circuit File Free CIRC Apps
.CKT CircuitMaker File Free CKT Apps
.CL2 HY-TEK Meet Results File Free CL2 Apps
.CL4 Easy CD Creator 4 Project File Free CL4 Apps
.CLASSLIST SMART Notebook Class List File Free CLASSLIST Apps
.CLB ICQ Contact List Free CLB Apps
.CLD ClamAV Virus Definitions File Free CLD Apps
.CLG Collage Maker Project File Free CLG Apps
.CLIX CLIX Command File Free CLIX Apps
.CLK Corel R.A.V.E Project File Free CLK Apps
.CLKM Clicker Matching Set File Free CLKM Apps
.CLKS Clicker Sentences File Free CLKS Apps
.CLKTK Clicker Talk Set File Free CLKTK Apps
.CLKV Clicker Communicator Vocabulary Set File Free CLKV Apps
.CLM MagicJack Call Log File Free CLM Apps
.CLM GenePattern CEL Descriptor File Free CLM Apps
.CLP CrazyTalk Clip File Free CLP Apps
.CLP Windows Clipboard File Free CLP Apps
.CLP Finale Clip File Free CLP Apps
.CLX Standard Dictionary File Free CLX Apps
.CM10 CaseMap 10 Case File Free CM10 Apps
.CM5 Clone Manager File Free CM5 Apps
.CMA Coach Activity File Free CMA Apps
.CMAP CmapTools Concept Map File Free CMAP Apps
.CMBL Logger Pro Data File Free CMBL Apps
.CML Chemical Markup Language File Free CML Apps
.CMR Coach Results File Free CMR Apps
.CMS Connection Manager Service Profile Free CMS Apps
.CN1 CNR Modem Initialization Data File Free CN1 Apps
.CNA Catena Project File Free CNA Apps
.COL Capture One Session File Free COL Apps
.COLLAB Blackboard Collaborate Session File Free COLLAB Apps
.COLLECTION Adobe Bridge Collection File Free COLLECTION Apps
.COMPOSITIONMODEL Invantive Composition Data Model File Free COMPOSITIONMODEL Apps
.CONTACT Windows Contact File Free CONTACT Apps
.COSESSIONDB Capture One Session File Free COSESSIONDB Apps
.COVERAGE Visual Studio Code Coverage Report Free COVERAGE Apps
.CPAA Captivate Shared Action File Free CPAA Apps
.CPF Cognos Project File Free CPF Apps
.CPK DTM Test Log File Free CPK Apps
.CPMZ Miradi/ConPro Project File Free CPMZ Apps
.CPTL Adobe Captivate Project Template File Free CPTL Apps
.CPTX Adobe Captivate Project File Free CPTX Apps
.CRAM Compressed Alignment File Free CRAM Apps
.CREV Adobe Captivate Commentable SWF File Free CREV Apps
.CRTX Office 2007 Chart Template File Free CRTX Apps
.CRY CryENGINE Map File Free CRY Apps
.CS ColorSchemer Studio Color Scheme Free CS Apps
.CSA PNA Code Calset File Free CSA Apps
.CSL CineStyle Color Lookup File Free CSL Apps
.CSUTIL ColorSync Utility Folder Free CSUTIL Apps
.CSV Comma Separated Values File Free CSV Apps
.CTB Cherrytree SQLite Document Free CTB Apps
.CTD Cherrytree XML Document Free CTD Apps
.CTF WhereIsIt Catalog File Free CTF Apps
.CTL StepMania SMZIP Package Description File Free CTL Apps
.CTM CrazyTalk Model File Free CTM Apps
.CTP CrazyTalk Project File Free CTP Apps
.CTPROJECT CrazyTalk Animator Project File Free CTPROJECT Apps
.CTT Messenger Contact List Free CTT Apps
.CTV Citavi Project Free CTV Apps
.CTV3 Citavi 3 Project File Free CTV3 Apps
.CUB Analysis Services Cube File Free CUB Apps
.CUB Gaussian Cube File Free CUB Apps
.CUBE Gaussian Cube File Free CUBE Apps
.CURSORFX CursorFX Theme File Free CURSORFX Apps
.CV CodeView Data File Free CV Apps
.CVA Canvas Sequence Set Free CVA Apps
.CVD ClamAV Virus Definitions File Free CVD Apps
.CVD Bitdefender Virus Definition File Free CVD Apps
.CVN CineVision Encoding Session Free CVN Apps
.CWA Continuous Wave Accelerometer Data File Free CWA Apps
.CWK ClarisWorks Document Free CWK Apps
.CWW Crossword Weaver Puzzle File Free CWW Apps
.CWZ Circuit Wizard File Free CWZ Apps
.CX5 Clone Manager XML File Free CX5 Apps
.CXA FMAT Listmode File Free CXA Apps
.CXD SimplePCI Data Document Free CXD Apps
.CXF Chemical Exchange Format File Free CXF Apps
.CXF Cuttlefish Extended Format File Free CXF Apps
.CXR FMAT Plate Results File Free CXR Apps
.CXT Director Protected Cast File Free CXT Apps
.CYO Clustify Output File Free CYO Apps
.CYS Clustify Summary File Free CYS Apps
.CYS Cytoscape Session File Free CYS Apps
.CZI Carl Zeiss Image Data File Free CZI Apps
.CZP ClozePro Archive Free CZP Apps
.D3MD DART Metadata File Free D3MD Apps
.DA2 DeepAnalysis Save File Free DA2 Apps
.DAF Digital Anchor File Free DAF Apps
.DAL DVD-lab Project File Free DAL Apps
.DAM DeltaMaster Analysis Model Free DAM Apps
.DAP Diet Analysis Profile Free DAP Apps
.DAS DeltaMaster Analysis Session Free DAS Apps
.DAT Piriform Key File Free DAT Apps
.DAT Porteus Save Container File Free DAT Apps
.DAT Nonimmigrant Visa Application Data File Free DAT Apps
.DATA Analysis Studio Offline Data File Free DATA Apps
.DB- Norton Nprotect Database File Free DB- Apps
.DB.JOU Patran Journal File Free DB.JOU Apps
.DB QQ Account Database File Free DB Apps
.DB Skype Chat History File Free DB Apps
.DBD DemoShield Project Free DBD Apps
.DBF FoxPro Table Free DBF Apps
.DBGSYM Debug Symbols File Free DBGSYM Apps
.DCF Document Computation Format Free DCF Apps
.DCL DumpSec Report File Free DCL Apps
.DCM DiskCatalogMaker Catalog File Free DCM Apps
.DCMD DiskCatalogMaker Thumbnail-Enabled Catalog Free DCMD Apps
.DCMF DiskCatalogMaker Catalog Free DCMF Apps
.DCPF Disc Copier Project File Free DCPF Apps
.DCPR Adobe DNG Camera Profile Recipe File Free DCPR Apps
.DCT AutoCAD Dictionary File Free DCT Apps
.DDB Digidesign Database Free DDB Apps
.DDC DivX Descriptor File Free DDC Apps
.DDCX DivX Descriptor 2 File Free DDCX Apps
.DDE Lingvo Dictionary Error Log File Free DDE Apps
.DDT Diagram Designer Template Free DDT Apps
.DEF IOBit Malware Fighter Definitions File Free DEF Apps
.DEOS Driver Easy Offline Scan File Free DEOS Apps
.DEPROJ Disketch Project File Free DEPROJ Apps
.DES QuickBooks Forms Template Free DES Apps
.DET Sage ACT! 5 Email Message Free DET Apps
.DEVELVE Develve Data File Free DEVELVE Apps
.DEX Disketch Project File Free DEX Apps
.DEX DEXIS Digital X-ray File Free DEX Apps
.DFM Midas ViewPoint Display Form Free DFM Apps
.DFPROJ DVD Flick Project Free DFPROJ Apps
.DGS 3D Screen Creator Scene File Free DGS Apps
.DHCD DHCD Computing Application Data File Free DHCD Apps
.DHT GAUSS Data Set Header File Free DHT Apps
.DIA Do It Again Task File Free DIA Apps
.DICT Dictionary File Free DICT Apps
.DIF Data Interchange Format Free DIF Apps
.DIG Digilink Data File Free DIG Apps
.DII Summation Batch Load File Free DII Apps
.DIP DipTrace Printed Circuit Board File Free DIP Apps
.DITA DITA Document Free DITA Apps
.DITAMAP DITA Topic Map File Free DITAMAP Apps
.DITAVAL DITA Conditions File Free DITAVAL Apps
.DJM Dynojet Map File Free DJM Apps
.DKT DiGiTIAL THUNDER Drum Kit File Free DKT Apps
.DL Dynamic Library Free DL Apps
.DLC DIALux Light Control File Free DLC Apps
.DLT DELTA Binary Dataset File Free DLT Apps
.DLTEMP UC Browser Temporary Download File Free DLTEMP Apps
.DM2 Toad Data Modeler 2 File Free DM2 Apps
.DMC Datamartist Data Canvas File Free DMC Apps
.DMM iMindQ Mind Map File Free DMM Apps
.DMMX iMindQ XML Map Bundle Free DMMX Apps
.DMO Derive Demo Free DMO Apps
.DMO Movienizer Database File Free DMO Apps
.DMPR Direct Mail Project File Free DMPR Apps
.DMR BrainVoyager Diffusion Weighted Project File Free DMR Apps
.DMSK DivX Temporary Video Data File Free DMSK Apps
.DMSP PhotoSuite Project File Free DMSP Apps
.DNA SnapGene DNA File Free DNA Apps
.DNA GenePool DNA File Free DNA Apps
.DNC Dance Database File Free DNC Apps
.DNG Virtual Dongle Image Free DNG Apps
.DOCKZIP ObjectDock File Free DOCKZIP Apps
.DOT Graphviz Graph File Free DOT Apps
.DPB DVD Profiler Backup File Free DPB Apps
.DPN Depiction Data File Free DPN Apps
.DPS Kingsoft Presentation File Free DPS Apps
.DPT Kingsoft Presentation Template Free DPT Apps
.DR My Dark Diary Backup File Free DR Apps
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.DSB Orchida Embroidery File Free DSB Apps
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.DT Drum Station Machine State File Free DT Apps
.DTA Chain Engineering Database Free DTA Apps
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.EAS RSLogix Symbol File Free EAS Apps
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.EM Encore Menu Template Free EM Apps
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.EMRG E-Merge 1.x Data File Free EMRG Apps
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.ENC Electronic Navigation Chart File Free ENC Apps
.ENEX Evernote Archive Free ENEX Apps
.ENL EndNote Library Free ENL Apps
.ENLX Archived EndNote Library Free ENLX Apps
.ENQ EndNote Search Options File Free ENQ Apps
.ENV Adobe Dictionary Data File Free ENV Apps
.ENW EndNote Import File Free ENW Apps
.EPF Edgecam Educational Part File Free EPF Apps
.EPP Efficient PPC Project File Free EPP Apps
.EPP Elmedia Player Playlist Free EPP Apps
.EPP TalaPhoto Project Free EPP Apps
.EPW EnergyPlus Weather Data File Free EPW Apps
.ER1 ERWin Entity Relationship Diagram Free ER1 Apps
.ERD Entity Relation Diagram Free ERD Apps
.ERG CompuTrainer Workout File Free ERG Apps
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.ERSX Eraser Task List File Free ERSX Apps
.ES E-Studio 1.x Experiment File Free ES Apps
.ES2 E-Studio 2.0 Experiment File Free ES2 Apps
.ESB Es-Builder Book File Free ESB Apps
.ESE Millions Email Generator Email List File Free ESE Apps
.ESP ACD/Labs Dataset Free ESP Apps
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.EST Construction Cost Estimate File Free EST Apps
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.ET Kingsoft Spreadsheets File Free ET Apps
.ET Easiteach Lesson File Free ET Apps
.ETE Exam Testing Engine File Free ETE Apps
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.ETT Kingsoft Spreadsheets Template Free ETT Apps
.EV Echoview File Free EV Apps
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.EV3S LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Shared File Free EV3S Apps
.EVX SeeVogh Player Remote Recording Free EVX Apps
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.EWS EasyWorship Schedule File Free EWS Apps
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.EXL Export Lister File Free EXL Apps
.EXM Boson Exam File Free EXM Apps
.EXP Export File Free EXP Apps
.EXP Aurora Expert Trace File Free EXP Apps
.EXX IBM Linkway MsgPut File Free EXX Apps
.F04 Nastran Execution Summary File Free F04 Apps
.F06 Nastran Output File Free F06 Apps
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