What is a TT2017STATE File Type?
When you start filing your TurboTax tax return, you will be asked to download the forms specific to your state. Just click on "Download State" select your report, and TurboTax will download the TT2017STATE (s) file for your report and open it automatically. You will be able to file your tax return once they have been opened. You will probably never see the TT2017STATE because it is downloaded and opened automatically by the d' tax software.
It is available in Basic, Deluxe, Premier, and Home &. Each edition offers different function at different prices. The basic edition requires the purchase of apos, a return from TurboTax, while the Deluxe, Premier and Home & editions; Business are delivered with a return of apos, including TurboTax state. If you want additional status, you have to buy it.