What is a QTPXCOMPOSITION File Type?
The QTPXCOMPOSITION file is used only for unsaved compositions created in QuickTime. As you make a recording, the information is automatically saved by QuickTime in the QTPXCOMPOSITION file. This file is supposed to be temporary until you save it; save it in a specific format.
If you lose a record that has not been saved, you can use the QTPXCOMPOSITION file to recover the' lost record from the time it was saved automatically for the last time. This is especially useful in cases where QuickTime plant before' a record can be saved.
The following are the QTPXCOMPOSITION files: / Users / [name d' user] / Library / Containers / com.apple.QuickTimePlayerX / Data / Library / Autosave Information / Autosave Information.
What is a Default QTPXCOMPOSITION File Name?
Not saved QuickTime Player Document.qtpxcomposition - Default name given to files QTPXCOMPOSITION that have not yet been named by the user. C&apos is the typical name that users see looking for a lost record.