What is a REC File Type?
L' tool fsck is typically used in operating systems Unix @ - @, such as Linux, MacOS, Free BSD. L' s'utility; runs usually when starting the d'system; operation to check the coherence of the filesystem. If the utility finds problems, it saves them into one or more REC files to analyze.
When fsck creates REC files, it names FSCK # # # # # # # # # 0000 for each data recovery file created. The first REC file is FSCK0000.REC, the second is FSCK0001.REC, the third is FSCK0002.REC, and so on.
The REC files store raw text data and can be opened with a text editor, such as Apple TextEdit or gedit. They can also be deleted without affecting system performance, but they can be regenerated during the d'system boot process.
Short for File System Consistency Check.