List of Audio file extensions

There are many different audio file extensions and audio file types used with computers, and you'll find an entire list of audio file extensions and types on our computer files and file extensions page. It is impossible to remember all file extensions and their associated software programs.

Below is the list of audio file extensions, broken into categories by sort of files along with the developer and available 100% free online audio file tools and apps.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.0CC 0CC-FamiTracker Module Free 0CC Apps
.2SF Nintendo DS Sound File Free 2SF Apps
.2SFLIB Nintendo DS Audio Library File Free 2SFLIB Apps
.3GA 3GPP Audio File Free 3GA Apps
.3GPA 3GPP Multimedia File Free 3GPA Apps
.4MP 4-MP3 Database File Free 4MP Apps
.5XB Line 6 POD HD500X Edit Bundle Free 5XB Apps
.5XE Line 6 POD HD500X Edit Preset File Free 5XE Apps
.5XS Line 6 POD HD500X Edit Setlist File Free 5XS Apps
.669 UNIS Composer 669 Module Free 669 Apps
.6CM Six Channel Module Free 6CM Apps
.8CM Eight Channel Module Free 8CM Apps
.8MED Amiga OctaMed Music File Free 8MED Apps
.8SVX Amiga 8-Bit Sound File Free 8SVX Apps
.A2B Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank Free A2B Apps
.A2I Adlib Tracker II Instrument File Free A2I Apps
.A2M Adlib Tracker II File Free A2M Apps
.A2P Adlib Tracker II Pattern File Free A2P Apps
.A2T Adlib Tracker II Tiny Module File Free A2T Apps
.A2W Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank with Macros Free A2W Apps
.A52 Dolby Digital Audio File Free A52 Apps
.AA Audible Audio Book File Free AA Apps
.AA3 ATRAC Audio File Free AA3 Apps
.AAC Advanced Audio Coding File Free AAC Apps
.AAX Audible Enhanced Audiobook File Free AAX Apps
.AB Ambling BookPlayer MP3 File Free AB Apps
.ABC ABC Music Notation Free ABC Apps
.ABM Music Album Free ABM Apps
.AC3 Audio Codec 3 File Free AC3 Apps
.ACB ADX Audio Package File Free ACB Apps
.ACD ACID Project File Free ACD Apps
.ACD-BAK MAGIX ACID Project Backup File Free ACD-BAK Apps
.ACD-ZIP Sony ACID Project With Embedded Media File Free ACD-ZIP Apps
.ACM Interplay Audio File Free ACM Apps
.ACP aacPlus Audio File Free ACP Apps
.ACT ADPCM Compressed Audio File Free ACT Apps
.ADG Ableton Device Group Free ADG Apps
.ADT ADTS Audio File Free ADT Apps
.ADTS Audio Data Transport Stream File Free ADTS Apps
.ADV Ableton Device Preset File Free ADV Apps
.ADX ADX Audio File Free ADX Apps
.AFC Mass Effect 2 Audio File Free AFC Apps
.AGM DTS Multi-channel Pro Packer File Free AGM Apps
.AGR Ableton Groove File Free AGR Apps
.AHX WinAHX Tracker Module Free AHX Apps
.AIFC Compressed Audio Interchange File Free AIFC Apps
.AIFF Audio Interchange File Format Free AIFF Apps
.AIMPPL AIMP Playlist File Free AIMPPL Apps
.AIS Velvet Studio Instrument Free AIS Apps
.AIX AIX Audio File Free AIX Apps
.AKP Akai Sampler File Free AKP Apps
.AL A-Law Compressed Sound Format Free AL Apps
.ALAC ALAC Encoded Audio File Free ALAC Apps
.ALAW A-Law Compressed Sound Format Free ALAW Apps
.ALC Ableton Live Clip File Free ALC Apps
.ALL Cubasis Project File Free ALL Apps
.ALS Ableton Live Set File Free ALS Apps
.AMF Advanced Module File Free AMF Apps
.AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec File Free AMR Apps
.AMS Velvet Studio Module Free AMS Apps
.AMS Extreme Tracker Module Free AMS Apps
.AMXD Ableton Max Patch File Free AMXD Apps
.AMZ Amazon MP3 Downloader File Free AMZ Apps
.ANG Anghami Audio File Free ANG Apps
.AOB DVD-Audio Audio Object File Free AOB Apps
.APE Monkey's Audio Lossless Audio File Free APE Apps
.APF Sony Ericsson Firmware Acoustics File Free APF Apps
.APL Monkey's Audio Track Information File Free APL Apps
.ARIA Chipsounds Sound File Free ARIA Apps
.ARIAX Chipsounds XML Sound File Free ARIAX Apps
.ASD Ableton Live Sample Analysis File Free ASD Apps
.ASE Velvet Studio Sample Free ASE Apps
.AT3 ATRAC3 Audio File Free AT3 Apps
.ATRAC Sony ATRAC Audio File Free ATRAC Apps
.AU Audacity Audio File Free AU Apps
.AU Audio File Free AU Apps
.AUD Video Game Compressed Audio File Free AUD Apps
.AUP Audacity Project File Free AUP Apps
.AVASTSOUNDS Avast Soundpack File Free AVASTSOUNDS Apps
.AVR Audio Visual Research File Free AVR Apps
.AWB AMR-WB Audio File Free AWB Apps
.AWB ADX Audio Package File2 Free AWB Apps
.AWC Audio Wave Container File Free AWC Apps
.AXA Annodex Audio File Free AXA Apps
.AY AY Chiptune File Free AY Apps
.B4S Winamp Playlist File Free B4S Apps
.BAND GarageBand Project File Free BAND Apps
.BANK FMOD Audio Bank File Free BANK Apps
.BAP Blaze Audio Wave Information File Free BAP Apps
.BCS Sonic Foundry Batch Converter Script Free BCS Apps
.BCSTM BCSTM Audio Stream File Free BCSTM Apps
.BDD CARA Sound Radiation Data File Free BDD Apps
.BFSTM BFSTM Audio Stream File Free BFSTM Apps
.BFWAV BFWAV Audio File Free BFWAV Apps
.BIDULE Bidule Layout File Free BIDULE Apps
.BIT MP3 Audio File Free BIT Apps
.BMML Braille Music Markup Language File Free BMML Apps
.BNK Adlib Instrument Bank Free BNK Apps
.BONK Bonk Audio File Free BONK Apps
.BOX CARA Loudspeaker Design File Free BOX Apps
.BRR SNES Sample File Free BRR Apps
.BRSTM BRSTM Audio Stream File Free BRSTM Apps
.BUN Cakewalk Bundle File Free BUN Apps
.BWF Broadcast Wave File Free BWF Apps
.BWG BrainWave Generator Audio File Free BWG Apps
.BWW Bagpipe Player File Free BWW Apps
.C01 Typhoon Wave Audio File Free C01 Apps
.CAF Core Audio File Free CAF Apps
.CAFF Core Audio File Free CAFF Apps
.CDA CD Audio Track Shortcut Free CDA Apps
.CDDA CD Digital Audio File Free CDDA Apps
.CDLX Audition CD Layout File Free CDLX Apps
.CDO Crescendo Music Notation File Free CDO Apps
.CDR Raw Audio CD Data Free CDR Apps
.CEL Audition Loop Free CEL Apps
.CFA Adobe Conformed Audio File Free CFA Apps
.CFXR Cocoa Sfxr File Free CFXR Apps
.CGRP Pro Tools Clip Group File Free CGRP Apps
.CIDB iTunes CD Information File Free CIDB Apps
.CKB Cricket Audio Bank File Free CKB Apps
.CKF Casio Keyboard File Free CKF Apps
.CMF Creative Music Format Free CMF Apps
.CONFORM Conformalizer Change List File Free CONFORM Apps
.COPY Sony Ericsson Protected Content File Free COPY Apps
.CPR Cubase Project Free CPR Apps
.CPT DTS Compact Audio File Free CPT Apps
.CSH Cubase Waveform File Free CSH Apps
.CTS CrazyTalk Script File Free CTS Apps
.CWB Cakewalk Bundle Free CWB Apps
.CWP Cakewalk SONAR Project Free CWP Apps
.CWS ChordWizard Song Free CWS Apps
.CWT Cakewalk SONAR Template Free CWT Apps
.D00 OPL2 FM Audio File Free D00 Apps
.D01 OPL2 FM Audio File Free D01 Apps
.DCF DRM Content Format File Free DCF Apps
.DCM DCM Audio Module Free DCM Apps
.DCT Dictation Audio File Free DCT Apps
.DDT Jill of the Jungle Music File Free DDT Apps
.DEWF SoundEdit Recorded Instrument Free DEWF Apps
.DF2 Defractor 2 Instrument Free DF2 Apps
.DFC Defractor Instrument Free DFC Apps
.DFF DSD Audio File Free DFF Apps
.DIG Sound Designer Audio File Free DIG Apps
.DJR Ringtone Media Studio DJ Ringtone Project Free DJR Apps
.DLS Downloadable Sounds File Free DLS Apps
.DM DRM Delivery Message Free DM Apps
.DMC DPCM Sample File Free DMC Apps
.DMF Delusion Digital Music File Free DMF Apps
.DMSA Music Disc Creator Project File Free DMSA Apps
.DMSE Sound Editor Project File Free DMSE Apps
.DRA Nuance Dragon Voice Recording File Free DRA Apps
.DRG I-Doser Audio Drug File Free DRG Apps
.DS LMMS DrumSynth File Free DS Apps
.DS2 Olympus DSS Pro Audio File Free DS2 Apps
.DSF Delusion Digital Sound File Free DSF Apps
.DSM Digital Sound Module Free DSM Apps
.DSP Dynamic Studio Professional Module Free DSP Apps
.DSS Digital Speech Standard File Free DSS Apps
.DTM DigiTrakker Module Free DTM Apps
.DTS DTS Encoded Audio File Free DTS Apps
.DTSHD DTS-HD Master Audio File Free DTSHD Apps
.DVF Sony Digital Voice File Free DVF Apps
.DW David Whittaker Audio File Free DW Apps
.DWA Digital Waveform Archiver Audio File Free DWA Apps
.DWD DiamondWare Digital Audio File Free DWD Apps
.EAR Eyemail Audio Recording Free EAR Apps
.EDL EdLib Audio File Free EDL Apps
.EFA Ensoniq ASR File Free EFA Apps
.EFE Ensoniq EPS File Free EFE Apps
.EFK Ensoniq KT File Free EFK Apps
.EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS-32 File Free EFQ Apps
.EFS Ensoniq SQ-80 File Free EFS Apps
.EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD File Free EFV Apps
.EMD ABT Extended Module Free EMD Apps
.EMP eMusic Music Download File Free EMP Apps
.EMX eMusic Download File Free EMX Apps
.EMY eMelody Ringtone File Free EMY Apps
.EOP Everyone Piano Music Score File Free EOP Apps
.ERB Braille Music Reader File Free ERB Apps
.ESPS ESPS Sampled Data File Free ESPS Apps
.EVR Enhanced Variable Rate Audio File Free EVR Apps
.EVRC Enhanced Variable Rate Codec File Free EVRC Apps
.EXPRESSIONMAP Cubase Expression Map File Free EXPRESSIONMAP Apps
.EXS EXS Instrument Free EXS Apps
.F2R Farandole Linear Module File Free F2R Apps
.F32 Raw 32-Bit Audio File Free F32 Apps
.F3R Farandoyle Blocked Module File Free F3R Apps
.F4A Adobe Flash Protected Audio File Free F4A Apps
.F64 Raw 64-Bit Audio File Free F64 Apps
.FAR Farandole Composer Module Free FAR Apps
.FDA Dawn of War Audio File Free FDA Apps
.FDP FMOD Project File Free FDP Apps
.FEV FMOD Audio Events File Free FEV Apps
.FFF Gravis UltraSound Sound Bank Free FFF Apps
.FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec File Free FLAC Apps
.FLM FL Studio Mobile Song File Free FLM Apps
.FLP FL Studio Project Free FLP Apps
.FLS Flash Lite Sound Bundle Free FLS Apps
.FPA Finale Performance Assessment File Free FPA Apps
.FPR Humanize Preset File Free FPR Apps
.FRG Sound Forge Pro Project File Free FRG Apps
.FSB FMOD Sample Bank File Free FSB Apps
.FSC FL Studio Score File Free FSC Apps
.FSM Farandole Composer WaveSample File Free FSM Apps
.FTI FamiTracker Instrument File Free FTI Apps
.FTM Finale Template File Free FTM Apps
.FTM FamiTracker Module Free FTM Apps
.FTMX Finale Template File Free FTMX Apps
.FUZ Bethesda Softworks Voice File Free FUZ Apps
.FZB Casio FZ-1 Bank Dump Free FZB Apps
.FZF Casio FZ-1 Full Dump Free FZF Apps
.FZV Casio FZ-1 Voice Dump Free FZV Apps
.G721 G.721 Audio File Free G721 Apps
.G723 G.723 Audio File Free G723 Apps
.G726 G.726 Audio File Free G726 Apps
.GBPROJ GarageBand Project Free GBPROJ Apps
.GBS GameBoy Sound File Free GBS Apps
.GIG Tascam GigaSampler File Free GIG Apps
.GIO Nyquist MIDI File Free GIO Apps
.GIO Adagio Score Free GIO Apps
.GM Transport Tycoon Music File Free GM Apps
.GMC Game Music Creator Sound File Free GMC Apps
.GP5 Guitar Pro 5 Tablature File Free GP5 Apps
.GPBANK Guitar Pro Sound Bank File Free GPBANK Apps
.GPK WaveLab Audio Peak File Free GPK Apps
.GPX Guitar Pro 6 Document Free GPX Apps
.GRO Allegro MIDI File Free GRO Apps
.GROOVE ACID Groove File Free GROOVE Apps
.GSF Game Boy Advance Sound File Free GSF Apps
.GSFLIB Game Boy Advance Song Library Free GSFLIB Apps
.GSM Global System for Mobile Audio File Free GSM Apps
.GSM US Robotics GSM Audio File Free GSM Apps
.GUIT Rust Guitar Song file Free GUIT Apps
.GYM Sega Genesis Sound File Free GYM Apps
.H0 Movie Edit Pro Waveform Information File Free H0 Apps
.H3B Line 6 POD HD300 Edit Bundle Free H3B Apps
.H3E Line 6 POD HD300 Edit Preset File Free H3E Apps
.H4B Line 6 POD HD400 Edit Bundle Free H4B Apps
.H4E Line 6 POD HD400 Edit Preset File Free H4E Apps
.H5B Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Bundle Free H5B Apps
.H5E Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Preset File Free H5E Apps
.H5S Line 6 POD HD500 Edit Setlist File Free H5S Apps
.HBB Line 6 POD HD Edit Bundle Free HBB Apps
.HBE Line 6 POD HD Edit Preset File Free HBE Apps
.HCA High Compression Audio File Free HCA Apps
.HDP MAGIX Hard Disk Project Audio File Free HDP Apps
.HES Hudson Entertainment Sound Format Free HES Apps
.HMA Sony HI-MD Audio File Free HMA Apps
.HMI HMI Audio File Free HMI Apps
.HPS GameCube Audio File Free HPS Apps
.HSB HALion Sound Bank File Free HSB Apps
.IAA INTUS Audio Archive Free IAA Apps
.ICS IC Recorder Sound File Free ICS Apps
.IFF Interchange File Format Free IFF Apps
.IGP Igor Published Music Notation File Free IGP Apps
.IGR Igor Engraver File Free IGR Apps
.IMF Id Music File Free IMF Apps
.IMP Audition Impulse File Free IMP Apps
.INS Ensoniq Instrument Free INS Apps
.INS Sample Cell II Instrument Definition File Free INS Apps
.INS Adlib Tracker Instrument File Free INS Apps
.ISMA IIS Smooth Streaming Audio File Free ISMA Apps
.IT Impulse Tracker Module Free IT Apps
.ITI Impulse Tracker Instrument Free ITI Apps
.ITLS iTunes Live Stream URL Free ITLS Apps
.ITS Impulse Tracker Sample Free ITS Apps
.JAM Line 6 Device Recording Free JAM Apps
.JAM JAM Musical Score Free JAM Apps
.JO jo Audio File Free JO Apps
.JO-7Z jo Audio File Free JO-7Z Apps
.JSPF JSON Playlist File Free JSPF Apps
.K25 Kurzweil K2500 File Free K25 Apps
.K26 Kurzweil K2600 File Free K26 Apps
.KAR Karaoke MIDI File Free KAR Apps
.KFN KaraFun Karaoke File Free KFN Apps
.KIN Kinetic Music Project Free KIN Apps
.KIT Battery Drum Kit File Free KIT Apps
.KMP Korg Trinity/Triton Keymap File Free KMP Apps
.KOZ Bell Music File Free KOZ Apps
.KOZ Audiokoz Music File Free KOZ Apps
.KPL Kazaa Playlist File Free KPL Apps
.KRZ Kurzweil K2000 File Free KRZ Apps
.KSC Korg Trinity/Triton Script File Free KSC Apps
.KSD Native Instruments Massive Sound File Free KSD Apps
.KSF Korg Trinity/Triton Sample File Free KSF Apps
.KSM Ken Silverman Music File Free KSM Apps
.KT2 Battery 2 Drum Kit File Free KT2 Apps
.KT3 Battery 3 Drum Kit File Free KT3 Apps
.KTP Kinetic Project Template Free KTP Apps
.L Left Audio Channel File Free L Apps
.LA Lossless Audio File Free LA Apps
.LOF Audacity File List Free LOF Apps
.LOGIC Logic Pro Project File Free LOGIC Apps
.LOGICX Logic Pro Project Free LOGICX Apps
.LQT Liquid Audio File Free LQT Apps
.LSO Logic Audio Project Free LSO Apps
.LVP Avaya Voice Player Audio File Free LVP Apps
.LWV Linguistically Enhanced Sound File Free LWV Apps
.M PC-98 Game Music File Free M Apps
.M1A MPEG-1 Audio File Free M1A Apps
.M2 PC-98 Game Music File Free M2 Apps
.M3U Media Playlist File Free M3U Apps
.M3U8 UTF-8 M3U Playlist File Free M3U8 Apps
.M4A MPEG-4 Audio File Free M4A Apps
.M4B MPEG-4 Audiobook File Free M4B Apps
.M4P iTunes Music Store Audio File Free M4P Apps
.M4R iPhone Ringtone File Free M4R Apps
.M5P MachFive Preset File Free M5P Apps
.MA1 Monarch Audio File Free MA1 Apps
.MBR Zune Smooth Streaming File Free MBR Apps
.MDC MidiCo Karaoke Audio File Free MDC Apps
.MDL DigiTrakker Module Free MDL Apps
.MDR ModPlug Compressed Module Free MDR Apps
.MED Amiga MED Sound File Free MED Apps
.MGV Yamaha MegaVoice File Free MGV Apps
.MIDI MIDI File Free MIDI Apps
.MINI2SF Nintendo DS Sound Information File Free MINI2SF Apps
.MINIGSF Game Boy Advance Song File Free MINIGSF Apps
.MININCSF NCSF Nintendo DS Audio File Free MININCSF Apps
.MINIPSF Miniature PlayStation Sound Format File Free MINIPSF Apps
.MINIPSF2 Miniature PlayStation Sound Format File Free MINIPSF2 Apps
.MINIUSF Nintendo 64 Song File Free MINIUSF Apps
.MKA Matroska Audio File Free MKA Apps
.MLP Meridian Lossless Packing Audio File Free MLP Apps
.MMF Synthetic Music Mobile Application File Free MMF Apps
.MMJPROJECT Music Maker JAM Project Free MMJPROJECT Apps
.MMLP Music Macro Language Project Free MMLP Apps
.MMM Music Maker Arrangement File Free MMM Apps
.MMP MixMeister Playlist Free MMP Apps
.MMP LMMS Project File Free MMP Apps
.MMPZ LMMS Project File Free MMPZ Apps
.MO3 MO3 Audio File Free MO3 Apps
.MOD Amiga Music Module File Free MOD Apps
.MOGG Multitrack Ogg File Free MOGG Apps
.MP_ Mobile Phone Sound File Free MP_ Apps
.MP1 MPEG-1 Layer 1 Audio File Free MP1 Apps
.MP2 MPEG Layer II Compressed Audio File Free MP2 Apps
.MP3 MP3 Audio File Free MP3 Apps
.MPA MPEG-2 Audio File Free MPA Apps
.MPC Musepack Compressed Audio File Free MPC Apps
.MPDP MixPad Project File Free MPDP Apps
.MPGA MPEG-1 Layer 3 Audio File Free MPGA Apps
.MPU MPEG Layer 3 Audio File Free MPU Apps
.MRP Morphine Preset File Free MRP Apps
.MSCX MuseScore Music Score File Free MSCX Apps
.MSCZ MuseScore Compressed Score File Free MSCZ Apps
.MSMPL_ALL Korg microSAMPLER Backup File Free MSMPL_ALL Apps
.MSMPL_BANK Korg microSAMPLER Bank Data File Free MSMPL_BANK Apps
.MSV Memory Stick Voice File Free MSV Apps
.MT2 MadTracker 2 Module Free MT2 Apps
.MT9 MT9 Audio File Free MT9 Apps
.MTE MadTracker 2 Envelope Free MTE Apps
.MTF Multi Tracker File Free MTF Apps
.MTI MadTracker Instrument Free MTI Apps
.MTM MultiTracker Module Free MTM Apps
.MTP MadTracker 2 Pattern Free MTP Apps
.MTS MadTracker 2 Sample File Free MTS Apps
.MU3 Myriad Packed Musical Score Free MU3 Apps
.MUI Myriad User Instrument File Free MUI Apps
.MUS Finale Notation File Free MUS Apps
.MUS Minecraft Music File Free MUS Apps
.MUS Doom Music File Free MUS Apps
.MUSA Aleph One Music File Free MUSA Apps
.MUSX Finale Notation File Free MUSX Apps
.MUX Myriad Stand-Alone Music Score Free MUX Apps
.MUX Trackmania Music File Free MUX Apps
.MUZ MUZ Audio File Free MUZ Apps
.MWAND GarageBand MagicMentor Template Free MWAND Apps
.MWS MWave DSP Synth Instrument Extract Free MWS Apps
.MX3 Mixcraft 3 Audio Project Free MX3 Apps
.MX4 Mixcraft 4 Audio Project Free MX4 Apps
.MX5 Mixcraft 5 Audio Project Free MX5 Apps
.MX5TEMPLATE Mixcraft 5 Audio Project Template Free MX5TEMPLATE Apps
.MXL Compressed MusicXML File Free MXL Apps
.MXMF Mobile XMF Ringtone File Free MXMF Apps
.MYR Myriad Music File Free MYR Apps
.MZP Mozart Percussion File Free MZP Apps
.NAAC Namco AAC File Free NAAC Apps
.NAP Napster Secured Music File Free NAP Apps
.NARRATIVE Narrator Document Free NARRATIVE Apps
.NBS Minecraft Note Block Studio File Free NBS Apps
.NCW Native Compressed Wave File Free NCW Apps
.NFA Netflix Audio File Free NFA Apps
.NKB Kontakt Audio Bank Free NKB Apps
.NKC Kontakt Library Data File Free NKC Apps
.NKI KONTAKT Instrument File Free NKI Apps
.NKM Kontakt Multi Instrument File Free NKM Apps
.NKS Kontakt Monolith Container Free NKS Apps
.NKX Kontakt Monolith Container File Free NKX Apps
.NML Traktor Collection File Free NML Apps
.NMSV Native Instruments Massive Sound File Free NMSV Apps
.NOTE Notessimo Composition Free NOTE Apps
.NPL Cubase Library File Free NPL Apps
.NRA Nero Audio Compilation Free NRA Apps
.NRT Nokia Ringtone Free NRT Apps
.NSA Nullsoft Streaming Audio File Free NSA Apps
.NSF NES Sound Format File Free NSF Apps
.NSFE Extended NES Sound Format File Free NSFE Apps
.NST NoiseTracker Module Free NST Apps
.NTN NOTION Song File Free NTN Apps
.NUS3BANK Super Smash Bros. Audio Bank File Free NUS3BANK Apps
.NVF Creative Labs NVF Audio File Free NVF Apps
.NWC NoteWorthy Composer File Free NWC Apps
.OBW Superior Drummer Sounds File Free OBW Apps
.ODM OverDrive Media File Free ODM Apps
.OFR OptimFROG Audio File Free OFR Apps
.OGA Ogg Vorbis Audio File Free OGA Apps
.OGG Ogg Vorbis Audio File Free OGG Apps
.OGGSTR Godot Engine Ogg Audio File Free OGGSTR Apps
.OKT Oktalyzer Module Free OKT Apps
.OMA Sony OpenMG Music File Free OMA Apps
.OMF Open Media Framework File Free OMF Apps
.OMG OpenMG Audio File Free OMG Apps
.OMX OtsAV Media Library Information File Free OMX Apps
.OPUS Opus Audio File Free OPUS Apps
.ORC Voyetra Digital Orchestrator File Free ORC Apps
.OTA OTA Ringtone File Free OTA Apps
.OTS OtsAV Album File Free OTS Apps
.OVE Overture Musical Score Free OVE Apps
.OVW Cubase WAVE Overview File Free OVW Apps
.OVW Logic Pro Overview File Free OVW Apps
.PAC SBStudio II Song File Free PAC Apps
.PAF PARIS Audio File Free PAF Apps
.PANDORA Pandora Android App Executable Free PANDORA Apps
.PAT Gravis UltraSound GF1 Patch File Free PAT Apps
.PBF Pinnacle Sample Bank Free PBF Apps
.PCA Perfect Clarity Audio File Free PCA Apps
.PCAST iTunes Podcast File Free PCAST Apps
.PCG Korg Instrument Bank File Free PCG Apps
.PCM Pulse Code Modulation Free PCM Apps
.PD Spore Audio Playback File Free PD Apps
.PEAK Steinberg Peak File Free PEAK Apps
.PEK Adobe Peak Waveform File Free PEK Apps
.PHO MBROLA Phonetic Data File Free PHO Apps
.PHY PhyMod Physical Modeling Data Free PHY Apps
.PJUNOXL Preset File Free PJUNOXL Apps
.PK Audition Peak File Free PK Apps
.PKF Audition Peak File Free PKF Apps
.PLA Sansa Playlist File Free PLA Apps
.PLST SmartMusic Playlist Free PLST Apps
.PLY Finale Playback File Free PLY Apps
.PMPL PSBMusic Playlist File Free PMPL Apps
.PNA PhatNoise Audio File Free PNA Apps
.PNO Windows 8 Piano Song Free PNO Apps
.PPC Adobe Presenter Audio File Free PPC Apps
.PPCX Adobe Presenter Presentation Audio File Free PPCX Apps
.PRG Akai MPC2000 Program File Free PRG Apps
.PRG WAVmaker Patch File Free PRG Apps
.PSF Portable Sound File Free PSF Apps
.PSF1 PlayStation Sound Format File Free PSF1 Apps
.PSF2 PlayStation Sound Format File Free PSF2 Apps
.PSM Protracker Studio Module Free PSM Apps
.PSY Psycle Song File Free PSY Apps
.PTCOP PxTone Audio File Free PTCOP Apps
.PTF Pro Tools 7 Session File Free PTF Apps
.PTM PolyTracker Module Free PTM Apps
.PTS Pro Tools Session Free PTS Apps
.PTT Pro Tools Session Template Free PTT Apps
.PTX Pro Tools Session File Free PTX Apps
.PTXT Pro Tools Session Template Free PTXT Apps
.PVC Panasonic VM1 Voice File Free PVC Apps
.PVF Portable Voice Format Free PVF Apps
.Q2 Winamp Equalizer Auto-Load Presets File Free Q2 Apps
.QCP PureVoice Audio File Free QCP Apps
.R Right Audio Channel File Free R Apps
.R1M RealOne Streaming Media File Free R1M Apps
.RA RealAudio File Free RA Apps
.RAD Reality Adlib Tracker Module Free RAD Apps
.RAM Real Audio Metadata File Free RAM Apps
.RAW Raw Audio Data Free RAW Apps
.RAX Real Music Store Audio File Free RAX Apps
.RBS Rebirth Song File Free RBS Apps
.RBS MP3 Ringtone File Free RBS Apps
.RCY ReCycle 1.x Document Free RCY Apps
.RECORD GarageBand Records Audio File Free RECORD Apps
.REX ReCycle Loop File Free REX Apps
.RFL Reason ReFill Sound Bank Free RFL Apps
.RGRP Pro Tools Region Group File Free RGRP Apps
.RIP Hit'n'Mix Audio Mashup File Free RIP Apps
.RMF Rich Music Format Audio File Free RMF Apps
.RMJ Real Media Jukebox Audio File Free RMJ Apps
.RMM RAM Meta File Free RMM Apps
.RMT Raster Music Tracker Song File Free RMT Apps
.RMX RealJukebox Format Free RMX Apps
.RNG Nokia Composer Ringtone Free RNG Apps
.RNS Reason Song File Free RNS Apps
.ROL Ad Lib Synthesized Instrument Free ROL Apps
.RSF LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Robot Sound File Free RSF Apps
.RSN Reason Project File Free RSN Apps
.RSO NXT Brick Audio File Free RSO Apps
.RTA TrueRTA Project File Free RTA Apps
.RTI Real Tracker Instrument Free RTI Apps
.RTM Real Tracker Module Free RTM Apps
.RTS Real Tracker Sample Free RTS Apps
.RVX Real Protected Video File Free RVX Apps
.RX2 REX2 Audio File Free RX2 Apps
.S16 Digital Voice Recorder Audio File Free S16 Apps
.S3I Scream Tracker 3 Instrument Free S3I Apps
.S3M ScreamTracker 3 Module Free S3M Apps
.S3Z Compressed Scream Tracker 3 Module Free S3Z Apps
.SABL Call of Duty: Black Ops II Sound Archive Free SABL Apps
.SAF Secure Audio File Free SAF Apps
.SAM MOD Edit Sample File Free SAM Apps
.SAMPLE Godot Engine Wav Audio File Free SAMPLE Apps
.SAP Atari SAP Music File Free SAP Apps
.SB Signed Byte Audio File Free SB Apps
.SBG SBaGen Binaural Beat File Free SBG Apps
.SBI Sound Blaster Instrument Free SBI Apps
.SBK E-MU SoundFont Sound Bank Free SBK Apps
.SC2 Sample Cell II Instrument Definition Free SC2 Apps
.SCS11 Show Cue System Cue File Free SCS11 Apps
.SD Sound Designer Audio File Free SD Apps
.SD ESPS Sampled Data File Free SD Apps
.SD2 Sound Designer II File Free SD2 Apps
.SD2F Sound Designer 2 File Free SD2F Apps
.SDAT Nintendo DS Sound Data File Free SDAT Apps
.SDII Sound Designer 2 Audio File Free SDII Apps
.SDS MIDI Sample Dump Standard File Free SDS Apps
.SDT Electronic Arts Sound Data File Free SDT Apps
.SDX Sample MIDI Dump Exchange Free SDX Apps
.SEG Eragon Audio File Free SEG Apps
.SEQ PowerTracks Pro Audio Project File Free SEQ Apps
.SES Audition Session File Free SES Apps
.SESX Adobe Audition Session File Free SESX Apps
.SF IRCAM Sound File Free SF Apps
.SF2 SoundFont 2 Sound Bank Free SF2 Apps
.SFAP0 Sound Forge Pro Audio Proxy File Free SFAP0 Apps
.SFK Sound Forge Pro Audio Peak File Free SFK Apps
.SFL Sound Forge Pro Sound Data File Free SFL Apps
.SFPACK Packed SoundFont File Free SFPACK Apps
.SFS SFX Sample File Free SFS Apps
.SFX SoundFX Audio File Free SFX Apps
.SFZ SFZ Sample Definition File Free SFZ Apps
.SGP MP3 Audio Mixer Sound Group Project Free SGP Apps
.SHN Shorten Compressed Audio File Free SHN Apps
.SIB Sibelius Score Free SIB Apps
.SID SID Audio File Free SID Apps
.SLP SpectraLayers Pro Project Free SLP Apps
.SLX SpectraLayers Pro Project Free SLX Apps
.SMA SmartMusic Accompaniment File Free SMA Apps
.SMF Standard MIDI File Free SMF Apps
.SMP SampleVision Audio Sample Format Free SMP Apps
.SMP SmartMusic Performance File Free SMP Apps
.SMPX SmartMusic Accompaniment File Free SMPX Apps
.SND Sound File Free SND Apps
.SND Macintosh Sound Resource Free SND Apps
.SND Akai MPC Sample Free SND Apps
.SNG Korg Trinity Song File Free SNG Apps
.SNG MIDI Song File Free SNG Apps
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