List of Web file extensions

There are many different web file extensions and web file types used with computers, and you'll find an entire list of web file extensions and types on our computer files and file extensions page. It is impossible to remember all file extensions and their associated software programs.

Below is the list of web file extensions, broken into categories by sort of files along with the developer and available 100% free online web file tools and apps.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.A4P A4Desk Pro Project File Free A4P Apps
.A5W Alpha Five Webpage File Free A5W Apps
.ADR Opera Bookmarks File Free ADR Apps
.AEX Alpha Five Compiled Global Functions File Free AEX Apps
.ALX ActiveX Layout Control File Free ALX Apps
.AN Adobe Edge Animate Project File Free AN Apps
.AP Active Page Free AP Apps
.APPCACHE HTML5 Cache Manifest File Free APPCACHE Apps
.ARO SteelArrow Web Application File Free ARO Apps
.ASA ASP Configuration File Free ASA Apps
.ASAX ASP.NET Server Application File Free ASAX Apps
.ASCX ASP.NET User Control File Free ASCX Apps
.ASHX ASP.NET Web Handler File Free ASHX Apps
.ASMX ASP.NET Web Service File Free ASMX Apps
.ASR ActionScript Remote Document Free ASR Apps
.ATOM Atom Syndication Format Free ATOM Apps
.ATT Web Form Post Data File Free ATT Apps
.AWM AllWebMenus Project File Free AWM Apps
.AXD ASP.NET Web Handler File Free AXD Apps
.BML Bean Markup Language File Free BML Apps
.BOK ProStores Dynamic Web Page Free BOK Apps
.BR Brotli Compressed File Free BR Apps
.BROWSER ASP.NET Browser Definition File Free BROWSER Apps
.BTAPP uTorrent App Free BTAPP Apps
.BWP BuRg3r Web Page Free BWP Apps
.CCBJS CopperCube JavaScript File Free CCBJS Apps
.CDF Channel Definition Format Free CDF Apps
.CFML ColdFusion Markup Language File Free CFML Apps
.CHA IRC Chat Configuration File Free CHA Apps
.CHAT IRC Chat Configuration File Free CHAT Apps
.CHM Compiled HTML Help File Free CHM Apps
.CMS Content Management System Free CMS Apps
.CODASITE Coda Site File Free CODASITE Apps
.COMPRESSED WordCompress Compacted Web File Free COMPRESSED Apps
.CON Concept Application Source File Free CON Apps
.CPG Cool Page Project File Free CPG Apps
.CPHD CloudChan Pre-processed Hypertext Document Free CPHD Apps
.CRL Certificate Revocation List File Free CRL Apps
.CRT Security Certificate Free CRT Apps
.CSHTML ASP.NET Razor Web Page Free CSHTML Apps
.CSP Concept Server Page Free CSP Apps
.DAP Access Data Access Page Free DAP Apps
.DBM ColdFusion Server File Free DBM Apps
.DER DER Certificate File Free DER Apps
.DHTML Dynamic HTML file Free DHTML Apps
.DISCO DISCO Discovery Document Free DISCO Apps
.DISCOMAP DISCO Discovery Output File Free DISCOMAP Apps
.DLL DLL Dynamic Web Page Free DLL Apps
.DML DynaScript File Free DML Apps
.DO Java Servlet Free DO Apps
.DOCHTML Microsoft Word HTML Document Free DOCHTML Apps
.DOCMHTML Microsoft Word MIME HTML Document Free DOCMHTML Apps
.DOTHTML Microsoft Word HTML Document Template Free DOTHTML Apps
.DOWNLOAD Partially Downloaded File Free DOWNLOAD Apps
.DWT Dreamweaver Webpage Template Free DWT Apps
.ECE Escenic Dynamic Web Page Free ECE Apps
.EDGE Adobe Edge Project File Free EDGE Apps
.EPIBRW Web File Location Free EPIBRW Apps
.ESPROJ Espresso Project File Free ESPROJ Apps
.EWP Ewisoft Website Project File Free EWP Apps
.FCGI FastCGI File Free FCGI Apps
.FMP 123 Flash Menu Project Free FMP Apps
.FREEWAY Freeway Document Free FREEWAY Apps
.FWP Microsoft Expression Web Package Free FWP Apps
.FWTB Freeway Template Bundle Free FWTB Apps
.FWTEMPLATE Freeway Template Free FWTEMPLATE Apps
.FWTEMPLATEB Freeway Template Bundle Free FWTEMPLATEB Apps
.GNE Flickr Web Page Free GNE Apps
.GSP IMail Error Message File Free GSP Apps
.GSP Groovy Server Page Free GSP Apps
.HAR HTTP Archive FIle Free HAR Apps
.HDM HDML File Free HDM Apps
.HDML Handheld Device Markup Language File Free HDML Apps
.HTC HTML Component File Free HTC Apps
.HTX HTML Extension File Free HTX Apps
.HXS Help 2 Compiled Help File Free HXS Apps
.HYPE Hype Document Free HYPE Apps
.HYPETEMPLATE Hype Document Template Free HYPETEMPLATE Apps
.IDC Internet Database Connector File Free IDC Apps
.IQY Internet Query Free IQY Apps
.ITMS iTunes Music Store Link File Free ITMS Apps
.ITPC iTunes Podcast Link File Free ITPC Apps
.IWDGT iWeb Widget File Free IWDGT Apps
.JCZ Liquid Motion Animation Free JCZ Apps
.JHTML Java HTML Web Page Free JHTML Apps
.JNLP Java Web Start File Free JNLP Apps
.JSON JavaScript Object Notation File Free JSON Apps
.JSPA Java Servlet Alias Free JSPA Apps
.JSPX XML Java Server Page Free JSPX Apps
.JSS JavaScript Style Sheet File Free JSS Apps
.JST JavaServer Page Document Free JST Apps
.JVS JavaScript Proxy Autoconfig File Free JVS Apps
.JWS Java Web Services File Free JWS Apps
.KIT CodeKit File Free KIT Apps
.LASSO Lasso Database-Driven Web Page Free LASSO Apps
.LBC Cloaked Affiliate Link Builder Saved Link Free LBC Apps
.LESS LESS Style Sheet Free LESS Apps
.MAFF Mozilla Archive Format File Free MAFF Apps
.MAP Image Map Free MAP Apps
.MAPX Mapjects Client Webparts File Free MAPX Apps
.MASTER ASP.NET Master Page Free MASTER Apps
.MHT MHTML Web Archive Free MHT Apps
.MJS Node.js ES Module File Free MJS Apps
.MOZ Mozilla Cache File Free MOZ Apps
.MSPX Microsoft ASP.NET Web Page Free MSPX Apps
.MUSE Adobe Muse Website Project Free MUSE Apps
.MVC MivaScript Compiled File Free MVC Apps
.MVR IBM HotMedia Multimedia File Free MVR Apps
.NOD NetObjects Fusion File Free NOD Apps
.NODE Node.js Binary Addon File Free NODE Apps
.NXG eSite Builder NXG Web Page Free NXG Apps
.NZB NewzBin Usenet Index File Free NZB Apps
.OAM Adobe Edge Animate Widget File Free OAM Apps
.OBML Opera Mini Saved Web Page Free OBML Apps
.OBML15 Opera Mini Saved Web Page Free OBML15 Apps
.OBML16 Opera Mini Saved Web Page Free OBML16 Apps
.OGNC Dynamic Web Page Free OGNC Apps
.OLP Office Live Package Free OLP Apps
.OPML Outline Processor Markup Language File Free OPML Apps
.OTH OpenDocument HTML Template Free OTH Apps
.P12 Personal Information Exchange File Free P12 Apps
.P7 PKCS #7 Digital Certificate File Free P7 Apps
.P7B PKCS #7 Certificate File Free P7B Apps
.P7C PKCS #7 Certificate File Free P7C Apps
.PAC Proxy Auto-Config File Free PAC Apps
.PAGE HybridJava Web Page Free PAGE Apps
.PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail Certificate Free PEM Apps
.PHP2 PHP 2 Web Page Free PHP2 Apps
.PHP3 PHP 3 Web Page Free PHP3 Apps
.PHP4 PHP 4 Web Page Free PHP4 Apps
.PHP5 PHP 5 Web Page Free PHP5 Apps
.PHTM PHP-Based Web Page Free PHTM Apps
.PHTML PHP Web Page Free PHTML Apps
.PPTHTML PowerPoint HTML Presentation Free PPTHTML Apps
.PPTMHTML Microsoft PowerPoint MIME HTML Presentation Free PPTMHTML Apps
.PRF PICS Rules File Free PRF Apps
.PRO Adobe Proto Design File Free PRO Apps
.PSP PL/SQL Server Page Free PSP Apps
.PTW AutoCAD Publish To Web File Free PTW Apps
.PUB Public Key File Free PUB Apps
.QBO QuickBooks Online Bank Statement File Free QBO Apps
.QBX Blocks Landing Page File Free QBX Apps
.QF Qompose Web Page Template Free QF Apps
.QRM Qworum Message File Free QRM Apps
.RFLW Edge Reflow Data File Free RFLW Apps
.RHTML Ruby HTML Web Page Free RHTML Apps
.RJS Ruby Javascript File Free RJS Apps
.RT RealText Streaming Text File Free RT Apps
.RW3 RapidWeaver 3 Site File Free RW3 Apps
.RWP RapidWeaver Package Free RWP Apps
.RWSW RapidWeaver Site File Free RWSW Apps
.RWTHEME RapidWeaver Theme Free RWTHEME Apps
.SASS Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets File Free SASS Apps
.SAVEDDECK Nokia Saved Web Page Free SAVEDDECK Apps
.SCSS Sass Cascading Style Sheet Free SCSS Apps
.SDB SocialDecks Blog File Free SDB Apps
.SEAM Seam Framework Java Servlet File Free SEAM Apps
.SHT HTML File with Server Side Includes Free SHT Apps
.SHTM HTML Server Side Include File Free SHTM Apps
.SHTML Server Side Include HTML File Free SHTML Apps
.SITE GoLive Website Project File Free SITE Apps
.SITES iWeb Site Design Project Free SITES Apps
.SITES2 iWeb Site Design Project Free SITES2 Apps
.SPARKLE Sparkle Website Project Free SPARKLE Apps
.SPC Software Publisher Certificate File Free SPC Apps
.SRF Server Response File Free SRF Apps
.SSP Scala Server Page Free SSP Apps
.STC Contribute Connection Key File Free STC Apps
.STL Certificate Trust List Free STL Apps
.STM SSI Web Page Free STM Apps
.STP SharePoint Template Free STP Apps
.STRM Stream Location File Free STRM Apps
.SUCK SiteSucker Website File Free SUCK Apps
.SVC WCF Web Service File Free SVC Apps
.SVR Compressed Virtual World Free SVR Apps
.SWZ Adobe Flash Player Cache File Free SWZ Apps
.TVPI TitanTV Television Listing File Free TVPI Apps
.TVVI TitanTV Television Listing File Free TVVI Apps
.UCF WebEx Media File Free UCF Apps
.UHTML UC Browser Saved Webpage Free UHTML Apps
.URL Internet Shortcut Free URL Apps
.VBD Visual Basic ActiveX Document Free VBD Apps
.VBHTML ASP.NET Razor Web Page Free VBHTML Apps
.VDW Visio Web Drawing Free VDW Apps
.VLP LiveSite Project Free VLP Apps
.VRML VRML File Free VRML Apps
.VRT Virtual World Free VRT Apps
.VSDISCO DISCO Dynamic Discovery Document Free VSDISCO Apps
.WBS WebBlender Project File Free WBS Apps
.WBXML WAP Binary XML File Free WBXML Apps
.WDGT Opera Widget Free WDGT Apps
.WEB Xara Web Document Free WEB Apps
.WEBARCHIVE Safari Web Archive Free WEBARCHIVE Apps
.WEBARCHIVEXML Android Web Browser Archive Free WEBARCHIVEXML Apps
.WEBBOOKMARK Safari Web Bookmark File Free WEBBOOKMARK Apps
.WEBHISTORY Safari Web History File Free WEBHISTORY Apps
.WEBLOC macOS Website Location Free WEBLOC Apps
.WEBSITE Internet Explorer Pinned Site Shortcut Free WEBSITE Apps
.WGP Web Gallery Project Free WGP Apps
.WGT Opera Widget File Free WGT Apps
.WHTT HTTrack Website Copier File Free WHTT Apps
.WIDGET HybridJava Widget Free WIDGET Apps
.WML Wireless Markup Language File Free WML Apps
.WN WN Web File Free WN Apps
.WOA WebObjects Application Free WOA Apps
.WPP WebPlus Project File Free WPP Apps
.WPX WebPlus Project Template Free WPX Apps
.WRF WebEx Recording Free WRF Apps
.WSDL Web Services Description Language File Free WSDL Apps
.XBEL XBEL Bookmarks File Free XBEL Apps
.XBL Extensible Binding Language File Free XBL Apps
.XFDL XFDL File Free XFDL Apps
.XHT XHTML File Free XHT Apps
.XHTM Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document Free XHTM Apps
.XPD XML Pipeline Document Free XPD Apps
.XSS XML Style Sheet Free XSS Apps
.XUL XML User Interface Language File Free XUL Apps
.XWS Xara Web Designer Graphic Free XWS Apps
.ZFO XSL-FO Online Form Free ZFO Apps
.ZHTML Secure IE Zipped HTML File Free ZHTML Apps
.ZHTML RabbitWeb Webpage Free ZHTML Apps
.ZUL ZK User Interface File Free ZUL Apps
.ZVZ Possible Virus File Free ZVZ Apps
Extension File Type Free Apps