List of 3D Image file extensions

There are many different 3d image file extensions and 3d image file types used with computers, and you'll find an entire list of 3d image file extensions and types on our computer files and file extensions page. It is impossible to remember all file extensions and their associated software programs.

Below is the list of 3d image file extensions, broken into categories by sort of files along with the developer and available 100% free online 3d image file tools and apps.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.3D Stereo CAD-3D Image File Free 3D Apps
.3D2 Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File Free 3D2 Apps
.3D4 Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 Image File Free 3D4 Apps
.3DA 3D Assembly File Free 3DA Apps
.3DC 3DCrafter Scene File Free 3DC Apps
.3DC 3DCT 3D Image Free 3DC Apps
.3DF 3D Format Free 3DF Apps
.3DL LightConverse 3D Model File Free 3DL Apps
.3DMF QuickDraw 3D Metafile Free 3DMF Apps
.3DMK 123D Make Project File Free 3DMK Apps
.3DON Scrutinize 3D Mesh File Free 3DON Apps
.3DP 123D Catch Photo Scene Data File Free 3DP Apps
.3DV 3D VRML World Free 3DV Apps
.3DW 3D World Studio File Free 3DW Apps
.3DX Rhino 3D Model File Free 3DX Apps
.3DXML Dassault Systemes 3D XML File Free 3DXML Apps
.3MF 3D Manufacturing File Free 3MF Apps
.A2C Alice Object File Free A2C Apps
.A3D Alternativa Player 3D Export File Free A3D Apps
.A8S Anim8or Script Free A8S Apps
.ACT Genesis3D Actor File Free ACT Apps
.ALBUM GLC_Player Album File Free ALBUM Apps
.AMF Additive Manufacturing File Free AMF Apps
.AN8 Anim8or File Free AN8 Apps
.ANIM Maya Animation File Free ANIM Apps
.ANIM Unity Animation File Free ANIM Apps
.ANIM Antibody Animation File Free ANIM Apps
.ANIMSET FaceFX Animation Set File Free ANIMSET Apps
.ANIMSET_INGAME FaceFX In-Game Animation Set File Free ANIMSET_INGAME Apps
.ANM 3D Animation File Free ANM Apps
.AOF Artlantis Object File Free AOF Apps
.AOI Art of Illusion 3D Scene Free AOI Apps
.ASAT Assemble SAT 3D Model File Free ASAT Apps
.ATF Alternativa Texture File Free ATF Apps
.ATL Artlantis 3D Scene File Free ATL Apps
.ATM Vue Atmospheres File Free ATM Apps
.B3D Blitz3D Entity Model File Free B3D Apps
.BBMODEL Blockbench 3D Model File Free BBMODEL Apps
.BIO Mudbox Bio 3D File Free BIO Apps
.BIP Character Studio Biped File Free BIP Apps
.BLD Skyscraper Simulator Building Script Free BLD Apps
.BLEND Blender 3D Data File Free BLEND Apps
.BLK BLK360 Data File Free BLK Apps
.BR3 Bryce 3 Scene File Free BR3 Apps
.BR4 Bryce 4 Scene File Free BR4 Apps
.BR5 Bryce 5 Scene File Free BR5 Apps
.BR6 Bryce 6 Scene File Free BR6 Apps
.BR7 Bryce 7 Scene File Free BR7 Apps
.BRG Age of Mythology Model File Free BRG Apps
.BRO Broadleaf Tree Model Free BRO Apps
.BSK Bryce Skies File Free BSK Apps
.BTO Bryce Tree File Free BTO Apps
.BVH Biovision Hierarchy Animation File Free BVH Apps
.C3D C3D Model File Free C3D Apps
.C3Z OpenQwaq 3D Model File Free C3Z Apps
.C4D Cinema 4D Model File Free C4D Apps
.CAF Cal3D Binary Animation File Free CAF Apps
.CAL 3ds Max Pose Adjustment File Free CAL Apps
.CAL CryENGINE Character Animation List Free CAL Apps
.CAS Total War Model File Free CAS Apps
.CBDDLP CHITUBOX Sliced 3D Object File Free CBDDLP Apps
.CCB CopperCube 3D Scene Free CCB Apps
.CFG Cal3D Model Configuration File Free CFG Apps
.CG Cg Program Free CG Apps
.CG3 Cabri 3D Document Free CG3 Apps
.CGA Crytek Geometry Animation File Free CGA Apps
.CGFX CgFX Shader File Free CGFX Apps
.CHR CryENGINE Character File Free CHR Apps
.CHR 3ds Max Characters File Free CHR Apps
.CHRPARAMS CryENGINE Character Parameters File Free CHRPARAMS Apps
.CM2 Poser Camera Set File Free CM2 Apps
.CMF Cal3D Binary Mesh File Free CMF Apps
.CMOD Celestia Model Free CMOD Apps
.CMS Car Mechanic Simulator 3D Car Model File Free CMS Apps
.CMZ Compressed Poser Camera Set File Free CMZ Apps
.CPY 3ds Max Copy Track File Free CPY Apps
.CR2 Poser Character Rigging File Free CR2 Apps
.CRF Cal3D Binary Materials File Free CRF Apps
.CRZ Compressed Poser Character Rigging File Free CRZ Apps
.CSD Manga Studio Scene File Free CSD Apps
.CSF Cal3D Binary Skeleton File Free CSF Apps
.CSM Character Studio Marker File Free CSM Apps
.CSO Compiled Shader Object File Free CSO Apps
.D3D Game Maker 3D File Free D3D Apps
.DAE Digital Asset Exchange File Free DAE Apps
.DAZ DAZ Studio 3D Scene Free DAZ Apps
.DBC DAZ Brick Camera File Free DBC Apps
.DBL DAZ Brick Light File Free DBL Apps
.DBM DAZ Brick Material File Free DBM Apps
.DBS GAMBIT Mesh File Free DBS Apps
.DDD GLBasic 3D Data File Free DDD Apps
.DES Corel Designer File Free DES Apps
.DFS BrainSuite Surface File Free DFS Apps
.DIF Torque Game Engine Model File Free DIF Apps
.DMC Mimic Configuration File Free DMC Apps
.DN Adobe Dimension Document Free DN Apps
.DRF VIZ Render File Free DRF Apps
.DS DAZ Studio 1/2 Script Free DS Apps
.DSA DAZ Studio 3+ Script Free DSA Apps
.DSB DAZ Studio Binary Script Free DSB Apps
.DSD DAZ Studio Object Morph File Free DSD Apps
.DSE DAZ Studio Encrypted Script Free DSE Apps
.DSF DAZ Studio Asset File Free DSF Apps
.DSI DAZ Studio Layered Image Set Free DSI Apps
.DSI Double-Precision Spectral Image Free DSI Apps
.DSO DAZ Studio Object File Free DSO Apps
.DSV DAZ Studio UV Mapping File Free DSV Apps
.DUF DAZ User File Free DUF Apps
.DWF Design Web Format File Free DWF Apps
.E57 LIDAR Point Cloud Data File Free E57 Apps
.EGG Panda3D Model File Free EGG Apps
.EXP CATIA 4 Export File Free EXP Apps
.F3D Fusion 3D Design Free F3D Apps
.FACEFX FaceFX Actor File Free FACEFX Apps
.FBM Marine Vessel Model File Free FBM Apps
.FBX Autodesk FBX Interchange File Free FBX Apps
.FC2 Poser Face Pose File Free FC2 Apps
.FCP Phantasy Star Online 2 Female Cast File Free FCP Apps
.FCZ Compressed Poser Face Pose File Free FCZ Apps
.FG FaceGen Project File Free FG Apps
.FIG 3ds Max Figure File Free FIG Apps
.FLT OpenFlight Scene Description File Free FLT Apps
.FNC Vue Functions File Free FNC Apps
.FP Fragment Program File Free FP Apps
.FP3 FloorPlan 3D Design File Free FP3 Apps
.FPE FPS Creator Entity File Free FPE Apps
.FPF IKEA Home Planner File Free FPF Apps
.FPJ CryENGINE Facial Editor Project File Free FPJ Apps
.FRY fryrender Scene File Free FRY Apps
.FSH Fragment Shader File Free FSH Apps
.FSQ CryENGINE Facial Editor Sequence File Free FSQ Apps
.FUN Cubify Invention File Free FUN Apps
.FUSE Adobe Fuse 3D Model Free FUSE Apps
.FX Direct3D Effects File Free FX Apps
.FXA OC3 Entertainment FaceFX Actor File Free FXA Apps
.FXL CryENGINE Facial Expression Library Free FXL Apps
.FXM messiahStudio Motion File Free FXM Apps
.FXS messiahStudio Scene File Free FXS Apps
.FXT FaceFX Actor Template File Free FXT Apps
.GEO VRML Geography File Free GEO Apps
.GLB Binary GL Transmission Format File Free GLB Apps
.GLF Space Engine Shader File Free GLF Apps
.GLM Ghoul 2 Model File Free GLM Apps
.GLTF GL Transmission Format File Free GLTF Apps
.GMF Leadwerks Game Model File Free GMF Apps
.GMMOD Game Maker 3D Model File Free GMMOD Apps
.GMT rFactor Model File Free GMT Apps
.GRN Granny 3D File Free GRN Apps
.HD2 Poser Hand Pose File Free HD2 Apps
.HDZ Compressed Poser Hand Pose File Free HDZ Apps
.HIP Houdini Project File Free HIP Apps
.HIPNC Houdini Apprentice File Free HIPNC Apps
.HLSL High Level Shader Language File Free HLSL Apps
.HR2 Poser Hair File Free HR2 Apps
.HRZ Compressed Poser Hair File Free HRZ Apps
.HXN Hexagon Model File Free HXN Apps
.IFC Industry Foundation Classes File Free IFC Apps
.IGES IGES Drawing File Free IGES Apps
.IGI Indigo Image File Free IGI Apps
.IGM Indigo Renderer Material File Free IGM Apps
.IGS Indigo Renderer Scene File Free IGS Apps
.IK CryENGINE IK Animation File Free IK Apps
.IRR Irrlicht 3D Scene Free IRR Apps
.IRRMESH Irrlicht Static Mesh File Free IRRMESH Apps
.IV Open Inventor Scene Graph File Free IV Apps
.IVE OpenSceneGraph Binary File Free IVE Apps
.J3O jMonkeyEngine 3D Scene Free J3O Apps
.JAS Cheetah3D Model File Free JAS Apps
.KFM Gamebryo 3D Model File Free KFM Apps
.KMC Kinemac Animation File Free KMC Apps
.KMCOBJ Kinemac Sprite Object Free KMCOBJ Apps
.KTZ Kahootz Project File Free KTZ Apps
.LDM VolumeViz Multi-Resolution Volume File Free LDM Apps
.LLM Linden Lab Mesh File Free LLM Apps
.LND 3D Landscape File Free LND Apps
.LP Lightscape Preparation File Free LP Apps
.LPS Bryce Leaf Shape File Free LPS Apps
.LT2 Poser Light Set File Free LT2 Apps
.LTZ Compressed Poser Light Set File Free LTZ Apps
.LWO LightWave 3D Object File Free LWO Apps
.LWS LightWave 3D Scene File Free LWS Apps
.LXF LEGO Digital Designer Model File Free LXF Apps
.LXO Luxology modo 3D Image Free LXO Apps
.M3 Blizzard MDX3 Model File Free M3 Apps
.M3D 3D Model File Free M3D Apps
.M3D DIALux 3D Object File Free M3D Apps
.MA Maya Project File Free MA Apps
.MAKERBOT MakerBot Print File Free MAKERBOT Apps
.MAT 3ds Max Materials File Free MAT Apps
.MAXC 3ds Max Container File Free MAXC Apps
.MB Maya Binary Project File Free MB Apps
.MC5 Poser 5 Material File Free MC5 Apps
.MC6 Poser Material Collection File Free MC6 Apps
.MCZ Compressed Poser Material File Free MCZ Apps
.MD5ANIM id Tech 4 Model Animation File Free MD5ANIM Apps
.MD5CAMERA id Tech 4 Model Camera File Free MD5CAMERA Apps
.MD5MESH id Tech 4 3D Mesh File Free MD5MESH Apps
.MDD Point Oven Deformation Data File Free MDD Apps
.MDL Warcraft 3 3D Model Text File Free MDL Apps
.MDX Warcraft 3 Model File Free MDX Apps
.MEB PRO100 3D Interior Catalog Element Free MEB Apps
.MESH Godot Engine 3D Mesh File Free MESH Apps
.MESH 3D Mesh Model Free MESH Apps
.MESH DirectX Mesh File Free MESH Apps
.MGF Materials and Geometry Format Free MGF Apps
.MIX 3ds Max Motion Mixer File Free MIX Apps
.MNM Character Studio Marker Name File Free MNM Apps
.MOT LightWave Motion File Free MOT Apps
.MP Maya PLE Project File Free MP Apps
.MPJ messiahStudio Project File Free MPJ Apps
.MQO Metasequoia Document Free MQO Apps
.MRML 3D Slicer Scene Description File Free MRML Apps
.MS3D MilkShape 3D Model Free MS3D Apps
.MSH Orbiter 3D Mesh File Free MSH Apps
.MSH Godot Engine 3D Mesh File Free MSH Apps
.MTL OBJ Material Template Library File Free MTL Apps
.MTX MetaStream Scene File Free MTX Apps
.MTZ Compressed MetaStream Scene File Free MTZ Apps
.MU Kerbal Space Program Mesh File Free MU Apps
.MUD Mudbox 3D Scene File Free MUD Apps
.MXM Maxwell Material File Free MXM Apps
.MXS Maxwell Studio Scene File Free MXS Apps
.N2 Nitrous Minecraft GLSL Shader File Free N2 Apps
.N3D Nuclear 3D File Free N3D Apps
.NFF Neutral File Format Free NFF Apps
.NIF Gamebryo Model File Free NIF Apps
.NM Space Engine Nebula Model File Free NM Apps
.NSBTA Nintendo DS Texture Animation File Free NSBTA Apps
.OBP Bryce Object File Free OBP Apps
.OBZ Compressed 3D Object File Free OBZ Apps
.OCT Radiance Octree File Free OCT Apps
.OFF Object File Format Free OFF Apps
.OGF S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Model File Free OGF Apps
.OL Valve Hammer Object Layout File Free OL Apps
.P21 Express STEP Data Model File Free P21 Apps
.P2Z Compressed Poser Pose File Free P2Z Apps
.P3D Peak3D 3D Graphics File Free P3D Apps
.P3L Adobe Photoshop Light Preset File Free P3L Apps
.P3M Adobe Photoshop Material Preset File Free P3M Apps
.P3R Adobe Photoshop Render Settings Preset File Free P3R Apps
.P4D Pix4D Project Free P4D Apps
.P5D Planner 5D Project Free P5D Apps
.PAR Solid Edge Part File Free PAR Apps
.PAT 3D Patch File Free PAT Apps
.PGAL Photo! 3D Album Gallery Free PGAL Apps
.PHY 3ds Max Physique File Free PHY Apps
.PIGM Packaged Indigo Renderer Material File Free PIGM Apps
.PIGS Packaged Indigo Renderer Scene File Free PIGS Apps
.PKG Midtown Madness 2 Model File Free PKG Apps
.PKG CoCreate OneSpace Modeling Package File Free PKG Apps
.PL0 3D Home Architect Foundation Floor Plan Free PL0 Apps
.PL1 3D Home Architect Floor Plan Free PL1 Apps
.PL2 3D Home Architect Second Level Floor Plan Free PL2 Apps
.PLY Polygon Model File Free PLY Apps
.PMD Poser Binary Morph File Free PMD Apps
.PMD MikuMikuDance Model File Free PMD Apps
.PMX MikuMikuDance Model File Free PMX Apps
.PP2 Poser Prop File Free PP2 Apps
.PPZ Compressed Poser Prop File Free PPZ Apps
.PRC Product Representation Compact File Free PRC Apps
.PREFAB Unity Prefab File Free PREFAB Apps
.PRIMITIVES World of Tanks 3D Model File Free PRIMITIVES Apps
.PRM Re-Volt Model File Free PRM Apps
.PRO TurboFloorPlan 3D Design File Free PRO Apps
.PRO Professional Home Design Project Free PRO Apps
.PRV Vue Preview File Free PRV Apps
.PSA Unreal Engine Skeletal Animation File Free PSA Apps
.PSK Unreal Engine Skeletal Mesh File Free PSK Apps
.PZ2 Poser Pose File Free PZ2 Apps
.PZ3 Poser Scene File Free PZ3 Apps
.PZZ Compressed Poser Scene File Free PZZ Apps
.QC Half-Life Model Compiler Script Free QC Apps
.R3D RISA-3D Model File Free R3D Apps
.RAD VRAD Lights File Free RAD Apps
.RAD Radiance Scene File Free RAD Apps
.RAY Rayshade Image Free RAY Apps
.RCS RandomControl Scene File Free RCS Apps
.RDS Ray Dream Studio Scene File Free RDS Apps
.REALITY Reality 3D Scene Format Free REALITY Apps
.RFT Revit Family Template File Free RFT Apps
.RIG Antibody Model Rig File Free RIG Apps
.S Microsoft Train Simulator Shape File Free S Apps
.S3G MakerBot 3D Print File Free S3G Apps
.SBSAR Substance Archive Free SBSAR Apps
.SC4MODEL SimCity 4 Model File Free SC4MODEL Apps
.SDB SAP2000 Model File Free SDB Apps
.SESSION CATIA 4 Session File Free SESSION Apps
.SGN Signet Bureau DRM File Free SGN Apps
.SH3D Sweet Home 3D Design File Free SH3D Apps
.SH3F Sweet Home 3D Model Library Free SH3F Apps
.SHP Shapes File Free SHP Apps
.SI Softimage Image File Free SI Apps
.SIS arivis ImageCore File Free SIS Apps
.SKL Maya Skeleton File Free SKL Apps
.SKP SketchUp Document Free SKP Apps
.SM Space Engine 3D Mesh File Free SM Apps
.SMC Solibri Model Checker File Free SMC Apps
.SMD Valve Studiomdl Data File Free SMD Apps
.SRF LightWave Surface File Free SRF Apps
.STC Shade to Manga Studio File Free STC Apps
.STEP STEP 3D Model Free STEP Apps
.STO PRO100 3D Interior Design Project Free STO Apps
.STP STEP 3D CAD File Free STP Apps
.T3D Swift 3D Document Free T3D Apps
.T3D Unreal Engine 3D Object File Free T3D Apps
.TCN Techne Model File Free TCN Apps
.TDDD 3D Data Description File Free TDDD Apps
.TGO Terragen Object File Free TGO Apps
.THING MakerBot Thing File Free THING Apps
.THL Total 3D Home Design File Free THL Apps
.TMD PlayStation Game Model File Free TMD Apps
.TME Bryce Time File Free TME Apps
.TMO 3DCG Animation and Pose File Free TMO Apps
.TPS Bryce Tree Shape File Free TPS Apps
.TRI FaceGen Polygonal Model File Free TRI Apps
.TRI Triangle Mesh File Free TRI Apps
.TRUCK Rigs of Rods Truck Definition File Free TRUCK Apps
.TS1 VirtualBus Texture Description File Free TS1 Apps
.TVM TV3D Model Free TVM Apps
.U3D Universal 3D File Free U3D Apps
.UMS Rune 3D Mesh File Free UMS Apps
.USD Universal Scene Description Format Free USD Apps
.USDZ Universal Scene Description Zipped Format Free USDZ Apps
.V3D Visual3D.NET Data File Free V3D Apps
.V3O Emergency 3 and 4 Model File Free V3O Apps
.V3V Vector Art 3D Model File Free V3V Apps
.VAC MikuMikuDance Accessory Settings File Free VAC Apps
.VEG Vue Vegetation file Free VEG Apps
.VERT Vertex Shader File Free VERT Apps
.VISUAL World of Tanks 3D Model Surface File Free VISUAL Apps
.VISUAL_PROCESSED World of Tanks 3D Model Surface File Free VISUAL_PROCESSED Apps
.VMD Vocaloid Motion Data File Free VMD Apps
.VMO Virtools Media Object File Free VMO Apps
.VOB Vue Objects File Free VOB Apps
.VOX Voxlap Voxel Model File Free VOX Apps
.VP Vertex Program File Free VP Apps
.VPD MikuMikuDance Vocaloid Pose Data File Free VPD Apps
.VRL VRML Virtual World Free VRL Apps
.VS Vertex Shader File Free VS Apps
.VSH Vertex Shader File Free VSH Apps
.VSO Compiled Vertex Shader File Free VSO Apps
.VTX Anim8or 3D Model Free VTX Apps
.VUE Vue Scene File Free VUE Apps
.VVD Vivid 3D Scanner Element File Free VVD Apps
.W3D Adobe Shockwave 3D File Free W3D Apps
.WFT GTA 4 Car Model File Free WFT Apps
.WOW SparkMaker 3D Print File Free WOW Apps
.WRL VRML World Free WRL Apps
.WRP Geomagic 3D Wrap File Free WRP Apps
.WRZ Compressed VRML World File Free WRZ Apps
.X DirectX Model File Free X Apps
.X3D Xara3D Project Free X3D Apps
.X3G 3D Print File Free X3G Apps
.XAF 3ds Max XML Animation File Free XAF Apps
.XAF Cal3D XML Animation File Free XAF Apps
.XMF Cal3D XML Mesh File Free XMF Apps
.XMM 3ds Max XML Animation Map File Free XMM Apps
.XOF Reality Lab 3D Image File Free XOF Apps
.XPR Pro/ENGINEER Part Instance Accelerator File Free XPR Apps
.XR Xuver 3D Scene File Free XR Apps
.XRF Cal3D XML Materials File Free XRF Apps
.XSF Cal3D XML Skeleton File Free XSF Apps
.XSI Softimage XSI 3D Image Free XSI Apps
.XV0 Lattice XVL Structure File Free XV0 Apps
.YAODL PowerFlip 3D Image File Free YAODL Apps
.YDL PowerFlip YAODL 3D Image File Free YDL Apps
.Z3D ZModeler 3D File Free Z3D Apps
.ZT Mental Ray Image Depth File Free ZT Apps
Extension File Type Free Apps