What is a PRO6 File Type?
Only if you are the video specialist and use ProPresenter to display complex presentations for sports arenas, concert halls or places of worship will you likely encounter PRO6 files. PRO6 files are created by ProPresenter when a new presentation is recorded by a user, which can be a song with several slides for verses and choruses, a slideshow with several slides of photos and videos, or another type of personalized presentation intended to be displayed in ProPresenter.
All 6 ProPresenter documents are stored in the Library where users can search for and view their various presentations. You can go to the location where the PRO6 file is stored by right clicking-on the document in ProPresenter and selecting " Open File Location &" in Windows or " Reveal in Finder &" in MacOS.
The PRO6 files do not include multimedia files (for example .MP3, .MOV or .WMV) included in the presentation. If you want to include multimedia files with the document, export as .PRO6X by selecting File → Export Document → As a group of documents you can also right-click-on an existing document and select "Export ProPresenter Bundle.