List of Developer file extensions

There are many different developer file extensions and developer file types used with computers, and you'll find an entire list of developer file extensions and types on our computer files and file extensions page. It is impossible to remember all file extensions and their associated software programs.

Below is the list of developer file extensions, broken into categories by sort of files along with the developer and available 100% free online developer file tools and apps.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.$01 DOS Pipe File Free $01 Apps
.001 Multimedia Fusion Backup File Free 001 Apps
.4DB 4th Dimension Database Structure File Free 4DB Apps
.4TH Forth Language File Free 4TH Apps
.A Static Library Free A Apps
.A2W Alice World Free A2W Apps
.A3X Compiled AutoIt v3 Script Free A3X Apps
.AAB Android App Bundle Free AAB Apps
.AAR Android Archive Free AAR Apps
.AB Applix Builder File Free AB Apps
.ABC ABC Source File Free ABC Apps
.ABC ActionScript Byte Code File Free ABC Apps
.ACD RSLogix 5000 Program Free ACD Apps
.ACP EditPlus Auto-Completion File Free ACP Apps
.ACT DS Game Maker Action File Free ACT Apps
.ACTX DS Game Maker Action Description File Free ACTX Apps
.ADA Ada Source Code Free ADA Apps
.ADB Ada Body File Free ADB Apps
.ADBLOCK Alpha Five Library Temporary File Free ADBLOCK Apps
.ADDIN Visual Studio Add-in Definition File Free ADDIN Apps
.ADS Ada Specification File Free ADS Apps
.AGI Asterisk Gateway Interface File Free AGI Apps
.AIA MIT App Inventor Project File Free AIA Apps
.AIDL Android Interface Definition Language File Free AIDL Apps
.AIML Artificial Intelligence Markup Language File Free AIML Apps
.ALB Alpha Five Library Free ALB Apps
.ALM Alpha Five Library Free ALM Apps
.ALP AnyLogic Project File Free ALP Apps
.ALX Alpha Five Library Index File Free ALX Apps
.AM Automake Makefile Template Free AM Apps
.AM4 AutoPlay Media Studio 4 Project File Free AM4 Apps
.AM5 AutoPlay Media Studio 5 Project File Free AM5 Apps
.AM6 AutoPlay Media Studio 6 Project Free AM6 Apps
.AM7 AutoPlay Media Studio 7 Project Free AM7 Apps
.AML Arc Macro Language File Free AML Apps
.AML Abstract Markup Language Free AML Apps
.ANE Adobe AIR Native Extension Free ANE Apps
.ANJUTA Anjuta IDE Project File Free ANJUTA Apps
.AP_ ADT Android Developer Package Free AP_ Apps
.APA RSView Development Project Archive Free APA Apps
.APKS APK Set Archive Free APKS Apps
.APPEX OS X Application and System Extension File Free APPEX Apps
.APPLET Eclipse Java Applet Policy File Free APPLET Apps
.APPX Windows App Package Free APPX Apps
.APPXBUNDLE Windows App Bundle Free APPXBUNDLE Apps
.APPXMANIFEST Windows 10 App Manifest Free APPXMANIFEST Apps
.APPXSYM Windows 8 App Package Symbols File Free APPXSYM Apps
.APPXUPLOAD Windows 8 App Upload Package Free APPXUPLOAD Apps
.APR Apadana Project File Free APR Apps
.APS Visual C++ Resource File Free APS Apps
.ARR MultiMedia Fusion Array File Free ARR Apps
.ARSC Android Package Resource File Free ARSC Apps
.ART Artifacts Artifact File Free ART Apps
.ARTPROJ Artifacts Project Free ARTPROJ Apps
.AS ActionScript File Free AS Apps
.AS AngelScript File Free AS Apps
.AS2PROJ FlashDevelop ActionScript 2 Project File Free AS2PROJ Apps
.AS3PROJ FlashDevelop ActionScript 3 Project File Free AS3PROJ Apps
.ASAR Electron Archive Free ASAR Apps
.ASC ActionScript Communication File Free ASC Apps
.ASCS ActionScript Communication Server File Free ASCS Apps
.ASDB Asphyre Sphinx Archive File Free ASDB Apps
.ASI Alpha Five Variable File Free ASI Apps
.ASM Assembly Language Source Code File Free ASM Apps
.ASM Visual Studio Assembler Source Code File Free ASM Apps
.ASVF Asphyre Sphinx Archive File Free ASVF Apps
.ASX Alpha Five Library Temporary Index File Free ASX Apps
.ATLAS Texture Atlas Skin File Free ATLAS Apps
.AU3 AutoIt v3 Script Free AU3 Apps
.AUT AutoIt Script File Free AUT Apps
.AUTOPLAY AutoPlay Media Studio Project File Free AUTOPLAY Apps
.AWK AWK Script Free AWK Apps
.AXE Annotated XML Example File Free AXE Apps
.B BuRg3r Definition File Free B Apps
.B BASIC Source File Free B Apps
.BAS BASIC Source Code File Free BAS Apps
.BASEX BaseX Data File Free BASEX Apps
.BB Blitz Source Code File Free BB Apps
.BBC BBC BASIC Data File Free BBC Apps
.BBPROJECT BBEdit Project File Free BBPROJECT Apps
.BBPROJECTD BBEdit Project Document Free BBPROJECTD Apps
.BCP Borland C++ Makefile Free BCP Apps
.BDSPROJ Borland Developer Studio Project Free BDSPROJ Apps
.BET BETA Source File Free BET Apps
.BKY MIT App Inventor Blocks XML File Free BKY Apps
.BLUEJ BlueJ Package File Free BLUEJ Apps
.BOS Build Options Specification File Free BOS Apps
.BPG Borland Project Group Free BPG Apps
.BPL Borland Package Library Free BPL Apps
.BPR Borland C++Builder Project File Free BPR Apps
.BRX BREW Application Resource File Free BRX Apps
.BS2 BASIC Stamp 2 Code File Free BS2 Apps
.BSC Visual Studio Source Browser Information File Free BSC Apps
.BSH BeanShell Script Free BSH Apps
.BTN AutoPlay Media Studio Button File Free BTN Apps
.BUILDPATH Eclipse Build Path File Free BUILDPATH Apps
.BUILDSETTING Twixl Publisher Builder Build Setting Free BUILDSETTING Apps
.BUR BuRg3r Source Code File Free BUR Apps
.BYTES Binary Text Asset Data File Free BYTES Apps
.C Lite-C Script Free C Apps
.CAF CryENGINE Character Animation File Free CAF Apps
.CAP Construct Game Development File Free CAP Apps
.CAPROJ Construct Project File Free CAPROJ Apps
.CAPX Construct Compressed Project File Free CAPX Apps
.CAR Brew Component Application Resource File Free CAR Apps
.CBA CryENGINE Resource Compiler Settings File Free CBA Apps
.CBL COBOL Source Code File Free CBL Apps
.CBP Code::Blocks Project File Free CBP Apps
.CC C++ Source Code File Free CC Apps
.CCC Dev-C++ Code Completion Cache Free CCC Apps
.CCGAME XNA Creators Club Game Package Free CCGAME Apps
.CCN Compressed Multimedia Fusion File Free CCN Apps
.CCP CodeCharge Studio Page File Free CCP Apps
.CCS CCS Script File Free CCS Apps
.CCS CodeCharge Studio Project File Free CCS Apps
.CCSCC ClearCase Source Control Info File Free CCSCC Apps
.CD Visual Studio Class Diagram Free CD Apps
.CDF CryENGINE Character Definition File Free CDF Apps
.CDX Alpha Five Table Index File Free CDX Apps
.CDXML Cmdlet Definition XML File Free CDXML Apps
.CFC ColdFusion Component File Free CFC Apps
.CHAM Compiled HAM File Free CHAM Apps
.CHEF Chef Source Code File Free CHEF Apps
.CI PolySpace Preprocessed Code File Free CI Apps
.CJS CommonJS Code File Free CJS Apps
.CKBX Cricket Audio XML Bank Description File Free CKBX Apps
.CLASS Java Class File Free CLASS Apps
.CLIPS Coda Clips File Free CLIPS Apps
.CLP Clipper Compiler Instructions File Free CLP Apps
.CLS Program Class File Free CLS Apps
.CLW Visual C++ ClassWizard File Free CLW Apps
.CMA OCaml Library Free CMA Apps
.CMAKE CMake File Free CMAKE Apps
.COB COBOL Source Code File Free COB Apps
.COD Compiled Source Code Free COD Apps
.CONFIG Configuration File Free CONFIG Apps
.CP Xcode C++ Source File Free CP Apps
.CP Captivate Source File Free CP Apps
.CPB Comicino Studio Project File Free CPB Apps
.CPP C++ Source Code File Free CPP Apps
.CS C# Source Code File Free CS Apps
.CSI EdLog Program Data File Free CSI Apps
.CSI ContentServ Include File Free CSI Apps
.CSN Adobe Code Snippet Document Free CSN Apps
.CSP Caché Server Page Free CSP Apps
.CSPROJ Visual Studio C# Project Free CSPROJ Apps
.CST ContentServ Template Free CST Apps
.CSX Visual C# Script Free CSX Apps
.CTC Visual Studio Command Table Configuration File Free CTC Apps
.CTL Visual Basic UserControl Object File Free CTL Apps
.CTO Visual Studio Binary Command Table Output File Free CTO Apps
.CTP CakePHP Template Free CTP Apps
.CTSYM Visual Studio Command Table Output File Free CTSYM Apps
.CTX Visual Basic Control Binary File Free CTX Apps
.CTXT BlueJ Context File Free CTXT Apps
.CU CUDA Source Code File Free CU Apps
.CVSRC CVS Command File Free CVSRC Apps
.CXP CX-Programmer Project File Free CXP Apps
.CXT CX-Programmer Project Text File Free CXT Apps
.CXX C++ Source Code File Free CXX Apps
.D Source Dependency File Free D Apps
.D D Source Code File Free D Apps
.DABRIEFCASE RemObjects Data Abstract File Briefcase Free DABRIEFCASE Apps
.DACONFIG RemObjects Data Abstract Configuration File Free DACONFIG Apps
.DART Dart Source Code File Free DART Apps
.DBA DarkBASIC Source Code File Free DBA Apps
.DBA CryENGINE Animation Database File Free DBA Apps
.DBML Visual Studio OR Design File Free DBML Apps
.DBO DarkBASIC Object Free DBO Apps
.DBPRO DarkBASIC Professional Project File Free DBPRO Apps
.DBPROJ Visual Studio Database Project File Free DBPROJ Apps
.DCP Delphi Compiled Package Free DCP Apps
.DCPROJ Dashcode Project Free DCPROJ Apps
.DCR Delphi Component Resource File Free DCR Apps
.DCU Delphi Compiled Unit Free DCU Apps
.DCUIL Delphi .NET Compiled Unit File Free DCUIL Apps
.DDD Alpha Five Data Dictionary File Free DDD Apps
.DDM Alpha Five Data Dictionary Memo File Free DDM Apps
.DDP Delphi Diagram Portfolio File Free DDP Apps
.DDX Alpha Five Data Dictionary Index File Free DDX Apps
.DEC Declaration File Free DEC Apps
.DEF Module-Definition File Free DEF Apps
.DEFS BlueJ Settings File Free DEFS Apps
.DEP Windows Dependency File Free DEP Apps
.DEPEND Code::Blocks Dependencies File Free DEPEND Apps
.DEV Dev-C++ Project File Free DEV Apps
.DEVICEIDS Device Identification FIle Free DEVICEIDS Apps
.DEX Dalvik Executable File Free DEX Apps
.DF1 Omnis Native Datafile Free DF1 Apps
.DFK Dark Flow Project File Free DFK Apps
.DFM Delphi Form Free DFM Apps
.DGE Enterprise Test Server Declaration Generator File Free DGE Apps
.DGML Visual Studio Directed Graph Document Free DGML Apps
.DGSL Visual Shader Graph File Free DGSL Apps
.DIAGSESSION Diagnostics Session File Free DIAGSESSION Apps
.DIFF Patch File Free DIFF Apps
.DIS DisSharp Project File Free DIS Apps
.DM1 ER/Studio Data Model File Free DM1 Apps
.DMD SQL Developer Data Modeler File Free DMD Apps
.DOB Visual Basic UserDocument Free DOB Apps
.DOCSET Doxygen Document Set File Free DOCSET Apps
.DOX Visual Basic Binary UserDocument Free DOX Apps
.DOX Doxygen Documentation File Free DOX Apps
.DPK Delphi Package Free DPK Apps
.DPKW Delphi Package Free DPKW Apps
.DPL Delphi Package Library Free DPL Apps
.DPR Delphi Project Free DPR Apps
.DPROJ Delphi Project Free DPROJ Apps
.DRES Delphi Compiled Resource File Free DRES Apps
.DRF Delphi Resource File Free DRF Apps
.DSGM DS Game Maker Project Free DSGM Apps
.DSK Borland Project Desktop File Free DSK Apps
.DSP Visual C++ 6 Project Free DSP Apps
.DSYM Xcode Debug Symbols File Free DSYM Apps
.DTD Document Type Definition File Free DTD Apps
.DWS Dyalog Workspace File Free DWS Apps
.DYLIB Mach-O Dynamic Library Free DYLIB Apps
.EBA Emergence BASIC Source Code File Free EBA Apps
.ECP EasyC Project File Free ECP Apps
.EDM Adobe Extension Data Markup Language File Free EDM Apps
.EDML Adobe Extension Data Markup Language Document Free EDML Apps
.EDMX ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer File Free EDMX Apps
.EGG Python Distribution Package Free EGG Apps
.EJS Embedded JavaScript Template Free EJS Apps
.EL Emacs Lisp Code File Free EL Apps
.ELC Emacs Compiled Lisp File Free ELC Apps
.ENT External Entity Free ENT Apps
.ENTITLEMENTS Mac App Sandboxing Entitlements File Free ENTITLEMENTS Apps
.EQL Embedded SQL File Free EQL Apps
.ERB Ruby ERB Script Free ERB Apps
.ERL Erlang Source Code File Free ERL Apps
.ESCN Godot Engine Exported Scene File Free ESCN Apps
.ETH Ether Source Code File Free ETH Apps
.EX Euphoria Source Code Free EX Apps
.EXL JSDAI Inclusion or Exclusion List Free EXL Apps
.EXP Symbols Export File Free EXP Apps
.EXW Euphoria Source code File Free EXW Apps
.F Fortran Source Code Free F Apps
.F2K Fortran Source Code File Free F2K Apps
.F90 Fortran 90 Source Code File Free F90 Apps
.F95 Fortran 95 Source Code File Free F95 Apps
.FBP wxFormBuilder Project Free FBP Apps
.FBP7 FinalBuilder 7 Project Free FBP7 Apps
.FBZ7 Compressed FinalBuilder 7 Project Free FBZ7 Apps
.FCE ForeUI Custom Element File Free FCE Apps
.FCL ForeUI Custom Library File Free FCL Apps
.FD DataFlex Data File Free FD Apps
.FEATURE SharePoint Feature File Free FEATURE Apps
.FGL Fifth Generation Language Source File Free FGL Apps
.FILTERS Visual C++ Project Filters File Free FILTERS Apps
.FIMPP FiM++ Source Code File Free FIMPP Apps
.FLA Adobe Animate Animation Free FLA Apps
.FLATPAK Linux Flatpak Application Bundle Free FLATPAK Apps
.FOR Fortran 77 Source File Free FOR Apps
.FORTH Forth Language File Free FORTH Apps
.FPM FPS Creator Map File Free FPM Apps
.FPP Fortran Source Code Free FPP Apps
.FPT Alpha Five Table Memo File Free FPT Apps
.FRAMEWORK Mac OS X Application Framework Free FRAMEWORK Apps
.FRJ FreeForm-J Project File Free FRJ Apps
.FRM Visual Basic Text Form Free FRM Apps
.FRX FoxPro Report Free FRX Apps
.FRX Visual Basic Binary Form File Free FRX Apps
.FS Visual F# Source File Free FS Apps
.FSI Visual F# Signature File Free FSI Apps
.FSL Form•Z Script Free FSL Apps
.FSPROJ Visual F# Project File Free FSPROJ Apps
.FSPROJ FireStarter Project File Free FSPROJ Apps
.FSSCRIPT Visual F# Script Free FSSCRIPT Apps
.FSX Visual F# Script File Free FSX Apps
.FTL FreeMarker Template File Free FTL Apps
.FTN Fortran Source Code File Free FTN Apps
.FXC FilePackager Configuration Free FXC Apps
.FXCPROJ FX Composer Project File Free FXCPROJ Apps
.FXL FaceFX Language File Free FXL Apps
.FXML FXML Source Code File Free FXML Apps
.FXPL Adobe Flash FXP Library Free FXPL Apps
.GAMEPROJ GameSalad Project File Free GAMEPROJ Apps
.GAR GridGain Archive Free GAR Apps
.GBAP GLBasic Project File Free GBAP Apps
.GBAS GLBasic Source File Free GBAS Apps
.GBM Gameboy Map File Free GBM Apps
.GBR Gameboy Tileset File Free GBR Apps
.GBS Generic Build Support Metadata File Free GBS Apps
.GCH Precompiled Header File Free GCH Apps
.GED Game Editor Project File Free GED Apps
.GEM RubyGems Package Free GEM Apps
.GEMSPEC Gem Specification File Free GEMSPEC Apps
.GENERICTEST Visual Studio Generic Test File Free GENERICTEST Apps
.GFAR Greenfoot Archive Free GFAR Apps
.GITIGNORE Git Ignore File Free GITIGNORE Apps
.GITKEEP Git Keep File Free GITKEEP Apps
.GLADE Glade Project File Free GLADE Apps
.GLD MPLAB C Compiler Linker Script File Free GLD Apps
.GLOBAL Global Makefile Free GLOBAL Apps
.GLS GLScript Game Script Free GLS Apps
.GM GameMonkey Script Free GM Apps
.GM6 GameMaker 6 Project File Free GM6 Apps
.GM81 Game Maker 8.1 Project File Free GM81 Apps
.GMD Game Maker Program Code Free GMD Apps
.GMK GameMaker Project File Free GMK Apps
.GML GameMaker Language File Free GML Apps
.GMO GNU Machine Object File Free GMO Apps
.GMX GameMaker File Free GMX Apps
.GO Go Source Code File Free GO Apps
.GORM Gorm Interface Resource File Free GORM Apps
.GPJ MULTI IDE Project File Free GPJ Apps
.GPJ jGRASP Project File Free GPJ Apps
.GRADLE Gradle Script Free GRADLE Apps
.GREENFOOT Greenfoot Project Archive Free GREENFOOT Apps
.GROOVY Groovy Source Code File Free GROOVY Apps
.GROUPPROJ Delphi Project Group File Free GROUPPROJ Apps
.GS Google Apps Script Free GS Apps
.GS3 GameStarter File Free GS3 Apps
.GSPROJ GameSalad Windows Project File Free GSPROJ Apps
.GSZIP GameSalad Marketplace Asset File Free GSZIP Apps
.GVY Groovy Source Code File Free GVY Apps
.GWD Galaxy Watchface Design File Free GWD Apps
.HAL HansaWorld Application Language File Free HAL Apps
.HAML Haml Source Code File Free HAML Apps
.HANDLEBARS Handlebars Template Free HANDLEBARS Apps
.HAS Haskell Script Free HAS Apps
.HBS Handlebars Template Free HBS Apps
.HCF Compact Ham Library Free HCF Apps
.HH C++ Header File Free HH Apps
.HHH Power C Precompiled Header File Free HHH Apps
.HHP HTML Help Workshop Project Free HHP Apps
.HPF High Performance Fortran File Free HPF Apps
.HPP C++ Header File Free HPP Apps
.HRL Erlang Header File Free HRL Apps
.HS Haskell Script Free HS Apps
.HXX C++ Source Code Header File Free HXX Apps
.HYDRA Hydra Image Filter Program File Free HYDRA Apps
.I Visual Studio Intermediate File Free I Apps
.I INTERCAL Source File Free I Apps
.ICONSET Mac OS X Icon Set Folder Free ICONSET Apps
.IDB Visual Studio Intermediate Debug File Free IDB Apps
.IDL Interface Definition Language File Free IDL Apps
.IDT Windows Installer Database Text Archive File Free IDT Apps
.ILK Incremental Linking File Free ILK Apps
.IML IntelliJ IDEA Module Free IML Apps
.IN Autoconf Input File Free IN Apps
.INC Include File Free INC Apps
.INL C++ Inline File Free INL Apps
.INO Arduino Sketch File Free INO Apps
.IPCH Intellisense Precompiled Header File Free IPCH Apps
.IPP Inline Guard Macro File Free IPP Apps
.IPR IntelliJ IDEA Project File Free IPR Apps
.IPR InstallShield Professional Project File Free IPR Apps
.ISC Xilinx Device Configuration File Free ISC Apps
.ISE InstallShield Express Project File Free ISE Apps
.ISM InstallShield Project File Free ISM Apps
.IST InstallShield Project Template File Free IST Apps
.IWB IWBasic Source Code File Free IWB Apps
.IWS IntelliJ IDEA Web Page Free IWS Apps
.IWZ InstallShield Express 2 Project File Free IWZ Apps
.J Java Source File Free J Apps
.JAV Java Source File Free JAV Apps
.JAVA Java Source Code File Free JAVA Apps
.JCP JCreator Project File Free JCP Apps
.JDP BlackBerry JDE Application Project Free JDP Apps
.JED Xilinx JEDEC Programming File Free JED Apps
.JIC JTAG Indirect Configuration File Free JIC Apps
.JL Julia Source Code File Free JL Apps
.JLR Juliar Source Code File Free JLR Apps
.JNILIB JNI Library Free JNILIB Apps
.JPD Java Process Definition Free JPD Apps
.JPR JBuilder Project Free JPR Apps
.JPX JBuilder Project Free JPX Apps
.JSFL Animate JSFL Script File Free JSFL Apps
.JSH Jsh Script Free JSH Apps
.JSH JAWS Script Header File Free JSH Apps
.JSPF Java Server Page Fragment Free JSPF Apps
.JSS JAWS Script Free JSS Apps
.JSXINC ExtendScript Included Script File Free JSXINC Apps
.JUK Juka Source Code File Free JUK Apps
.KB C++ Keyboard Script Free KB Apps
.KCT Keyman Developer Customization Source File Free KCT Apps
.KDEVDLG KDevelop Dialog Box File Free KDEVDLG Apps
.KDEVELOP KDevelop Project Data File Free KDEVELOP Apps
.KDEVPRJ KDevelop Project File Free KDEVPRJ Apps
.KDMP Windows Crash Dump File Free KDMP Apps
.KPL Kids Programming Language File Free KPL Apps
.KPS Keyman Developer Package Source File Free KPS Apps
.KT Kotlin Source Code File Free KT Apps
.KV Kivy Language File Free KV Apps
.KVK Keyman On-Screen Keyboard File Free KVK Apps
.L Lex Source File Free L Apps
.LANG GtkSourceView Language Definition File Free LANG Apps
.LBI Dreamweaver Library Item Free LBI Apps
.LBS Omnis Library Free LBS Apps
.LD Linker Script Free LD Apps
.LDS Binutils LD Linker Script Free LDS Apps
.LGO Logo Instructions File Free LGO Apps
.LHS Literate Haskell Script Free LHS Apps
.LICENSES Visual Studio Licensed Classes File Free LICENSES Apps
.LICX Visual Studio License File Free LICX Apps
.LINQ LINQPad Query File Free LINQ Apps
.LIS VAX Program Listing Free LIS Apps
.LISP Lisp Source Code File Free LISP Apps
.LIST JAR Index File Free LIST Apps
.LIT Lit Source Code File Free LIT Apps
.LIT Literate Haskell Script Free LIT Apps
.LIVECODE LiveCode Stack File Free LIVECODE Apps
.LNT PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File Free LNT Apps
.LOADTEST Visual Studio Load Test File Free LOADTEST Apps
.LOL LOLCODE Source Code FIle Free LOL Apps
.LPROJ Localized Project Folder Free LPROJ Apps
.LRDB Adobe Lightroom Database Free LRDB Apps
.LRF Microsoft Linker Response File Free LRF Apps
.LSP Lisp Program Source Code File Free LSP Apps
.LSPROJ Visual Studio LightSwitch Project Free LSPROJ Apps
.LTB LithTech Binary File Free LTB Apps
.LUA Lua Source File Free LUA Apps
.LUC Compiled Lua Source File Free LUC Apps
.LXSPROJ Liquid XML Studio Project File Free LXSPROJ Apps
.M Mercury Source Code File Free M Apps
.M MATLAB Source Code File Free M Apps
.M4 Macro Processor Library Free M4 Apps
.MAGIK Magik Source Code File Free MAGIK Apps
.MAK Makefile Free MAK Apps
.MAKE Xcode Makefile Script Free MAKE Apps
.MAKO Mako Template Free MAKO Apps
.MARKDN Markdown File Free MARKDN Apps
.MARKDOWN Markdown Documentation File Free MARKDOWN Apps
.MCP CodeWarrior Project Free MCP Apps
.MD Markdown Documentation File Free MD Apps
.MD Machine Description File Free MD Apps
.MDOWN Markdown File Free MDOWN Apps
.MDZIP MagicDraw Project Archive Free MDZIP Apps
.MED RSView Development Project Free MED Apps
.MEML Minimalist Lisp Markup Language File Free MEML Apps
.MER RSView Development Runtime File Free MER Apps
.MESHLIB Godot Engine Mesh Library File Free MESHLIB Apps
.MF Java Manifest File Free MF Apps
.MFA Multimedia Fusion Development File Free MFA Apps
.MFCRIBBON-MS MFC Ribbon Definition XML File Free MFCRIBBON-MS Apps
.MK Makefile Free MK Apps
.MKD Markdown Documentation File Free MKD Apps
.ML ML Source Code File Free ML Apps
.MLB Visual FoxPro Library Free MLB Apps
.MM Objective-C++ Source File Free MM Apps
.MO Machine Object File Free MO Apps
.MOD Fortran Module File Free MOD Apps
.MODE1V3 Xcode Project Data File Free MODE1V3 Apps
.MODE2V3 Xcode Project Data File Free MODE2V3 Apps
.MOM Managed Object Model Free MOM Apps
.MPR FoxPro Generated Menu Program Free MPR Apps
.MPWS MathPiper Worksheet Free MPWS Apps
.MPX FoxPro Compiled Program Menu Free MPX Apps
.MQ4 MQL4 Source Code File Free MQ4 Apps
.MQ5 MQL5 Source Code File Free MQ5 Apps
.MQH MetaTrader Include File Free MQH Apps
.MRSN Mersenne Source Code File Free MRSN Apps
.MRT Stimulsoft Report File Free MRT Apps
.MSHA Microsoft Help Asset File Free MSHA Apps
.MSHC Microsoft Help Container File Free MSHC Apps
.MSHI Microsoft Help Index File Free MSHI Apps
.MSIX MSIX Installer Package Free MSIX Apps
.MSIXBUNDLE Windows 10 App Bundle Free MSIXBUNDLE Apps
.MSIXUPLOAD Windows 10 App Upload Bundle Free MSIXUPLOAD Apps
.MSL Mapping Specification Language File Free MSL Apps
.MSP MaxScript Page File Free MSP Apps
.MSS Microprocessor Software Specification File Free MSS Apps
.MV MivaScript File Free MV Apps
.MVX Multimedia Fusion Movement Extension Free MVX Apps
.MXML Flex MXML Component Free MXML Apps
.MYAPP Visual Studio Application XML File Free MYAPP Apps
.NATVIS Natvis VC++ Debugger Visualization File Free NATVIS Apps
.NBC Next Byte Codes Source Code File Free NBC Apps
.NCB Visual C++ IntelliSense Database Free NCB Apps
.NED OMNeT++ Network Description File Free NED Apps
.NEKO Neko Source Code File Free NEKO Apps
.NFM Delphi .NET Form File Free NFM Apps
.NIB Interface Builder User Interface File Free NIB Apps
.NIM Nim Source Code File Free NIM Apps
.NK NUKE Script Free NK Apps
.NLS NetLogo Source File Free NLS Apps
.NQC Not Quite C Source Code File Free NQC Apps
.NSH NSIS Header File Free NSH Apps
.NSI NSIS Script Free NSI Apps
.NSL nsL Script Free NSL Apps
.NUPKG NuGet Package Free NUPKG Apps
.NUPROJ NuGet Build Project Free NUPROJ Apps
.NUSPEC NuGet Specification File Free NUSPEC Apps
.NVV NVIDIA Vertex Shader File Free NVV Apps
.NW Node-Webkit App Package Free NW Apps
.NXC Not eXactly C Source Code File Free NXC Apps
.O Compiled Object File Free O Apps
.OAP OutSystems Application Package Free OAP Apps
.OAT Android Optimized Application File Free OAT Apps
.OB2 Oberon-2 Source Code File Free OB2 Apps
.OCA Custom Control Library Type File Free OCA Apps
.OCTEST Xcode Objective-C Unit Test Bundle Free OCTEST Apps
.OCX ActiveX Control Free OCX Apps
.ODL Object Description Language File Free ODL Apps
.OML OutSystems Modeling Language File Free OML Apps
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.OS ObjectScript Source File Free OS Apps
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.OW Free Pascal 1.0.x Object File Free OW Apps
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.P Pascal Source Code Free P Apps
.P Python Pickle File Free P Apps
.P3D Panda3D Multifile Free P3D Apps
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.PB PureBasic Source File Free PB Apps
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.PBJ Pixel Bender Bytecode File Free PBJ Apps
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.PBXBTREE Xcode Auto-Complete File Free PBXBTREE Apps
.PBXPROJ Xcode Project Data File Free PBXPROJ Apps
.PBXUSER Xcode Project User Data File Free PBXUSER Apps
.PC Pro*C Source Code File Free PC Apps
.PCH Precompiled Header File Free PCH Apps
.PCP Windows Installer Patch Creation Properties File Free PCP Apps
.PDE Arduino Sketch Free PDE Apps
.PDE Processing Development Environment Source Code File Free PDE Apps
.PDL Perl Data Language File Free PDL Apps
.PDM VB Project Information File Free PDM Apps
.PERSPECTIVE Xcode Project Data File Free PERSPECTIVE Apps
.PERSPECTIVEV3 Xcode Project Data File Free PERSPECTIVEV3 Apps
.PFG jEEPers Program Configuration File Free PFG Apps
.PH Perl Header File Free PH Apps
.PICKLE Python Pickle File Free PICKLE Apps
.PIKA Pika Software Builder Project File Free PIKA Apps
.PJX FoxPro Project Free PJX Apps
.PKGDEF Visual Studio Shell File Free PKGDEF Apps
.PKGUNDEF Visual Studio Shell File Free PKGUNDEF Apps
.PKL Python Pickle File Free PKL Apps
.PKPROJ Visual CCScript Project Free PKPROJ Apps
.PL Prolog Source Code File Free PL Apps
.PL1 PL/I Source Code Free PL1 Apps
.PLAYGROUND Xcode Playground File Free PLAYGROUND Apps
.PLC PL/B Source File Free PLC Apps
.PLE Messenger Plus! Live Encrypted Log File Free PLE Apps
.PLG Visual Studio Build Log File Free PLG Apps
.PLI PL/I Source Code File Free PLI Apps
.PLM PL/M Source Code File Free PLM Apps
.PLTSUITE Safari Page Load Test Suite File Free PLTSUITE Apps
.PM Perl Module Free PM Apps
.PMQ Microsoft Target Analyzer File Free PMQ Apps
.PN Pinecone Source Code File Free PN Apps
.PNT Panther Project Free PNT Apps
.PO Portable Object Free PO Apps
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.POM Maven Build File Free POM Apps
.POT Portable Object File Free POT Apps
.PPC Mobile Data Studio Project File Free PPC Apps
.PPL Free Pascal Dynamic Library Free PPL Apps
.PPU Free Pascal Unit File Free PPU Apps
.PRG xBase Program File Free PRG Apps
.PRG RPG Toolkit Program File Free PRG Apps
.PRG Visual FoxPro Program File Free PRG Apps
.PRI Package Resource Index File Free PRI Apps
.PRI Qt Project Include File Free PRI Apps
.PRO IDL Source Code File Free PRO Apps
.PRO Qt Project File Free PRO Apps
.PROJECT Eclipse Project Settings File Free PROJECT Apps
.PROTO Protocol Buffer File Free PROTO Apps
.PSC Papyrus Script Free PSC Apps
.PSD1 Windows PowerShell Data File Free PSD1 Apps
.PSESS Visual Studio Performance Session File Free PSESS Apps
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