What is a LUCIDSNIPPET File Type?
The LUCIDSNIPPET files can be located by following the following steps: Open the Finder window and right-click-on l' icon of l' application Lucide to l' place where you save it; most likely under Applications.
Select Display contents and apos; rarr; Content and apos; &&& rarr; Resources and apos; &&& rarr; rarr; objects, files will be placed in these folders; they are organized in the same way as apos; they appear on the bar d' object in the light window.
By clicking on the Action file, you can create your own LUCIDSNIPPET file. You want to save, then click the button &" Save Snippet &" l' press icon-paper on top left. Once you have completed the description and name, click Save to Snippets. The LUCIDSNIPPET file is created and saved in your Snippets folder.
What is a Default LUCIDSNIPPET File Name?
Googlemap.lucidsnippet - Action Google Map that allows you to place a Google map on your web page; is located in the Google folder.
Animate.lucidsnippet - Animate action that allows you to animate the apos; alteration of the apos; property is found in the jQuery folder.