What is a DIAGSESSION File Type?
The DIAGSESSION file is a zip archive containing several .ETL files and metadata .XML files. The ETL files store session data that can be parsed. You can rename the file; quotation; diagram; " extension to " zip &" and unzip the file in order to manually access its contents.
DIAGSESSION files can be exported from F12 development tools, a suite of tools available with Internet Explorer that help developers build and debug web pages. Developers can scan and view their HTML code in the same way as the d'model; document object d' Internet Explorer interprets the page.
You can access the F12 on any web page by pressing the F12 key or clicking the Tools button (i.e., gear icon) and selecting and selecting F12 tools. You can perform a debug and export the data as a DIAGSESSION file that can be imported into Microsoft Visual Studio. You can create DIAGSESSION files in Visual Studio from the Performance and Diagnostics section.
The following tools for F12 developers have been released with version 9 d' Internet Explorer. The suite was available with Internet Explorer until it was replaced by Edge as the default browser of Microsoft &.