File Formtas Starts with Letter M

List of all File Formats begins with letter M from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.M Mathematica Input File Free M Apps
.M Mercury Source Code File Free M Apps
.M MATLAB Source Code File Free M Apps
.M Objective-C Implementation File Free M Apps
.M PC-98 Game Music File Free M Apps
.M12 Schiller medilog ECG Raw Data File Free M12 Apps
.M15 MPEG Video Free M15 Apps
.M1A MPEG-1 Audio File Free M1A Apps
.M1PG iFinish Video Clip Free M1PG Apps
.M1V MPEG-1 Video File Free M1V Apps
.M2 World or Warcraft Model Object Free M2 Apps
.M2 PC-98 Game Music File Free M2 Apps
.M21 AXMEDIS MPEG-21 File Free M21 Apps
.M21 MPEG-21 File Free M21 Apps
.M2A MPEG-1 Layer 2 Audio File Free M2A Apps
.M2P MPEG-2 Program Stream File Free M2P Apps
.M2P Maxthon 2 Browser Plugin File Free M2P Apps
.M2S Maxthon 2 Browser Skin File Free M2S Apps
.M2T HDV Video File Free M2T Apps
.M2TS Blu-ray BDAV Video File Free M2TS Apps
.M2V MPEG-2 Video Free M2V Apps
.M3 Blizzard MDX3 Model File Free M3 Apps
.M3D 3D Model File Free M3D Apps
.M3D DIALux 3D Object File Free M3D Apps
.M3G Mobile 3D Graphics Program Free M3G Apps
.M3P Mach3 Plugin File Free M3P Apps
.M3U Media Playlist File Free M3U Apps
.M3U8 UTF-8 M3U Playlist File Free M3U8 Apps
.M4 Macro Processor Library Free M4 Apps
.M4A MPEG-4 Audio File Free M4A Apps
.M4B MPEG-4 Audiobook File Free M4B Apps
.M4E MPEG-4 Video File Free M4E Apps
.M4P iTunes Music Store Audio File Free M4P Apps
.M4R iPhone Ringtone File Free M4R Apps
.M4U MPEG-4 Playlist Free M4U Apps
.M4V iTunes Video File Free M4V Apps
.M5P MachFive Preset File Free M5P Apps
.M64 Mupen64 Movie File Free M64 Apps
.M75 MPEG Video Free M75 Apps
.M77T MGD77T Data File Free M77T Apps
.MA Maya Project File Free MA Apps
.MA1 Monarch Audio File Free MA1 Apps
.MAB Mozilla Address Book Free MAB Apps
.MAC MacPaint Image Free MAC Apps
.MACBIN Macbinary Encoded File Free MACBIN Apps
.MAD Access Module Shortcut Free MAD Apps
.MAD Electronic Arts Madcow Movie File Free MAD Apps
.MADS Metadata Authority Description Schema Free MADS Apps
.MAE My Avatar Editor Character File Free MAE Apps
.MAF Mutation Annotation Format File Free MAF Apps
.MAF Microsoft Access Form Free MAF Apps
.MAFF Mozilla Archive Format File Free MAFF Apps
.MAG Magic Circuit Layout File Free MAG Apps
.MAG Access Diagram Shortcut File Free MAG Apps
.MAGIC SlideMagic Presentation File Free MAGIC Apps
.MAGIK Magik Source Code File Free MAGIK Apps
.MAI Microsoft Mail File Free MAI Apps
.MAILHOST MSN Mailhost Settings File Free MAILHOST Apps
.MAILTOLOC Mail Internet Location File Free MAILTOLOC Apps
.MAK Makefile Free MAK Apps
.MAKE Xcode Makefile Script Free MAKE Apps
.MAKE Drush Makefile Free MAKE Apps
.MAKERBOT MakerBot Print File Free MAKERBOT Apps
.MAKO Mako Template Free MAKO Apps
.MAL MadAppLauncher Configuration File Free MAL Apps
.MAM Microsoft Access Macro Free MAM Apps
.MAN Unix Manual Free MAN Apps
.MANI Mine-imator Project File Free MANI Apps
.MANIFEST Steam Manifest File Free MANIFEST Apps
.MANIFEST Windows Application Manifest File Free MANIFEST Apps
.MANM Vietcong Game Data File Free MANM Apps
.MAP Rigs of Rods Key Assignments File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Quake Engine Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Halo Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Terraria Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Fallout Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Leges Motus Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Furcadia Dream File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Super Mario War Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP NAVIGON Map File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Mapjects Server Webparts File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Image Map Free MAP Apps
.MAP TECkit Mapping File Free MAP Apps
.MAP Weather Defender Map Free MAP Apps
.MAP16 Map16 Tile File Free MAP16 Apps
.MAPIMAIL Send To Mail Recipient Free MAPIMAIL Apps
.MAPLET Maplet World File Free MAPLET Apps
.MAPSDATA iOS Maps Data File Free MAPSDATA Apps
.MAPX Mapjects Client Webparts File Free MAPX Apps
.MAQ Microsoft Access Query Free MAQ Apps
.MAR Mozilla Archive Free MAR Apps
.MAR Mariner Calc Spreadsheet Free MAR Apps
.MAR Microsoft Access Report Free MAR Apps
.MARKDN Markdown File Free MARKDN Apps
.MARKDOWN Markdown Documentation File Free MARKDOWN Apps
.MARS Adobe MARS File Free MARS Apps
.MARSHAL Marshal Data Migration Model File Free MARSHAL Apps
.MART MartView eBook File Free MART Apps
.MAS rFactor Track File Free MAS Apps
.MAS Access Stored Procedures Free MAS Apps
.MAS MEGA Alignment Sequence File Free MAS Apps
.MASK SpeedGrade Color Mask File Free MASK Apps
.MASTER ASP.NET Master Page Free MASTER Apps
.MAT Microsoft Access Table Shortcut File Free MAT Apps
.MAT Vue Material File Free MAT Apps
.MAT V-Ray Materials File Free MAT Apps
.MAT 3ds Max Materials File Free MAT Apps
.MATERIAL Rigs of Rods Texture Reference File Free MATERIAL Apps
.MATHML Mathematical Markup Language Free MATHML Apps
.MATO Atomic Combat Saved Game Free MATO Apps
.MAU Media Attachment Unit Free MAU Apps
.MAV Access View File Free MAV Apps
.MAW Access Data Access Page Free MAW Apps
.MAX Action Replay Max Save File Free MAX Apps
.MAX PaperPort Scanned Document Free MAX Apps
.MAX OmniPage Scanned Document Free MAX Apps
.MAX 3ds Max Scene File Free MAX Apps
.MAXC 3ds Max Container File Free MAXC Apps
.MAZ Hover! Maze File Free MAZ Apps
.MB Kodak EasyShare Data File Free MB Apps
.MB Maya Binary Project File Free MB Apps
.MBA Martus Bulletin Archive Free MBA Apps
.MBA MyBoard Activity File Free MBA Apps
.MBA MailNavigator Mail Box Archive Free MBA Apps
.MBB Kodak EasyShare Data File Free MBB Apps
.MBB ManaBook Book File Free MBB Apps
.MBBK ManaBook Book Kit File Free MBBK Apps
.MBD Multimedia Builder Project File Free MBD Apps
.MBF Microsoft Money Backup File Free MBF Apps
.MBG Microsoft Mailbag Free MBG Apps
.MBG Mailbag Assistant Mailbox File Free MBG Apps
.MBI Multi-Bootable Information File Free MBI Apps
.MBK dBASE IV Multiple Index Backup File Free MBK Apps
.MBL Logger Pro Data File Free MBL Apps
.MBM Kerbal Space Program Texture File Free MBM Apps
.MBM Multi Bitmap File Free MBM Apps
.MBN Multi Boot Image Free MBN Apps
.MBOX Email Mailbox File Free MBOX Apps
.MBP MediaShow Burning Project File Free MBP Apps
.MBP Mobipocket Notes File Free MBP Apps
.MBR Master Boot Record File Free MBR Apps
.MBR Zune Smooth Streaming File Free MBR Apps
.MBS Opera Mailbox File Free MBS Apps
.MBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer File Free MBSA Apps
.MBT Blue Card Manager Merit Badge Template File Free MBT Apps
.MBW MBRWizard Archive Free MBW Apps
.MBX Outlook Express Mailbox Free MBX Apps
.MBZ Moodle Backup FIle Free MBZ Apps
.MC1 MedCalc Data File Free MC1 Apps
.MC2 MasterCook 5 Cookbook File Free MC2 Apps
.MC5 Poser 5 Material File Free MC5 Apps
.MC6 Poser Material Collection File Free MC6 Apps
.MC9 Mastercam 9 Geometry File Free MC9 Apps
.MCA Minecraft Anvil Map File Free MCA Apps
.MCADDON Minecraft Pack Addon File Free MCADDON Apps
.MCAL Monika After Story Calendar File Free MCAL Apps
.MCAPM Minecraft Anvil PocketMine Data File Free MCAPM Apps
.MCAT Adobe Lightroom CC Catalog File Free MCAT Apps
.MCD Mathcad Document Free MCD Apps
.MCD MiniCAD Design File Free MCD Apps
.MCDX Mathcad Prime Document Free MCDX Apps
.MCF MasterCook 2 Cookbook File Free MCF Apps
.MCF Watchtower Library Font File Free MCF Apps
.MCFI Maya Initial Fluid Cache File Free MCFI Apps
.MCFP Maya Fluid Cache Playback File Free MCFP Apps
.MCFUNCTION Minecraft Commands Function File Free MCFUNCTION Apps
.MCGAME Minecraft Game Backup File Free MCGAME Apps
.MCHELP MadCap DotNet Help File Free MCHELP Apps
.MCI Media Control Interface File Free MCI Apps
.MCIF MacroMolecular Crystallographic Information File Free MCIF Apps
.MCL Windows Media Center Link File Free MCL Apps
.MCLEVEL Minecraft Map File Free MCLEVEL Apps
.MCMAC MasterCook Mac Document Free MCMAC Apps
.MCMETA Minecraft Animation File Free MCMETA Apps
.MCO Live Messenger Winks File Free MCO Apps
.MCOLOR Mine-imator Interface Color File Free MCOLOR Apps
.MCP Megacubo Package Free MCP Apps
.MCP CodeWarrior Project Free MCP Apps
.MCPACK Minecraft Resource Pack File Free MCPACK Apps
.MCR ePSXe Memory Card File Free MCR Apps
.MCR 3ds Max Macroscript File Free MCR Apps
.MCR Tecplot Macro Free MCR Apps
.MCR Minecraft Region File Free MCR Apps
.MCRP MobyExplorer Encrypted File Free MCRP Apps
.MCS Mathcad Image Free MCS Apps
.MCSERVER Minecraft Server File Free MCSERVER Apps
.MCSP My Craft Studio Project File Free MCSP Apps
.MCSX My Craft Studio Professional File Free MCSX Apps
.MCT Windows Live Messenger Data File Free MCT Apps
.MCTEMPLATE Minecraft World Template Free MCTEMPLATE Apps
.MCURL Curl - Manifest File Free MCURL Apps
.MCUSW Nokia Firmware File Free MCUSW Apps
.MCW MacWrite II Document Free MCW Apps
.MCW Monitor Calibration Wizard File Free MCW Apps
.MCWORLD Minecraft World Backup File Free MCWORLD Apps
.MCX MICRO CADAM-X/6000 Model Data File Free MCX Apps
.MCXE MedicinesComplete Data File Free MCXE Apps
.MCZ Compressed Poser Material File Free MCZ Apps
.MD Moneydance Financial Data File Free MD Apps
.MD SEGA Mega Drive ROM Free MD Apps
.MD Sharkport Saved Game File Free MD Apps
.MD MDCD Compressed Archive Free MD Apps
.MD Markdown Documentation File Free MD Apps
.MD Machine Description File Free MD Apps
.MD0 Alcohol Disk Image Segment 1 Free MD0 Apps
.MD0 Adobe Photoshop Metadata Cache File Free MD0 Apps
.MD1 GEAR CD/DVD Disc Image Free MD1 Apps
.MD1 Alcohol Disk Image Segment 2 Free MD1 Apps
.MD2 Alcohol Disk Image Segment 2 Free MD2 Apps
.MD2 Quake 2 Player Model Free MD2 Apps
.MD3 Quake 3 3D Model Free MD3 Apps
.MD5 MD5 Checksum File Free MD5 Apps
.MD5.TXT Message Digest 5 Hash File Free MD5.TXT Apps
.MD5ANIM id Tech 4 Model Animation File Free MD5ANIM Apps
.MD5CAMERA id Tech 4 Model Camera File Free MD5CAMERA Apps
.MD5MESH id Tech 4 3D Mesh File Free MD5MESH Apps
.MD8 Mediator Project File Free MD8 Apps
.MD8 GarageCUBE Modul8 Project Free MD8 Apps
.MDA Access Add-in Free MDA Apps
.MDB Avid Media Database Free MDB Apps
.MDB Microsoft Access Database Free MDB Apps
.MDBACKUP iPhone Data Backup File Free MDBACKUP Apps
.MDBHTML Microsoft Access Database HTML File Free MDBHTML Apps
.MDC MidiCo Karaoke Audio File Free MDC Apps
.MDC Merkaartor Document Free MDC Apps
.MDC Multi Dimension Cube File Free MDC Apps
.MDD Point Oven Deformation Data File Free MDD Apps
.MDD MDict Resource File Free MDD Apps
.MDDATA iPhone Backup File Free MDDATA Apps
.MDDBS Manic Digger Database Free MDDBS Apps
.MDE Compiled Access Add-in File Free MDE Apps
.MDE ArchiCAD Educational Version Module File Free MDE Apps
.MDEX MIRCaM Data EXchange File Free MDEX Apps
.MDF Media Disc Image File Free MDF Apps
.MDF SQL Server Database File Free MDF Apps
.MDF Translation Memory Data Find File Free MDF Apps
.MDF Measurement Data Format File Free MDF Apps
.MDI Microsoft Document Imaging File Free MDI Apps
.MDIMPORTER Metadata Importer Free MDIMPORTER Apps
.MDINFO iPhone Backup Information File Free MDINFO Apps
.MDJ StarUML Model File Free MDJ Apps
.MDL Flight Simulator Airplane Model Free MDL Apps
.MDL Half-Life Model File Free MDL Apps
.MDL Luigi's Mansion 3D Model File Free MDL Apps
.MDL Lectra Modaris Clothing Design File Free MDL Apps
.MDL MathWorks Simulink Model Free MDL Apps
.MDL Rational Rose Model File Free MDL Apps
.MDL DigiTrakker Module Free MDL Apps
.MDL Warcraft 3 3D Model Text File Free MDL Apps
.MDL0 Wii Model File Free MDL0 Apps
.MDM HLM Multivariate Data Matrix File Free MDM Apps
.MDM Mario Dash Map File Free MDM Apps
.MDMP Windows Minidump Free MDMP Apps
.MDN Blank Access Database Template Free MDN Apps
.MDOWN Markdown File Free MDOWN Apps
.MDP Visual C++ 5 Workspace File Free MDP Apps
.MDP MediBang Paint Pro Image Free MDP Apps
.MDQ Transformation Extender Database Definition File Free MDQ Apps
.MDR ModPlug Compressed Module Free MDR Apps
.MDS TestComplete Project File Free MDS Apps
.MDS Media Descriptor Sidecar File Free MDS Apps
.MDSX MEGA Saved Session Free MDSX Apps
.MDT Microsoft Access Data File Free MDT Apps
.MDT GeoMedia Access Database Template Free MDT Apps
.MDW Access Workgroup File Free MDW Apps
.MDX MDict Dictionary File Free MDX Apps
.MDX Extended Media Descriptor File Free MDX Apps
.MDX Rational XDE Model File Free MDX Apps
.MDX Multiple Index File Free MDX Apps
.MDX Warcraft 3 Model File Free MDX Apps
.MDZ Access Wizard Template Free MDZ Apps
.MDZIP MagicDraw Project Archive Free MDZIP Apps
.ME Readme Text File Free ME Apps
.ME Puppy Linux Partition Flag File Free ME Apps
.ME Temporary Delete Me File Free ME Apps
.ME2MOD Mass Effect 2 Modification File Free ME2MOD Apps
.MEB PRO100 3D Interior Catalog Element Free MEB Apps
.MED RSView Development Project Free MED Apps
.MED Amiga MED Sound File Free MED Apps
.MEF Mamiya RAW Image Free MEF Apps
.MEG MEGA Data File Free MEG Apps
.MEGA Megacubo XML Metafile Free MEGA Apps
.MEL Maya Embedded Language File Free MEL Apps
.MELL Mellel Word Processing File Free MELL Apps
.MELLEL Mellel Word Processing Document Free MELLEL Apps
.MEM Virtual Game Station Memory File Free MEM Apps
.MEM Macro Editor Macro Free MEM Apps
.MEM Parallels Desktop Memory Dump File Free MEM Apps
.MEM FoxPro Variable File Free MEM Apps
.MEM GreekToMe Memories File Free MEM Apps
.MEM Mnemosyne Card Collection Free MEM Apps
.MEML Minimalist Lisp Markup Language File Free MEML Apps
.MENC Windows Mobile Encrypted File Free MENC Apps
.MENU Quake 3 Engine Menu File Free MENU Apps
.MEO MEO Encrypted Archive Free MEO Apps
.MER RSView Development Runtime File Free MER Apps
.MERLIN2 Merlin Project File Free MERLIN2 Apps
.MESH Godot Engine 3D Mesh File Free MESH Apps
.MESH 3D Mesh Model Free MESH Apps
.MESH DirectX Mesh File Free MESH Apps
.MESHLIB Godot Engine Mesh Library File Free MESHLIB Apps
.MET eMule Resource File Free MET Apps
.MET Presentation Manager Metafile Free MET Apps
.META RealPlayer Metafile Free META Apps
.META Exient Metadata File Free META Apps
.META4 Metalink Free META4 Apps
.METS Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard Free METS Apps
.MEX Macro Express File Free MEX Apps
.MF Java Manifest File Free MF Apps
.MF Panda Multifile Free MF Apps
.MF METAFONT File Free MF Apps
.MF4 ASAM Measurement Data Format File Free MF4 Apps
.MFA MobileFrame App File Free MFA Apps
.MFA Multimedia Fusion Development File Free MFA Apps
.MFCRIBBON-MS MFC Ribbon Definition XML File Free MFCRIBBON-MS Apps
.MFD Music Finder Database Free MFD Apps
.MFE MobileFrame Enterprise Data File Free MFE Apps
.MFIL Blizzard Software Update File Free MFIL Apps
.MFL ModFit LT Analysis Report File Free MFL Apps
.MFL Mozilla FastLoad File Free MFL Apps
.MFM Melody for Mobile Platform Free MFM Apps
.MFO Perl ModInfo Descriptor File Free MFO Apps
.MFO MediaFace Online Saved File Free MFO Apps
.MFO MobileFrame Object File Free MFO Apps
.MFP MediaFACE Project File Free MFP Apps
.MFP MobileFrame Package Free MFP Apps
.MFP Macromedia FlashPaper Document Free MFP Apps
.MFS MetFS Encrypted File System Free MFS Apps
.MFT Kaspersky File Table Free MFT Apps
.MFT MediaFACE Project Template Free MFT Apps
.MFU MobileFrame Update File Free MFU Apps
.MFV MobileFrame Device Pack File Free MFV Apps
.MFW Mamiya Camera Raw File Free MFW Apps
.MFW MobileFrame Workflow Pack File Free MFW Apps
.MFX Multimedia Fusion Extension Free MFX Apps
.MGA Manga Document Free MGA Apps
.MGC MGCSoft Equation Illustrator File Free MGC Apps
.MGC Microsoft Clip Organizer Media Catalog Free MGC Apps
.MGCB Equation Illustrator Project File Free MGCB Apps
.MGD77 MGD77 Data File Free MGD77 Apps
.MGDATABASE MacGourmet Deluxe Database File Free MGDATABASE Apps
.MGF Materials and Geometry Format Free MGF Apps
.MGK ImageMagick Configuration File Free MGK Apps
.MGL Age of Empires 2 Replay File Free MGL Apps
.MGM MGCSoft Equation Illustrator Macro Free MGM Apps
.MGM MGMaps File Free MGM Apps
.MGMF MindGenius Map File Free MGMF Apps
.MGMT MindGenius 2-3 Template Free MGMT Apps
.MGMX MindGenius XML Map File Free MGMX Apps
.MGO MacGourmet Recipe File Free MGO Apps
.MGOURMET MacGourmet Deluxe Document Free MGOURMET Apps
.MGOURMET3 MacGourmet Deluxe 3 Document Free MGOURMET3 Apps
.MGOURMET4 MacGourmet Deluxe 4 Document Free MGOURMET4 Apps
.MGP MapGuide DBXML Free MGP Apps
.MGS MGCSoft Vector Shapes File Free MGS Apps
.MGSPOT MacGourmet Spotlight MetaData File Free MGSPOT Apps
.MGT Musicnotes Guitar Guru Song File Free MGT Apps
.MGTHEME MacGourmet Theme File Free MGTHEME Apps
.MGTX MindGenius XML Template File Free MGTX Apps
.MGV Yamaha MegaVoice File Free MGV Apps
.MGV PSP Video File Free MGV Apps
.MGW Mr. Game And Watch ROM File Free MGW Apps
.MGX Age of Empires 2 Expansion Replay File Free MGX Apps
.MGX Rise of Nations Saved Game Free MGX Apps
.MGZ EFI Proteus Free MGZ Apps
.MHP Maths Helper Plus File Free MHP Apps
.MHS Xilinx XPS Hardware Specification File Free MHS Apps
.MHT MHTML Web Archive Free MHT Apps
.MI4 Audio Player Firmware File Free MI4 Apps
.MIC Image Composer File Free MIC Apps
.MID Guitar Rhythm Data File Free MID Apps
.MID MapInfo Data File Free MID Apps
.MID MIDI File Free MID Apps
.MIDI MIDI File Free MIDI Apps
.MIF Management Information Format Free MIF Apps
.MIF FrameMaker Interchange Format File Free MIF Apps
.MIF MapInfo Interchange Format File Free MIF Apps
.MIFF Magick Image File Free MIFF Apps
.MIG Windows Migration Backup File Free MIG Apps
.MII Wii Virtual Avatar File Free MII Apps
.MILK MilkDrop Winamp Plugin Preset Free MILK Apps
.MIM Keyboard Layout Definition File Free MIM Apps
.MIM Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Message File Free MIM Apps
.MIME Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extension Free MIME Apps
.MIN Mint Source File Free MIN Apps
.MIN Okuma CNC Program File Free MIN Apps
.MIN MAX Interchange Notation File Free MIN Apps
.MIN Pokemon Mini File Free MIN Apps
.MINC Pokemon Mini Color File Free MINC Apps
.MIND MindMeister Map File Free MIND Apps
.MINDNODE MindNode Document Free MINDNODE Apps
.MINE Minecraft Map File Free MINE Apps
.MINI2SF Nintendo DS Sound Information File Free MINI2SF Apps
.MINIGSF Game Boy Advance Song File Free MINIGSF Apps
.MININCSF NCSF Nintendo DS Audio File Free MININCSF Apps
.MINIPSF Miniature PlayStation Sound Format File Free MINIPSF Apps
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.MINISO Mini Image Destination File Free MINISO Apps
.MINIUSF Nintendo 64 Song File Free MINIUSF Apps
.MINT Linux Mint Installer File Free MINT Apps
.MIO WarioWare D.I.Y. Microgame File Free MIO Apps
.MIO MioEngine Application File Free MIO Apps
.MIP Multiple Image Print File Free MIP Apps
.MIPMAPS Mipmap Texture File Free MIPMAPS Apps
.MIR Mini-Image Ripper Disc Image Free MIR Apps
.MIS Saved Game Mission File Free MIS Apps
.MIS Marble Blast Mission File Free MIS Apps
.MISSION Vega Strike Mission File Free MISSION Apps
.MISSION MissionMaker Project File Free MISSION Apps
.MIT MineEdit Inventory Template File Free MIT Apps
.MIX MotoGP Game File Free MIX Apps
.MIX Command & Conquer Data File Free MIX Apps
.MIX 3ds Max Motion Mixer File Free MIX Apps
.MIX Microsoft Image Exchange File Free MIX Apps
.MJ2 Motion JPEG 2000 Video Clip Free MJ2 Apps
.MJD Adobe Acrobat MIME Encoded Job Definition File Free MJD Apps
.MJDOC MacJournal Document Free MJDOC Apps
.MJK Question File Free MJK Apps
.MJP MJPEG Video File Free MJP Apps
.MJPEG Motion JPEG Video File Free MJPEG Apps
.MJPG Motion JPEG Video File Free MJPG Apps
.MJS Node.js ES Module File Free MJS Apps
.MK Makefile Free MK Apps
.MK3D Matroska 3D Video File Free MK3D Apps
.MK4 Schiller medilog ECG Raw Data File Free MK4 Apps
.MKA Matroska Audio File Free MKA Apps
.MKD Markdown Documentation File Free MKD Apps
.MKS Matroska Elementary Stream File Free MKS Apps
.MKV Matroska Video File Free MKV Apps
.ML ML Source Code File Free ML Apps
.MLB Visual FoxPro Library Free MLB Apps
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.MLC Microsoft Language Interface Pack Free MLC Apps
.MLC MobaLiveCD File Free MLC Apps
.MLK MasterCook Look File Free MLK Apps
.MLL Maya Plugin Free MLL Apps
.MLM MolMeccano File Free MLM Apps
.MLP Meridian Lossless Packing Audio File Free MLP Apps
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.MLS Milestones Simplicity File Free MLS Apps
.MLS CrystalPlayer Playlist Free MLS Apps
.MLT Shotcut Project Free MLT Apps
.MLX MATLAB Live Script Free MLX Apps
.MM Objective-C++ Source File Free MM Apps
.MM NeXtMidas Macro File Free MM Apps
.MM Mind Map File Free MM Apps
.MM6 Money Manager 6 File Free MM6 Apps
.MM6 Might and Magic 6 Saved Game Free MM6 Apps
.MM7 Might and Magic 7 Saved Game Free MM7 Apps
.MM8 Might and Magic 8 Saved Game Free MM8 Apps
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.MMAP MindManager Map File Free MMAP Apps
.MMAS MindManager Map Theme File Free MMAS Apps
.MMAT MindManager Map Template Free MMAT Apps
.MMC Microsoft Media Catalog Free MMC Apps
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.MMPZ LMMS Project File Free MMPZ Apps
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.MNC My Notes Center Notebook Free MNC Apps
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.MODULE Drupal Module File Free MODULE Apps
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