File Formtas Starts with Letter B

List of all File Formats begins with letter B from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.B Grand Theft Auto 3 Saved Game File Free B Apps
.B BuRg3r Definition File Free B Apps
.B BASIC Source File Free B Apps
.B1 B1 Compressed Archive Free B1 Apps
.B2A Btoa Encoded File Free B2A Apps
.B3D Blitz3D Entity Model File Free B3D Apps
.B4S Winamp Playlist File Free B4S Apps
.B5I BlindWrite 5 Disk Image Free B5I Apps
.B5T BlindWrite 5 Disc Track Information File Free B5T Apps
.B64 Base64 MIME-Encoded File Free B64 Apps
.B6I BlindWrite 6 Disc Image Free B6I Apps
.B6T BlindWrite 6 Track Information File Free B6T Apps
.B6Z B6Z Archive Free B6Z Apps
.BA Scifer External Header Archive Free BA Apps
.BA_ Renamed BAT File Free BA_ Apps
.BA2 Bethesda Softworks Archive Free BA2 Apps
.BA6 TaxAct 2016 Tax Return Backup File Free BA6 Apps
.BA7 TaxAct 2017 Tax Return Backup File Free BA7 Apps
.BA8 TaxAct 2018 Tax Return Backup File Free BA8 Apps
.BA9 TaxAct 2019 Tax Return Backup File Free BA9 Apps
.BAC Backup File Free BAC Apps
.BACKUP Android Backup File Free BACKUP Apps
.BACKUPDB Time Machine Backup Folder Free BACKUPDB Apps
.BAD Exchange Badmail File Free BAD Apps
.BAFL BurnAware File List Free BAFL Apps
.BAK Backup File Free BAK Apps
.BAK~ AbiWord Auto-Saved Document Free BAK~ Apps
.BAK Bookmarks Backup File Free BAK Apps
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.BAK Finale Backup File Free BAK Apps
.BAK MobileTrans Backup File Free BAK Apps
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.BAK2 Starbound Backup File Free BAK2 Apps
.BAK2 Backup File Free BAK2 Apps
.BAK3 Backup File Free BAK3 Apps
.BAK3 Starbound Backup File Free BAK3 Apps
.BAKX Finale Backup File Free BAKX Apps
.BAND GarageBand Project File Free BAND Apps
.BANK FMOD Audio Bank File Free BANK Apps
.BAP Blaze Audio Wave Information File Free BAP Apps
.BAR Age of Mythology Data File Free BAR Apps
.BAR Age of Empires 3 Data File Free BAR Apps
.BAR Brew MP Binary Application Resource File Free BAR Apps
.BARS Binary Sound Archive File Free BARS Apps
.BAS BASIC Source Code File Free BAS Apps
.BASERPROJ DNA Baser Project File Free BASERPROJ Apps
.BASEX BaseX Data File Free BASEX Apps
.BASH_HISTORY Bash History File Free BASH_HISTORY Apps
.BASH_PROFILE Bash Interactive Login Shell File Free BASH_PROFILE Apps
.BASHRC Bash Non-Interactive Login Shell File Free BASHRC Apps
.BAT DOS Batch File Free BAT Apps
.BAU Apache OpenOffice AutoText File Free BAU Apps
.BAV AVG AntiVirus The Bat! Plugin File Free BAV Apps
.BAY Casio RAW Image Free BAY Apps
.BB Blitz Source Code File Free BB Apps
.BB3 BlasterBall 3 Level File Support Free BB3 Apps
.BBB BlackBerry Mobile Phone Backup File Free BBB Apps
.BBC BBC BASIC Data File Free BBC Apps
.BBCD BobCAD-CAM Document Free BBCD Apps
.BBDOC Buildbox Document Free BBDOC Apps
.BBL BibTeX Generated Bibliography File Free BBL Apps
.BBLM BBEdit Language Module Free BBLM Apps
.BBMODEL Blockbench 3D Model File Free BBMODEL Apps
.BBPROJECT BBEdit Project File Free BBPROJECT Apps
.BBPROJECTD BBEdit Project Document Free BBPROJECTD Apps
.BBS Bulletin Board System Text Free BBS Apps
.BBZ BerryBuzz Backup File Free BBZ Apps
.BC BitComet Partially Downloaded File Free BC Apps
.BC! BitComet Incomplete File Free BC! Apps
.BC Adobe Bridge Cache File Free BC Apps
.BC5B Ransomware Encrypted File Free BC5B Apps
.BCC Calendar Creator File Free BCC Apps
.BCD RealView Debugger Board Chip Definition File Free BCD Apps
.BCD Windows Boot Configuration Data File Free BCD Apps
.BCF Business Card Designer Pro File Free BCF Apps
.BCI Belarc Advisor Report File Free BCI Apps
.BCK VMX Backup File Free BCK Apps
.BCKP Ad-Aware Quarantined File Free BCKP Apps
.BCL Illumina Base Call File Free BCL Apps
.BCM Business Contact Manager File Free BCM Apps
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.BCM Adobe Bridge Cache File Free BCM Apps
.BCMX Business Contact Manager Customization Free BCMX Apps
.BCP Borland C++ Makefile Free BCP Apps
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.BCP BlackMagic Custom Palette Free BCP Apps
.BCP Batch Compiler Preset File Free BCP Apps
.BCPIO Binary CPIO Archive Free BCPIO Apps
.BCS Batch Compiler Specification File Free BCS Apps
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.BCSTM BCSTM Audio Stream File Free BCSTM Apps
.BCT Adobe Bridge Thumbnail Cache File Free BCT Apps
.BDAE Gameloft Game Data File Free BDAE Apps
.BDB Microsoft Works Database Backup File Free BDB Apps
.BDC Babylon Dictionary File Free BDC Apps
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.BDF BSDiff Patch File Free BDF Apps
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.BEAM Compiled Erlang File Free BEAM Apps
.BEAN Bean Rich Text Document Free BEAN Apps
.BED UCSC BED Annotation Track File Free BED Apps
.BET BETA Source File Free BET Apps
.BF CryoBF Game Data File Free BF Apps
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.BFC Windows Briefcase File Free BFC Apps
.BFF Backup File Format Free BFF Apps
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.BFS FlatOut Game Data File Free BFS Apps
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.BFSTM BFSTM Audio Stream File Free BFSTM Apps
.BFWAV BFWAV Audio File Free BFWAV Apps
.BFX Bitware Fax Document Free BFX Apps
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.BH BlakHole Archive Free BH Apps
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.BIB BibTeX Bibliography Database Free BIB Apps
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.BK FrameMaker Book File Free BK Apps
.BK1 Windows Indexing Service File Free BK1 Apps
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.BK1 ERwin Backup File Free BK1 Apps
.BK2 Windows Indexing Service Data File Free BK2 Apps
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.BKF Windows Backup Utility File Free BKF Apps
.BKK BookBuddi eBook File Free BKK Apps
.BKMK Yummy FTP Bookmark File Free BKMK Apps
.BKP Backup File Free BKP Apps
.BKP Zapback Backup File Free BKP Apps
.BKS Microsoft Works Spreadsheet Backup File Free BKS Apps
.BKS NTBackup Settings File Free BKS Apps
.BKUP Backup File Free BKUP Apps
.BKY MIT App Inventor Blocks XML File Free BKY Apps
.BKZ BaKoMa TeX Installation Module Free BKZ Apps
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.BLB Interactive Fiction Package Game File Free BLB Apps
.BLB Dreamworks Resource File Free BLB Apps
.BLB Blob Data File Free BLB Apps
.BLD Skyscraper Simulator Building Script Free BLD Apps
.BLD Envisioneer Building Project File Free BLD Apps
.BLEND Blender 3D Data File Free BLEND Apps
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.BLN Golden Software Blanking File Free BLN Apps
.BLOB Valve Steam Archive Free BLOB Apps
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.BLW Adobe Photoshop Black and White Presets File Free BLW Apps
.BLZ N-Gage Mobile Video Game File Free BLZ Apps
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.BLZ Compressed Bitmap Image Free BLZ Apps
.BM2 Subspace Bitmap File Free BM2 Apps
.BM2 Boardmaker Interactive Board File Free BM2 Apps
.BM3 Sony Ericsson Backup File Free BM3 Apps
.BMC Embroidery Image File Free BMC Apps
.BMC Bolide Movie Creator Project File Free BMC Apps
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.BMD MU Online Game Data File Free BMD Apps
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.BME BeatMania 7-Key Song File Free BME Apps
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.BMG Nintendo Message File Free BMG Apps
.BMI 3ds Max Plug-in Free BMI Apps
.BMK Nokia Device Bookmark File Free BMK Apps
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.BML Bean Markup Language File Free BML Apps
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.BMP Bitmap Image File Free BMP Apps
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.BNA Barna Word Processor Document Free BNA Apps
.BND DB2 CLI Bind File Free BND Apps
.BNDL Game Data Bundle File Free BNDL Apps
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.BNK ExamView Question Bank File Free BNK Apps
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.BNP Sony Camcorder Video Data File Free BNP Apps
.BNR Nintendo Wii Banner File Free BNR Apps
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.BNZ The Bingo Maker Card Template File Free BNZ Apps
.BO2 Minecraft BO2 Object File Free BO2 Apps
.BO3 Minecraft BO3 Object File Free BO3 Apps
.BOC EasyWord Big Document Free BOC Apps
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.BOK ProStores Dynamic Web Page Free BOK Apps
.BOM Mac OS X Bill of Materials File Free BOM Apps
.BONK Bonk Audio File Free BONK Apps
.BOO Booasm Compressed Archive Free BOO Apps
.BOOK iBooks Author Document Free BOOK Apps
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.BOX E-mail Mailbox Free BOX Apps
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.BOX CARA Loudspeaker Design File Free BOX Apps
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.BP2 AutoCAD Batch Plot File Free BP2 Apps
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.BPA StorageSync Backup Archive Free BPA Apps
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.BPD Binary Printer Description File Free BPD Apps
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.BPDX Business Plan Pro Document Free BPDX Apps
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.BPF Baan ERP Document Free BPF Apps
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.BPHYS Blender Cache File Free BPHYS Apps
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.BT Binary Terrain File Free BT Apps
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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z