File Formtas Starts with Letter E

List of all File Formats begins with letter E from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.E_E Renamed EXE File Free E_E Apps
.E00 ArcInfo Coverage Export File Free E00 Apps
.E01 EnCase Image File Free E01 Apps
.E2GM Pangea Enigmo 2 Custom Game File Free E2GM Apps
.E2P PonyProg Device File Free E2P Apps
.E4A Encrypt4all Archive Free E4A Apps
.E57 LIDAR Point Cloud Data File Free E57 Apps
.EA Kindle End Actions File Free EA Apps
.EAL Kindle End Actions File Free EAL Apps
.EAP Adobe Photoshop Exposure File Free EAP Apps
.EAP Enterprise Architect Project Free EAP Apps
.EAR Eyemail Audio Recording Free EAR Apps
.EAR Java Enterprise Archive File Free EAR Apps
.EAS RSLogix Symbol File Free EAS Apps
.EASM eDrawings Assembly File Free EASM Apps
.EAZ ArcGIS Explorer Add-in File Free EAZ Apps
.EBA Emergence BASIC Source Code File Free EBA Apps
.EBD Windows EBD System File Free EBD Apps
.EBK eBook Pro eBook File Free EBK Apps
.EBM Embla Recording Free EBM Apps
.EBM EXTRA! Basic Macro Free EBM Apps
.EBN Philips Firmware Update File Free EBN Apps
.EBS E-Run 1.x Script Free EBS Apps
.EBS2 E-Run 2.0 Script File Free EBS2 Apps
.EBUILD Portage eBuild Script Free EBUILD Apps
.EC0 MetroCount Traffic Data File Free EC0 Apps
.EC3 EPSON Print CD File Free EC3 Apps
.EC4 EPSON Print CD File Free EC4 Apps
.ECC dvdisaster Error Correction File Free ECC Apps
.ECD Encrypted Cryptee Document Free ECD Apps
.ECE Escenic Dynamic Web Page Free ECE Apps
.ECELP4800 Nuera ECELP 4800 Free ECELP4800 Apps
.ECELP7470 Nuera ECELP 7470 Free ECELP7470 Apps
.ECELP9600 Nuera ECELP 9600 Free ECELP9600 Apps
.ECF SageCRM Component File Free ECF Apps
.ECF Outlook Add-in Free ECF Apps
.ECFG ArcGIS Component Configuration File Free ECFG Apps
.ECL Touhou Stage Script Free ECL Apps
.ECL Management-Ware Mass Mailing News E-Campaign List Free ECL Apps
.ECM ECM Disc Image Free ECM Apps
.ECO ECCO Database File Free ECO Apps
.ECP EasyC Project File Free ECP Apps
.ECS Sony Ericsson Phone Backup File Free ECS Apps
.ECSBX Error-Correcting SeqBox Container File Free ECSBX Apps
.ECT Yozo Office Chart Template File Free ECT Apps
.ECW EclipseCrossword Word List File Free ECW Apps
.ECW Enhanced Compression Wavelet Image Free ECW Apps
.ECX ECCO Corrupted Database File Free ECX Apps
.EDA Ensoniq ASR Disk Image Free EDA Apps
.EDAT Sony Encrypted Data File Free EDAT Apps
.EDAT E-DataAid 1.x File Free EDAT Apps
.EDAT2 E-DataAid 2.0 File Free EDAT2 Apps
.EDB Exchange Information Store Database Free EDB Apps
.EDB Windows Search Index Database Free EDB Apps
.EDC Kryptel Lite Encrypted File Free EDC Apps
.EDDX Edraw XML FIle Free EDDX Apps
.EDE Ensoniq EPS Disk Image Free EDE Apps
.EDF ESRF Data File Free EDF Apps
.EDF Edificius Project Free EDF Apps
.EDF Estimator Data File Free EDF Apps
.EDFX Estimator.NET Estimate File Free EDFX Apps
.EDG Edge Diagrammer File Free EDG Apps
.EDGE Adobe Edge Project File Free EDGE Apps
.EDI Electronic Data Interchange File Free EDI Apps
.EDJ Enlightenment Theme File Free EDJ Apps
.EDK Ensoniq KT Disk Image Free EDK Apps
.EDL EdLib Audio File Free EDL Apps
.EDL Edit Decision List File Free EDL Apps
.EDM Adobe Extension Data Markup Language File Free EDM Apps
.EDML Adobe Extension Data Markup Language Document Free EDML Apps
.EDMX ADO.NET Entity Data Model Designer File Free EDMX Apps
.EDN Adobe eBook Activation File Free EDN Apps
.EDN EDIF Implementation Netlist File Free EDN Apps
.EDOC Electronically Certified Document Free EDOC Apps
.EDQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 Disk Image Free EDQ Apps
.EDRW SolidWorks eDrawings File Free EDRW Apps
.EDRWX XPS Drawing Document Free EDRWX Apps
.EDS Ensoniq SQ-80 Disk Image Free EDS Apps
.EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD Disk Image Free EDV Apps
.EDX Edraw XML FIle Free EDX Apps
.EDXZ Edraw Compressed XML FIle Free EDXZ Apps
.EDZ EPLAN Electric P8 Data Archive Zipped File Free EDZ Apps
.EEK Arachne Network-Enabled Script Free EEK Apps
.EEP EEPROM Data File Free EEP Apps
.EEPF EmuOS Exchangeable Packet File Free EEPF Apps
.EF Diploma Exam File Free EF Apps
.EF2 Internet Download Manager Export File Free EF2 Apps
.EFA Ensoniq ASR File Free EFA Apps
.EFE Ensoniq EPS File Free EFE Apps
.EFI Extensible Firmware Interface File Free EFI Apps
.EFIF Pcsel eFIF File Free EFIF Apps
.EFIRES EFI Image File Free EFIRES Apps
.EFK Ensoniq KT File Free EFK Apps
.EFL External Format Language File Free EFL Apps
.EFL Encryptafile Encrypted File Free EFL Apps
.EFP Exchange Forms Designer Template Free EFP Apps
.EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS-32 File Free EFQ Apps
.EFR Encryptafile Private Key File Free EFR Apps
.EFS Ensoniq SQ-80 File Free EFS Apps
.EFT Logitech Lighting Effect File Free EFT Apps
.EFTX Office 2007 Theme Effect File Free EFTX Apps
.EFU Encryptafile Public Key File Free EFU Apps
.EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD File Free EFV Apps
.EFW Renamed Zip or Executable File Free EFW Apps
.EFX eFax Document Free EFX Apps
.EFX Jedi Knight Effects File Free EFX Apps
.EGC EximiousSoft GIF Creator Document Free EGC Apps
.EGG Python Distribution Package Free EGG Apps
.EGG Beat Saber Custom Song File Free EGG Apps
.EGG ALZip Archive Free EGG Apps
.EGG Panda3D Model File Free EGG Apps
.EGLIB Adobe Edge Animate Library File Free EGLIB Apps
.EGM Enigmo Custom Game File Free EGM Apps
.EGP Easy Grade Pro Gradebook File Free EGP Apps
.EGT EagleGet Temporary File Free EGT Apps
.EHAM ExtraHAM Executable File Free EHAM Apps
.EHI HTTP Injector Config File Free EHI Apps
.EI6 Proprietary P&G Standard Reporting System Free EI6 Apps
.EIO Yozo Office File Free EIO Apps
.EIP Enhanced Image Package File Free EIP Apps
.EIT Yozo Office Template File Free EIT Apps
.EIX Metin2 Game Data File Free EIX Apps
.EJS Embedded JavaScript Template Free EJS Apps
.EK6 Generation 6 Pokémon Save File Free EK6 Apps
.EKB ZMC Visual Tablet Data Free EKB Apps
.EKX Encrypted 3DS Pokémon Save File Free EKX Apps
.EL Emacs Lisp Code File Free EL Apps
.EL4 Easy-PhotoPrint EX Calendar File Free EL4 Apps
.ELC Emacs Compiled Lisp File Free ELC Apps
.ELD Eulumdat Formatted Luminaire Data File Free ELD Apps
.ELF PlayStation Executable File Free ELF Apps
.ELF Nintendo Wii Game File Free ELF Apps
.ELF Executable and Linkable Format File Free ELF Apps
.ELM Eternal Lands Map File Free ELM Apps
.ELM Office Theme File Free ELM Apps
.ELP eCommerce Landing Page Free ELP Apps
.ELS EasyLanguage Storage File Free ELS Apps
.EM Encore Menu Template Free EM Apps
.EMAIL Outlook Express Email Message Free EMAIL Apps
.EMB Wilcom Embroidery Design File Free EMB Apps
.EMB Pfaff Embroidery Design File Free EMB Apps
.EMBL EMBL Sequence Data File Free EMBL Apps
.EMBR Spatial Geodatabase File Free EMBR Apps
.EMC Striata Reader Encrypted Document Free EMC Apps
.EMD ChessBase Tablebase Free EMD Apps
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.EMERALD Emerald Theme Free EMERALD Apps
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.EML E-Mail Message Free EML Apps
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.EMM MindMaple Map Free EMM Apps
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.EMRG E-Merge 1.x Data File Free EMRG Apps
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.EMY eMelody Ringtone File Free EMY Apps
.EMZ Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile Free EMZ Apps
.ENC Encore Musical Notation File Free ENC Apps
.ENC Copysafe Protected PDF File Free ENC Apps
.ENC Cabal Online Data File Free ENC Apps
.ENC Encoded File Free ENC Apps
.ENC Electronic Navigation Chart File Free ENC Apps
.ENEX Evernote Archive Free ENEX Apps
.ENF EndNote Filter File Free ENF Apps
.ENG Chess Engine Free ENG Apps
.ENL EndNote Library Free ENL Apps
.ENLX Archived EndNote Library Free ENLX Apps
.ENML Evernote for Android Note Free ENML Apps
.ENP EndNote Preferences File Free ENP Apps
.ENQ EndNote Search Options File Free ENQ Apps
.ENS EndNote Style File Free ENS Apps
.ENT External Entity Free ENT Apps
.ENTITLEMENTS Mac App Sandboxing Entitlements File Free ENTITLEMENTS Apps
.ENV Adobe Dictionary Data File Free ENV Apps
.ENV Now Contact Envelope Template Free ENV Apps
.ENV Vue Environment File Free ENV Apps
.ENV WordPerfect Environment Free ENV Apps
.ENW EndNote Import File Free ENW Apps
.ENX Max PC Safe Encrypted File Free ENX Apps
.ENX eDataSecurity Management Encrypted File Free ENX Apps
.ENZ EndNote Connection File Free ENZ Apps
.EOL Digital Winds Music Free EOL Apps
.EOP Everyone Piano Music Score File Free EOP Apps
.EOT Embedded OpenType Font Free EOT Apps
.EP Pencil Document Free EP Apps
.EPC Doctor Who Game Data File Free EPC Apps
.EPF Edgecam Educational Part File Free EPF Apps
.EPF EAGLE Project Free EPF Apps
.EPI EclipsePackager2000 Compressed File Free EPI Apps
.EPIBRW Web File Location Free EPIBRW Apps
.EPIM EssentialPIM Database File Free EPIM Apps
.EPK Metin2 Game Data Package Free EPK Apps
.EPK LG Firmware Package Free EPK Apps
.EPK2 E-Prime 2.0 Package File Free EPK2 Apps
.EPP Efficient PPC Project File Free EPP Apps
.EPP Canon Easy-PhotoPrint Image File Free EPP Apps
.EPP EditPad Pro Project Free EPP Apps
.EPP Elmedia Player Playlist Free EPP Apps
.EPP TalaPhoto Project Free EPP Apps
.EPR Photoshop AME Preset File Free EPR Apps
.EPRT eDrawings File Free EPRT Apps
.EPS Encapsulated PostScript File Free EPS Apps
.EPSF Encapsulated PostScript Format File Free EPSF Apps
.EPUB Open eBook File Free EPUB Apps
.EPW EnergyPlus Weather Data File Free EPW Apps
.EQF Winamp Equalizer Preset File Free EQF Apps
.EQL Embedded SQL File Free EQL Apps
.EQL MathType Settings Free EQL Apps
.EQN GAL Equation File Free EQN Apps
.EQN WordPerfect Equation Free EQN Apps
.EQP MathType Preferences Free EQP Apps
.ER1 ERWin Entity Relationship Diagram Free ER1 Apps
.ERB Ruby ERB Script Free ERB Apps
.ERB Evil Genius Resource File Free ERB Apps
.ERB Braille Music Reader File Free ERB Apps
.ERD Entity Relation Diagram Free ERD Apps
.ERF BioWare Entity Resource File Free ERF Apps
.ERF Epson RAW File Free ERF Apps
.ERG CompuTrainer Workout File Free ERG Apps
.ERL GameGuard Error Log File Free ERL Apps
.ERL Erlang Source Code File Free ERL Apps
.ERP Ego Engine Game Archive Free ERP Apps
.ERP Alter Ego Game Archive Free ERP Apps
.ERP Encarta Researcher File Free ERP Apps
.ERR AutoCAD Error Log File Free ERR Apps
.ERR Error Log File Free ERR Apps
.ERR FoxPro Compilation Error Free ERR Apps
.ERS ER Mapper Data File Free ERS Apps
.ERSX Eraser Task List File Free ERSX Apps
.ERX Entity Relationship Data Model File Free ERX Apps
.ES E-Studio 1.x Experiment File Free ES Apps
.ES SageCRM Script File Free ES Apps
.ES2 E-Studio 2.0 Experiment File Free ES2 Apps
.ES3 MICROSEC e-Szign� Free ES3 Apps
.ESB Es-Builder Book File Free ESB Apps
.ESC EasySignCut Pro Project Free ESC Apps
.ESCAPE Prison Architect Escape Mode Save File Free ESCAPE Apps
.ESCN Godot Engine Exported Scene File Free ESCN Apps
.ESCOPY ES File Explorer File Manager Temporary File Free ESCOPY Apps
.ESD Windows Electronic Software Download File Free ESD Apps
.ESE Millions Email Generator Email List File Free ESE Apps
.ESF Password Manager Container File Free ESF Apps
.ESG Enigmo Saved Game File Free ESG Apps
.ESH Extended Shell Batch File Free ESH Apps
.ESLOCK ES File Explorer File Manager Encrypted File Free ESLOCK Apps
.ESM Fallout 3 Master File Free ESM Apps
.ESM Elder Scrolls Master File Free ESM Apps
.ESP Elder Scrolls Plugin File Free ESP Apps
.ESP Fallout 3 Plugin File Free ESP Apps
.ESP ACD/Labs Dataset Free ESP Apps
.ESPROJ Espresso Project File Free ESPROJ Apps
.ESPS ESPS Sampled Data File Free ESPS Apps
.ESQ Embroidery Sequence File Free ESQ Apps
.ESS The Elder Scrolls Saved Game Free ESS Apps
.ESS EasySpreadsheet Spreadsheet Free ESS Apps
.EST Streets & Trips Map File Free EST Apps
.EST_UAX Spanish Unreal Audio Package Free EST_UAX Apps
.EST Construction Cost Estimate File Free EST Apps
.ESX Xactimate Insurance Claims Estimate Free ESX Apps
.ET Kingsoft Spreadsheets File Free ET Apps
.ET Easiteach Lesson File Free ET Apps
.ETA Google Earth Placemark File Free ETA Apps
.ETD Adobe Reader EBX Transfer Data File Free ETD Apps
.ETE Exam Testing Engine File Free ETE Apps
.ETF ENIGMA Transportable File Free ETF Apps
.ETFF Encrypt4all Theme File Free ETFF Apps
.ETH Ether Source Code File Free ETH Apps
.ETL Microsoft Event Trace Log File Free ETL Apps
.ETNG Easiteach Next Generation Document Free ETNG Apps
.ETT Kingsoft Spreadsheets Template Free ETT Apps
.ETX Structure Enhanced Text (Setext) File Free ETX Apps
.ETX TeX Font Encoding File Free ETX Apps
.EUC Extended Unix Code File Free EUC Apps
.EUF Private Character Editor File Free EUF Apps
.EUI Ensoniq EPS Compacted Disk Image Free EUI Apps
.EUM Enterprise User Monitor Configuration File Free EUM Apps
.EV Echoview File Free EV Apps
.EV3 Everlock Options File Free EV3 Apps
.EV3 LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Project Free EV3 Apps
.EV3 Team Manager Meet Event File Free EV3 Apps
.EV3S LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Shared File Free EV3S Apps
.EVENT Corel Cataloged Folder File Free EVENT Apps
.EVO SeeVogh Player Video Recording Free EVO Apps
.EVO HD DVD Video File Free EVO Apps
.EVP Talisman Online Game Data File Free EVP Apps
.EVR Enhanced Variable Rate Audio File Free EVR Apps
.EVRC Enhanced Variable Rate Codec File Free EVRC Apps
.EVT Windows Event Viewer Log File Free EVT Apps
.EVTX Windows 7 Event Log File Free EVTX Apps
.EVX SeeVogh Player Remote Recording Free EVX Apps
.EVY Envoy File Free EVY Apps
.EWB Electronics Workbench Circuit Design File Free EWB Apps
.EWD EasyWOOD Design File Free EWD Apps
.EWL EclipseCrossword Word List File Free EWL Apps
.EWNET Ultiboard Netlist File Free EWNET Apps
.EWP Ewisoft Website Project File Free EWP Apps
.EWPRJ Ultiboard Layout Project Free EWPRJ Apps
.EWS EasyWorship Schedule File Free EWS Apps
.EWW Embedded Workbench Workspace Free EWW Apps
.EX Euphoria Source Code Free EX Apps
.EX. Compressed Executable File Free EX. Apps
.EX_ Renamed Windows Executable File Free EX_ Apps
.EX01 EnCase Evidence Image File Free EX01 Apps
.EX4 MetaTrader 4 Program File Free EX4 Apps
.EX5 MetaTrader 5 Program File Free EX5 Apps
.EXAMPLE Example Configuration File Free EXAMPLE Apps
.EXB Evernote Database File Free EXB Apps
.EXB CAXA Draft Free EXB Apps
.EXC eDataSecurity Management Self-extracting File Free EXC Apps
.EXC Black & White Zone File Free EXC Apps
.EXD Control Information Cache File Free EXD Apps
.EXE Windows Executable File Free EXE Apps
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.EXE1 Renamed EXE File Free EXE1 Apps
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.EXI Efficient XML Interchange Free EXI Apps
.EXIF Exchangeable Image Information File Free EXIF Apps
.EXL JSDAI Inclusion or Exclusion List Free EXL Apps
.EXL Export Lister File Free EXL Apps
.EXM Boson Exam File Free EXM Apps
.EXO YouTube Video Chunk File Free EXO Apps
.EXOPC ExoPC Application Free EXOPC Apps
.EXP Bernina Embroidery File Free EXP Apps
.EXP SonicWALL Preference File Free EXP Apps
.EXP Symbols Export File Free EXP Apps
.EXP Melco Embroidery File Free EXP Apps
.EXP Export File Free EXP Apps
.EXP Aurora Expert Trace File Free EXP Apps
.EXP CATIA 4 Export File Free EXP Apps
.EXPORTEDUI Microsoft Office Exported UI Customization File Free EXPORTEDUI Apps
.EXPRESSIONMAP Cubase Expression Map File Free EXPRESSIONMAP Apps
.EXR OpenEXR Image Free EXR Apps
.EXS Blades of Exile Scenario Free EXS Apps
.EXS EXS Instrument Free EXS Apps
.EXT Norton Commander Extension Free EXT Apps
.EXT Generic Email Attachment Free EXT Apps
.EXTR COW App Extractor File Free EXTR Apps
.EXTRA Google BreakPad Crash Log Extra File Free EXTRA Apps
.EXV Adobe Extension Script Free EXV Apps
.EXW Euphoria Source code File Free EXW Apps
.EXX IBM Linkway MsgPut File Free EXX Apps
.EYB Microsoft Encarta Yearbook Update File Free EYB Apps
.EYE Eyemail Video Recording File Free EYE Apps
.EYETV EyeTV Recording File Free EYETV Apps
.EYETVP EyeTV Recording Metadata File Free EYETVP Apps
.EZ2 EZPix Secure Photo Album Free EZ2 Apps
.EZ3 EZPix Secure Photo Album Free EZ3 Apps
.EZC AutoCAD Ecscad Components Backup File Free EZC Apps
.EZDRAW EazyDraw Graphic Free EZDRAW Apps
.EZLOG Skype Extras Manager Log File Free EZLOG Apps
.EZP AutoCAD Ecscad Project Backup File Free EZP Apps
.EZS EZ-R Stats Batch Script Free EZS Apps
.EZT EZTitles Subtitles File Free EZT Apps
.EZT EZT Malicious Worm File Free EZT Apps
.EZW easyOFFER Real Estate Form File Free EZW Apps
Extension File Type Free Apps


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