File Formtas Starts with Letter I

List of all File Formats begins with letter I from the FileProInfo file types database.

Extension File Type Free Apps
.I Visual Studio Intermediate File Free I Apps
.I INTERCAL Source File Free I Apps
.I00 DVD Shrink Part 1 File Free I00 Apps
.I01 DVD Shrink Part 2 File Free I01 Apps
.I02 DVD Shrink Part 3 File Free I02 Apps
.I2G Interactive Geometry Software Free I2G Apps
.I3D Houdini Image 3D File Free I3D Apps
.I3PACK Point Blank Game Data File Free I3PACK Apps
.I5Z IUCLID 5 Import/Export File Free I5Z Apps
.IAA INTUS Audio Archive Free IAA Apps
.IADACTION iAd Producer Plugin Action Template Free IADACTION Apps
.IADCLASS iAd Producer Plugin Class Description File Free IADCLASS Apps
.IADCOMPONENT iAd Producer Plugin Component File Free IADCOMPONENT Apps
.IADPAGE iAd Producer Plugin Page Template Free IADPAGE Apps
.IADPLUG iAd Producer Plugin Free IADPLUG Apps
.IADPROJ iAd Producer Project Free IADPROJ Apps
.IADSTYLE iAd Producer Plugin Style Template Free IADSTYLE Apps
.IAF Outlook Internet Account File Free IAF Apps
.IAM Inventor Assembly File Free IAM Apps
.IAS Intermodulation Analysis System File Free IAS Apps
.IB InterBase Database Free IB Apps
.IB2 IncrediBots 2 Saved Challenge File Free IB2 Apps
.IB3 IncrediBots 3 Saved Challenge File Free IB3 Apps
.IBA iBooks Author Document Free IBA Apps
.IBA Lectra Clothing Design Pieces File Free IBA Apps
.IBADR IsoBuster Address File Free IBADR Apps
.IBATEMPLATE iBooks Author Document Template Free IBATEMPLATE Apps
.IBB ImgBurn Project File Free IBB Apps
.IBCD InstantBingoCard Document Free IBCD Apps
.IBCH IncrediBots Challenge File Free IBCH Apps
.IBDAT IsoBuster Data File Free IBDAT Apps
.IBG ImgBurn Graph File Free IBG Apps
.IBK IncrediMail Account Backup File Free IBK Apps
.IBOOKS Multi-Touch iBook Free IBOOKS Apps
.IBP IsoBuster Managed Image Information File Free IBP Apps
.IBPLUGIN Interface Builder Plug-in Free IBPLUGIN Apps
.IBQ IsoBuster Managed Image File Free IBQ Apps
.IBRE IncrediBots Replay File Free IBRE Apps
.IBRO IncrediBots Robot File Free IBRO Apps
.IBT Texture and Model File Free IBT Apps
.IC1 Low Resolution Imagic Graphics File Free IC1 Apps
.IC2 Medium Resolution Imagic Graphics File Free IC2 Apps
.IC3 High Resolution Imagic Graphics File Free IC3 Apps
.IC3D IC3D Scene File Free IC3D Apps
.ICA Citrix ICA File Free ICA Apps
.ICA Image Object Content Architecture File Free ICA Apps
.ICAL iCalendar File Free ICAL Apps
.ICALENDAR iCalendar File Free ICALENDAR Apps
.ICALEVENT iCal Event File Free ICALEVENT Apps
.ICALTODO iCal To Do File Free ICALTODO Apps
.ICAP InCopy Package File Free ICAP Apps
.ICB Targa ICB Bitmap Image Free ICB Apps
.ICBU Calendar Backup File Free ICBU Apps
.ICC ICC Profile Free ICC Apps
.ICD Installable Client Driver File Free ICD Apps
.ICD SafeDisc Encrypted Program Free ICD Apps
.ICD IronCAD 3D Drawing File Free ICD Apps
.ICE ICE File Archive Free ICE Apps
.ICF Zoom Router Configuration File Free ICF Apps
.ICG Image Comparer Gallery File Free ICG Apps
.ICHAT iChat Saved Chat Log Free ICHAT Apps
.ICL Windows Icon Library File Free ICL Apps
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.ICMA InCopy Assignment File Free ICMA Apps
.ICML InCopy Document Free ICML Apps
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.ICMT InCopy Template Free ICMT Apps
.ICN Windows Icon File Free ICN Apps
.ICNS macOS Icon Resource File Free ICNS Apps
.ICO Icon File Free ICO Apps
.ICON Icon Image File Free ICON Apps
.ICONPACKAGE IconPackager Theme File Free ICONPACKAGE Apps
.ICONSET Mac OS X Icon Set Folder Free ICONSET Apps
.ICONTAINER CandyBar iContainer File Free ICONTAINER Apps
.ICPR IconUtils Project File Free ICPR Apps
.ICR Image Comparer Results File Free ICR Apps
.ICS IC Recorder Sound File Free ICS Apps
.ICS IronCAD 3D Drawing File Free ICS Apps
.ICS Calendar File Free ICS Apps
.ICST InCopy Document Preset File Free ICST Apps
.ICURSORFX iCursor Effect File Free ICURSORFX Apps
.ID Lotus Notes User ID File Free ID Apps
.ID2 Windows Live Messenger Emoticon File Free ID2 Apps
.ID3TAG MP3 Skype Recorder Temporary File Free ID3TAG Apps
.IDAP Adobe InDesign Assignment Package Free IDAP Apps
.IDB Visual Studio Intermediate Debug File Free IDB Apps
.IDB IDA Database File Free IDB Apps
.IDC Internet Database Connector File Free IDC Apps
.IDCL Inventor Desktop Content Library File Free IDCL Apps
.IDDX Static Default File Free IDDX Apps
.IDE GTA Item Definition File Free IDE Apps
.IDE Inventor iFeature File Free IDE Apps
.IDEA Tresor IDEA Encrypted File Free IDEA Apps
.IDEA Adobe Ideas Document Free IDEA Apps
.IDF MIDI Instrument Definition File Free IDF Apps
.IDI EVA Controller Event Log Free IDI Apps
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.IDLK Adobe InDesign Lock File Free IDLK Apps
.IDML Adobe InDesign Markup Language File Free IDML Apps
.IDMS Adobe InDesign Snippet Free IDMS Apps
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.IDX Index File Free IDX Apps
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.IDX HMI Historical Log Index File Free IDX Apps
.IDX0 Runescape Cache Index File Free IDX0 Apps
.IDX255 Runescape Cache File Free IDX255 Apps
.IEF Image Exchange Free IEF Apps
.IES IES Photometric Data File Free IES Apps
.IF Procedimientos-Uno IFWin Project File Free IF Apps
.IFAITH iFaith SHSH File Free IFAITH Apps
.IFC Industry Foundation Classes File Free IFC Apps
.IFCXML Industry Foundation Classes XML File Free IFCXML Apps
.IFCZIP Compessed IFC File Free IFCZIP Apps
.IFD InForm Document Free IFD Apps
.IFF Interchange File Format Free IFF Apps
.IFICTION iFiction Metadata File Free IFICTION Apps
.IFL 3ds Max Image File List Free IFL Apps
.IFM Informed Form Data Document Free IFM Apps
.IFO DVD-Video Disc Information File Free IFO Apps
.IFP GTA Animation File Free IFP Apps
.IFS InfoSlips Package Free IFS Apps
.IFW INTUS Firmware File Free IFW Apps
.IGC Anime List Builder Input File Free IGC Apps
.IGES IGES Drawing File Free IGES Apps
.IGG SuiteProfiler Color Map File Free IGG Apps
.IGI Indigo Image File Free IGI Apps
.IGL igLoader Free IGL Apps
.IGM Indigo Renderer Material File Free IGM Apps
.IGMA INTUS Graph Mask Archive Free IGMA Apps
.IGN RoboHelp Ignore List File Free IGN Apps
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.IGQ Indigo Queue File Free IGQ Apps
.IGR Igor Engraver File Free IGR Apps
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.IGS Indigo Renderer Scene File Free IGS Apps
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.IGX iGrafx Document Free IGX Apps
.IHW IN-HEH Timeline Workspace Free IHW Apps
.IHX IN-HEH Timeline Database Free IHX Apps
.II IconWorkshop Extended Information File Free II Apps
.IIF Intuit Interchange Format File Free IIF Apps
.IIL CleanSweep Installation Log Free IIL Apps
.IIM iMacro Macro File Free IIM Apps
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.IIQ Phase One RAW Image Free IIQ Apps
.IIT Install Creator Project File Free IIT Apps
.IIX Translation Memory Index File Free IIX Apps
.IK CryENGINE IK Animation File Free IK Apps
.IKF INTUS Keyboard File Free IKF Apps
.IKMP IK Multimedia Preset FIle Free IKMP Apps
.ILBM Interleaved Bitmap Image Free ILBM Apps
.ILDOC QuickSilver Document Free ILDOC Apps
.ILG InstallScript Log File Free ILG Apps
.ILK Incremental Linking File Free ILK Apps
.IM4P IMG4 Payload File Free IM4P Apps
.IMA Sage ACT! Email Message Free IMA Apps
.IMA Disk Image Free IMA Apps
.IMAGE Apple Disk Image Free IMAGE Apps
.IMAGE OpenQwaq Image Free IMAGE Apps
.IMD Microsoft VisioModeler File Free IMD Apps
.IMD GIS Image Metadata File Free IMD Apps
.IMD ImageDisk Disk Image File Free IMD Apps
.IME Windows Input Method Editor File Free IME Apps
.IMF Id Music File Free IMF Apps
.IMG Grand Theft Auto Data File Free IMG Apps
.IMG GEM Image Free IMG Apps
.IMG Garmin Map File Free IMG Apps
.IMG Disc Image Data File Free IMG Apps
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.IMI Magellan Map File Free IMI Apps
.IMJ JFIF Bitmap Image Free IMJ Apps
.IML ACT! Internet Mail Message Free IML Apps
.IML IntelliJ IDEA Module Free IML Apps
.IMM iMindMap Map File Free IMM Apps
.IMOVIEPROJ iMovie Project File Free IMOVIEPROJ Apps
.IMP Audition Impulse File Free IMP Apps
.IMP Improv Spreadsheet Free IMP Apps
.IMP Imagine Project Free IMP Apps
.IMPORT Godot Engine Import Settings File Free IMPORT Apps
.IMR Impromptu Report File Free IMR Apps
.IMS Microsoft Class Server Free IMS Apps
.IMT My Time Data File Free IMT Apps
.IMTX iMindMap Template File Free IMTX Apps
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.IMY iMelody Ringtone File Free IMY Apps
.IMZ WinImage Compressed Disk Image Free IMZ Apps
.IN Input File Free IN Apps
.IN Autoconf Input File Free IN Apps
.IN Spyware File Free IN Apps
.INC Include File Free INC Apps
.INCA InCopy CS3 Assignment File Free INCA Apps
.INCD InCopy Document Free INCD Apps
.INCP InCopy CS3 Package File Free INCP Apps
.INCT InCopy Template Free INCT Apps
.INCX InCopy CS3 Interchange File Free INCX Apps
.IND Memory Stick Formatting File Free IND Apps
.IND Adobe InDesign Document Free IND Apps
.INDB Adobe InDesign Book File Free INDB Apps
.INDD Adobe InDesign Document Free INDD Apps
.INDK Adobe Shortcut Set File Free INDK Apps
.INDL Adobe InDesign Library Free INDL Apps
.INDP Adobe InDesign CS3 Package File Free INDP Apps
.INDS Adobe InDesign Snippet File Free INDS Apps
.INDT Adobe InDesign Template Free INDT Apps
.INETLOC Internet Location Free INETLOC Apps
.INF Setup Information File Free INF Apps
.INF_LOC Windows Driver Information Cache File Free INF_LOC Apps
.INFO Generic Information File Free INFO Apps
.INFO Minecraft Forge Information File Free INFO Apps
.INFO Drupal Module Information File Free INFO Apps
.INFO Texinfo Document Free INFO Apps
.INFO ZoomBrowser Image Index File Free INFO Apps
.INFOPATHXML Microsoft InfoPath Form Free INFOPATHXML Apps
.INFORM Inform Project Free INFORM Apps
.ING MasterCook Ingredients File Free ING Apps
.INI Finale Preferences File Free INI Apps
.INI Symbian OS Configuration File Free INI Apps
.INI Gravis UltraSound Bank Setup File Free INI Apps
.INI Windows Initialization File Free INI Apps
.INJB InDesign Job Bag File Free INJB Apps
.INK Mimio Ink Data File Free INK Apps
.INK Pantone Reference File Free INK Apps
.INK InkML Image Free INK Apps
.INK Pocket PC Handwritten Note Free INK Apps
.INL C++ Inline File Free INL Apps
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.INLX Adobe InDesign Interchange Library Free INLX Apps
.INM FaxMaster Document Free INM Apps
.INMS Adobe InDesign Menu Set File Free INMS Apps
.INO Arduino Sketch File Free INO Apps
.INP gretl Script File Free INP Apps
.INP Urdu InPage Document Free INP Apps
.INP MAME Replay File Free INP Apps
.INP Abaqus Input File Free INP Apps
.INP Sony Camcorder Image Management File Free INP Apps
.INPROGRESS Time Machine Backup Progress File Free INPROGRESS Apps
.INS Inspiration File Free INS Apps
.INS AGT Game Instruction File Free INS Apps
.INS Internet Settings File Free INS Apps
.INS Internet Naming Service File Free INS Apps
.INS LaTeX Installer Script Free INS Apps
.INS Ensoniq Instrument Free INS Apps
.INS Sample Cell II Instrument Definition File Free INS Apps
.INS Adlib Tracker Instrument File Free INS Apps
.INSP Insta360 Panoramic Image Free INSP Apps
.INSV Insta360 Panoramic Video Free INSV Apps
.INT Intellivision Game ROM File Free INT Apps
.INT Unreal International Localization File Free INT Apps
.INT Fallout Compiled Script Free INT Apps
.INT Sony Camcorder Image Management File Free INT Apps
.INT SGI Integer Image Free INT Apps
.INTERNETCONNECT Apple Internet Connect Document Free INTERNETCONNECT Apps
.INV INVedit File Free INV Apps
.INX Compiled Script Free INX Apps
.INX Adobe InDesign Interchange File Free INX Apps
.INX Inkscape Extension Descriptor File Free INX Apps
.IOBIT Advanced SystemCare Rollback File Free IOBIT Apps
.ION File Description File Free ION Apps
.IP IconPackager Theme File Free IP Apps
.IPA iOS Application Free IPA Apps
.IPALIAS iPhoto Alias File Free IPALIAS Apps
.IPCC iPhone Carrier Bundle Free IPCC Apps
.IPCH Intellisense Precompiled Header File Free IPCH Apps
.IPD BlackBerry Backup File Free IPD Apps
.IPF OS/2 Help File Free IPF Apps
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.IPF iMPACT Project File Free IPF Apps
.IPF Interchangeable Preservation File Free IPF Apps
.IPF PCAN-Explorer Panel File Free IPF Apps
.IPFIX Internet Protocol Flow Information Export Free IPFIX Apps
.IPG iPod Game File Free IPG Apps
.IPHOTO iPhoto Library File Free IPHOTO Apps
.IPICK iPick Football Image Free IPICK Apps
.IPJ Inventor Project File Free IPJ Apps
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.IPROJECT iClone Project File Free IPROJECT Apps
.IPS Internal Patching System Patch File Free IPS Apps
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.IT Impulse Tracker Module Free IT Apps
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.IW Chain Engineering Database File Free IW Apps
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.IWD Call of Duty Game Data File Free IWD Apps
.IWDGT iWeb Widget File Free IWDGT Apps
.IWI Infinity Ward Texture File Free IWI Apps
.IWM iWriteMusic Data File Free IWM Apps
.IWS InstallWatch Scan File Free IWS Apps
.IWS IntelliJ IDEA Web Page Free IWS Apps
.IWXDATA iWorx Data File Free IWXDATA Apps
.IWZ InstallShield Express 2 Project File Free IWZ Apps
.IX dtSearch Index File Free IX Apps
.IX2 WordPerfect Address Book File Free IX2 Apps
.IXA Ulead Disc Image format Free IXA Apps
.IXB Ulead Disc Image Free IXB Apps
.IZE IZArc Archive Free IZE Apps
.IZZ Isadora Media Control Project Free IZZ Apps
.IZZY Isadora Project Free IZZY Apps
Extension File Type Free Apps


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