What is a C4D File Type?
Cinema 4D comes with a wide range of tools to create realistic images and graphics for movies, games, architectural design, and motion graphics. The program includes a variety of tools, including a set of carving tools to shape your creations and a motion tracker that combines 3D elements with live images. Cinema 4D comes with libraries of hardware and software; objects that are full of predefined objects, d' animations and materials that can be accessed through the content browser.
The main file type associated with Cinema 4D is the C4D file. When you save your model, Cinema 4D creates the C4D file to store all the information about the model. The C4D can be reopened by Cinema 4D and is supported by d' other graphical programs such as Adobe After Effects and Unity Unity Technologies. Select File → Import to import C4D files into After Effects. To import C4D files into Unity, place the C4D file in your project 'Assets "the folder and file will be automatically imported and will appear in the Project View. You can drag it into the Scene View.
The term C4D " is also used as an abbreviation of the program itself. It is available in English, German, Spanish, French and other languages.