What is a SC2ASSETS File Type?
The active StarCraft II files may contain various types of game data, including audio, video, templates, textures and other data. The most common audio files are .OGG and .WAV. Typical textures are in .DDS format, and videos are often included as .OGV files. Other files include animations from .FXA actors and .M3 template files.
The SC2ASSETS files can be found in the installation of StarCraft II in the\ StarCraft II\ Campaigns\ Liberty.SC2Campaign\ and\ StarCraft II\ Mods\ Liberty.SC2Mod\ directories.
The active files of StarCraft II are usually very large since they contain audio, video and graphical data. The file base.SC2Assets in\ StarCraft II\ Campaigns\ Liberty.SC2Campaign\ is 3.72GB.
Since SC2ASSETS files are created in MPQ format, rename their extension to .mpq " and open them with an MPQ editor.