What is a SC2BANK File Type?
The SC2BANK uses a simple XML structure. It has a top-level & lt; Bank & gt; tag with nested sections (< Section & gt; tags), each with one or more keys (& Key & tags) and the other with a key. Each section describes a type of progress in the game, such as completed mission difficulties, best moments of mission, or level of campaign research for the Zerg and Protoss.
The SC2BANK files on Windows are located in the following directory: [user]\ documents\ StarCraft II\ Accounts\\\\\\\ Banks\\\.
They are stored in the following directory: & #91; user; #93; / Library / Application Support / Blizzard / StarCraft II / Accounts /... / Bank / Application Support / Blizzard / StarCraft II / Account / Bank.
Before September 2010 update 1.1.0, the backup location of Mac OS X SC2BANK was located in the following directory: & # 91; user & # 93; / Documents / Blizzard / StarCraft II / Accounts /... / Banks / Banks.