What is a TMVX File Type?
The TMVX files are saved in a proprietary format and are similar to Microsoft Word .DOT or .DOTX templates.
They can be converted into other formats in TextMaker, including .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, DOTX, TMD, TMDX, TMV, .ODT, .PSW and .RTF.
You can create a TMVX by selecting File → Save or Save as and selecting the TMVX format. You can open a TMVX by selecting File → Open and navigate to the TMVX file. You can select File → Nouveau and select the TMVX template from which you want to create your new document. By default, TMVX files are saved in Templates [Version] "SoftMaker folder; folder in your quote; Documents" folder.
TMVX replaced .TMV files as the main file type used to store templates.