What is a RIP File Type?
Mix separates different parts of the audio spectrum and allows users to mix and match the separate segments. For example, a user can adjust the timing of songs, add sound effects to instruments, increase the volume of specific parts, delete unwanted noises, or delete sections of d' a song. The interface allows users to drag-file audio segments n' anywhere on the time line and between separate tracks.
The PIR files do not store d'data; wave as in .WAV or MP3 files. Instead, they store the necessary information to recreate, or re-synthesize, audio data. The amplitude and frequency of audio mixing segments allow the audio to regenerate indistinctly from the original audio.
Hit 'n' Mix opens up to three RIP files at once in the program. When reading the RIP files, the user interface displays the forms generated as they are generated; they are read.