What is a EYETV File Type?
The EYETV file is similar to a .PKG file of Mac OS X. There is an MPEG video file, most likely a .MPG file, and metadata files, such as the .EYETVP file, associated with your TV recording. To see the contents of the file d' save AEEV, right @ - @, click on the file and select View the contents of the package.
The EyeTV Archive " directory contains the EYETV files, as well as the .EYETVSCHED files and other files. You can move this folder anywhere you want, but it must be named EyeTV Archive and you must specify in the application where the folder is.
The EyeTV software is compatible with OS X and iOS, although Geniatech develops peripherals that are available for Windows and Android devices. The availability depends on the country in which you live.
Geniatech acquired EyeTV d' Elgato in February 2016.