What is a THUMBDATA4-1763508120 File Type?
The file THUMBDATA4-1763508120 is created by the Gallery application to cache information on images that have been indexed. Caching allows the Gallery application to load the images faster and reduce the time needed to display the thumbnails.
The larger the file THUMBDATA4-1763508120, the more pictures you have in the appos; application Gallery. If you have a large number of thumbnails in your Galerie application, it can become several GB in size. Each time the file size increases, a new image is added. In addition, when an image is deleted, the indexed properties of the image remain in the file.
To reduce the size of the THUMBDATA4-1763508120 file, delete the images from the Gallery application and then delete the file THUMBDATA4-1763508120. The file will be regenerated by Galerie application but only for images still in the application.
If you do not want to delete images from your device, delete the file THUMBDATA4-1763508120 and create a new file in the same folder thumbnails to l' help d' a file explorer, such as ES File Explorer. Name the .thumbdata4-1763508120 file. This stops the creation of the THUMBDATA4-re-1763508120 file.
Use an Android file manager to navigate to your d' thumbnail indexes, which can be found in the sdcard / DCIM / .thumbnails directory.
The THUMBDATA4-1763508120 file is commonly found with THUMBDATA4-1967290299 .THUMBDATA3-1763508120 and .THUMBDATA3-1967290299 files.