What is a DOWNLOAD File Type?
When Safari downloads a file l'extension .download is added to the downloaded file. When the example.mp4 file is downloaded, for example, it becomes example.mp4.download. Once the download is complete, it removes the' extension .download and the file is ready to use. You will see only the TELEQUARGER files in your file; Downloads "folder during a download.
If your download was interrupted before being finished, it is possible to recover the file. Remove the .download extension and open-with the appropriate program. If you try this and still can't open the file, you have to delete the file and download it again.
Some peer-to-peer websites also record active downloads with the .download extension. The appropriate file extension is usually added once the download is complete.
DOWNLOAD files are similar to .CRDOWNLOAD used by Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge for partial downloads.