What is a TIL File Type?
Only if you download the CTGP-R mod and dig around the packaged resource files will you encounter the TIL files. This file is not intended to be opened manually by users. Instead, it is referenced by the Wii console to load resources for menus and in-graphics games.
However, some users trying to modify the appearance of the CTGP-R menu will manually open a TIL file to modify the textures stored there. After making their changes, they will repackage the textures in the TIL archive in the CTGP-R mod, transfer them to an SD card, and insert the SD card into the Wii or WiiU to play the mod. The user must have a valid copy of Mario Kart Wii to play the mod.
What is a Default TIL File Name?
Textures.tile - Name of the TIL file packaged with CTGP-R. It can be found in the folder after the appos; extracted from the CTGP file-R.zip downloaded from the CTGP website-R.zip.