What is a RPGPROJECT File Type?
RPG Maker provides a variety of features to meet the needs of RPG developers. Available as a stand-alone version of Windows with a complementary RPG Maker MV Steam key for Windows / OS X. L' application uses JavaScript with HTML5 allowing experienced developers to control all parts of the game without hidden classes. RPG Maker MV comes with a large number of maps and character pieces, so that newer developers can start developing their games more quickly. The RPGs developed with RPG Maker MV can be delivered on several platforms including Windows, OS X, Android, iOS and HTML5 for web browsers.
The RPGPROJECT file should not be confused with the project file .RVPROJ2 created at l' Help of the apos; application RPG Maker VX Ace.
What is a Default RPGPROJECT File Name?
Game.rpgproject - The default file name for a project created with RPG Maker MV. It can be found in the Data folder of the project file.