What is a PLAGUEINC File Type?
You can create a PLAGUEINC file by saving your personalized script or you can purchase another PLAGUEINC file from Plague Inc. that shares his script.
Plague is supposed to open PLAGUEINC files with Plague Inc. Users can, however, rename the' file extension .plagueinc to .zip and extract its contents using a Zip decompression utility.
Plague players usually use Plague Inc. to create their personalized scenarios. L'is an application that accompanies the game itself-and is available at l' purchase for the Android and iOS devices.
They can also create their own PLAGUEINC files. They must first create the required scripts with a plain text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad or Apple TextEdit, and save them as TXT files. Users can then compress the TXT files into a single .ZIP archive and rename the' .zip file extension with the' .plagueinc file extension.