What is a PDMOD File Type?
The PDMOD files are created and shared by players to change gameplay such as appearance of characters, environments and sound effects. Using PAYDAY Bundle Modder you can create and install PDMOD files.
Any PDMOD files that you install in Payday will be replaced by game updates from Steam. If you want to keep your PDMOD files with these updates you have to uninstall the PDMOD files, update the game, and then reinstall the PDMOD files.
You can also protect your mods against updates by quoting, bypassing, quoting, retrieving your PDMOD files in a folder, quoting, bypassing, quoting, folder in the folder, quoting, active, quoting, Payday folder. The PDMOD files require a password to be extracted is: "0$45'5))66S2ixF51a