What is a JWPUB File Type?
The JWPUB files are used exclusively by the JW Library application for Android and iOS mobile devices and for Windows formats. The application allows Jehovah's Witnesses to receive and view various publications on their mobile devices.
Users usually download files directly from the JW Library application, but they can also download the content published on jw.org as JWPUB files, then transfer it to their application or share the files with d' other users. You can also download jw.org publications as .PDF and EPUB files.
You can open JWPUB files manually with a Zip- decompression program. To open, change the file extension from .jwpub to .zip, and then decompress-on it with a decompression program, such as Microsoft File Explorer, Apple Archive Utility, or Corel WinZip.
The content extracted from the folder usually consists of a publication-related content file and a manifest.json file containing metadata on the JWPUB file in JSON format. After viewing the content rename the' extension of the .zip file to .jwpub for the' open again as JWPUB file.