What is a GTWORLD File Type?
The GTWORLD files are an important part of Growtopia because the game revolves around l' exploring different worlds. The GTWORLD files are usually referenced by Growtopia but can be opened and edited by Cernodile 'World Planner online.
To load an online GTWORLD file in Cernodile 's World Planner, select the' menu icon in the top right corner @ - @, select Charge, and select the GTWORLD file you wish to open.
To save a GTWORLD file to Cernodile &apos, select the menu icon in the top right corner @ - @, and select Save. The download of the GTWORLD file is automatic.
What is a Default GTWORLD File Name?
World.gtworld - The default name given to the GTWORLD when created and stored in Cernodile 's World Planner.