What is a XFB File Type?
Make sure to save all data from your RAID Xserve and disassemble all volumes of RAID Xserve from the host systems to avoid any loss of data before d' apply firmware updates. Do not leave at any time during the firmware upgrade process. The process will automatically restart Xserve RAID at the end of your Xserve RAID system upgrade.
To open the XFB file select System & & rarr; Update Firmware and select your XFB file that you want to use for the update.
The application RAID Admin can be executed on the Windows and Linux operating systems by executing the .JAR file included in the directory d' installation.
The Xserve RAID device was discontinued by Apple in 2008 at the same time as the application RAID Admin.
What is a Default XFB File Name?
Software-1.5.1-1.51.xfb - The XFB starts with the name firmware ", followed by the update version.