What is a SWP File Type?
SWP files are created immediately when a session of Vi text is launched, and they are saved in the same directory as their file. For example a text file with the name example.txt would have a file d' exchange named .example.txt.swp.
If a program shutdown causes a Vi session to end, the SWP file remains. This allows users to retrieve the data using the option (R) ecover "ation; option when opening the original file; opening the original file. However, if you do not need to retrieve data, you can manually delete the SWP file so that the message d'stops d' appear.
When you try to open a file that contains a swap file, Vi provides the following message:
when the swap file .example.txt.swp already exists!
when the swap file already exists. Where example.txt is the file open. In this dialog you can choose the following options: 1 and 91; O and 93; Reading only, 2 (E) says, 3 (R) ecover, 4 (Q) uit, or 4 (A) bort.
The original editor of Vi was developed by Bill Joy, the co-founder of Sun Microsystems.