What is a HBK File Type?
The HBK files will be placed under-HANDBOOK, which is contained in the Mathcad Professional folder. If you have the-folder HANDBOOK create-on it. It will contain your HBK files and Mathcad worksheets.
To open your eBook you go to the same place as your HBK file, in Mathcad choose Open a book in the Help menu, browse which HBK file you &apos, search, click on it, then click open. "Search.
To get the manual of the line-up theory d' wait from your CD of the line-up theory d' wait l' install manually. Find or create a Handbook folder on your hard drive in the Mathcad Professional directory. Copy Fileuing and Fileuing.hbk files from the Queuing Theory CD, and paste them into the Mathcad Professional Manual folder. After you move the file and folder you can access the manuals from Mathcad by going to Open Book, then to Help, then by clicking on the Mathcad Handbook folder, then selecting the appropriate HBK file.
It was acquired by Parametric Technology Corporation in 2006.