Modern businesses are seeing a new wave of employees entering the workplace. Known as the digital workforce, they’re the delight of every business owner. They don’t complain and strictly follow orders, work day in and out, and never get sick. And yes, they don’t need health or retirement benefits.
If you guessed they aren’t humans—you’re right. Robots or bots are changing businesses across industries. While you may be familiar with the robotic machines in assembly lines, this new generation of bots is nowhere near the humanoids you see in movies.
Instead, software bots are often discreet and almost invisible. Computer programs take over the repetitive tasks most human employees hate. Software bots boost team member productivity, ensure compliance, and reduce operational costs.
If you think that yours could do the same, then you’re in luck. This guide will help you choose the right software bot for your business:

Bot Selection Tips
Now that you know the benefits of software bots, it’s time to get serious. How do you choose which one is the right one for your business? Well, figuring it out is easy if you consider the following:
Software Bot Setup
It’s best to start with how software bots are designed so you can get a clearer picture of this new technology. Software bots are essentially automated tools built with RPA software. RPA or robotic process automation makes bot creation easier and allows faster deployment.
Computer programs are created using the if-then logic. Triggers define how a bot acts and layout a series of responses. They mimic how your employees perform tasks with fewer errors or delays.
A background in bot development helps you manage expectations when it comes to software bots. While they provide several business benefits, you’ll still need to explore other factors.
Your Business Automation Needs
Next, you’ll need to consider which repetitive tasks you want to automate in your business. Would you want to streamline front-end processes like marketing, sales, or customer service?
Marketing bots can help lead generation or branding efforts, while sales bots can help drive conversion rates. Customer chatbots can help answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) or provide order updates to improve engagement.
You can also use software bots to optimize internal processes. Automation bots can send notifications regarding upcoming staff meetings or update information on your Customer Relationship Management (CRM). On the other hand, integration bots also optimize how you use cloud services.
Or maybe you want to automate tasks in a specific department, say help Human Resources (HR) improve their onboarding activities or help employees manage team member leaves. Software bots can also relieve mundane Information Technology (IT) tasks and even increase collaboration across your teams.
Knowing what business processes require automation is a good start in choosing a software bot. You can brainstorm with your managers and IT team to help you carry out a successful RPA implementation.
Deployment And Maintenance Cost
Ah, if only the best things in life (more importantly, in business) are free. Unfortunately, software bots do come with a price tag. Depending on how many bots you need and the number of software components required, software bot development can cost your business anywhere from USD$5,000 up. And that’s just for initial deployment.
You’ll also need to assess how much you’ll pay for maintenance and upgrades. Annual fees or pricing plans usually cover these, so it’s best to go hunting for competitive rates early.
Software Bot Scalability
Last but not least, you’ll also need to consider software bots for their immediate and future deployment in your business. They should handle current routines efficiently and prepare your business for eventual growth.
As your company grows, so does your automation needs. While you may start with just one, it can grow to a hundred in just a few months or years. Bots also need management and security updates. All these can cost money and even effort on the part of your IT or dedicated bot development team.
In contrast, you’ll also need to retire a few software bots in case your business encounters lean seasons. Knowing which ones to let go of requires tough decisions for everyone concerned. It can compel you to revisit your priority list or even inspire you to create an entirely different batch to address disruptions.
Whatever the case, software bots should allow your employees to work at what they do best—remain productive and creative no matter the season or challenge.
Bring In The Bots
In sum, it is easy to present a business case for software bots when you know their benefits and key considerations. Understanding how RPA software builds these bots helps you identify which business processes are in dire need of automation.
Software bots can free employees and departments from repetitive tasks, becoming more creative and efficient. Figuring out the cost for initial deployment and subsequent maintenance also helps you decide if software bots are instrumental to business growth.
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