When it comes to creating multi-platform modern digital products for various business needs, there are not many coding languages able to compete with Java. In this post, we will talk about the reasons for Java’s overwhelming popularity, why you absolutely need to hire expert software engineers working with this language, and how it helps your business grow and attract new customers. Remember, today a great app is almost a half of success for your enterprise, and Java offers a great toolset to achieve it.
About Java
There are not many people left on the globe who don’t know anything about Java. According to research, this language holds second place in terms of the number of coders and made the top five programming languages that people outside of the IT industry can name. Since its creation in the late 90’s it quickly established itself as one of the most popular technologies on the market thanks to its object-oriented and platform-independent nature. The latter can be achieved through Java Virtual Machine or simply JVM which allows Java code to run on any device and OS where JVM is installed.

Why is Java so popular?
So, we already established that the main reason for Java’s popularity is the ability to write code that can run basically any device. It saves a lot of money and resources, making the development process more cost-effective and faster. Object-oriented nature, when software engineers can create new classes and transfer attributes from existing ones, also speeds up development significantly. Another big advantage is the impressive scalability of this language, which provides you with the ability to easily build complex systems that can be updated and expanded according to your business needs without spending too many resources on these changes.
Many IT professionals note Java’s impressive security features. It is possible due to the so-called sandbox environment, which easily prevents access to sensitive data and system resources by malicious code. Also, this popular programming language is known for its reliability achieved through incredibly strong type-checking and exception-handling features. Finally, Java is an open-source technology, which means that it is constantly updated and made better by an impressive active online community. There are thousands of software developers all over the world on different sites and social media who can help you to solve any tech problems. Also, because of Java’s popularity, literally hundreds of frameworks, databases, and libraries are created specifically for this language.
Why hire expert Java experts
So, we already established the main advantages of this language, but why should you hire expert Java developers for your business needs? Actually, there are an enormous variety of tasks that can be achieved. Of course, the first one is creating a multi-platform app, that can easily run on any mobile or desktop device with any OS installed, without involving different teams and using multiple coding languages. Java allows coders to build custom digital products tailored to your business needs, which is always great for a company’s growth. Java-based apps are also proven to be really high-performance and receive as little bad feedback from users as possible.
If you already have several software systems that need to be integrated with new applications, expert Java engineers are able to help here too. This language and its supporting tools can create APIs and use middleware to connect all existing systems and make sure that all data is accessible from one central location. Also, Java is well-suited for building cloud-based solutions, which are great for reducing costs and helping your business efficiency to increase. Cloud-native applications built with Java are highly scalable, secure, and highly available. Java experts are also great for running technical support for your app and are able to troubleshoot any issues you may encounter.

Tips for Hiring Java software developers
Hiring expert Java engineers can be a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with this computing language and have no tech background at all. You should start with defining a clear category for your app, Java development has several, and finding a perfect candidate can’t be done without this stage. You can easily find online guides on how to categorize your digital product. Then, you can create a list of requirements for applicants. Basically, all Java specialists, no matter what category they are working in, need to have a deep understanding of object-oriented computing, and web frontend technologies and have experience with relational databases, and other notable supporting tools. Expertise in basic web design will be great too.
To ensure hiring a perfect software engineer try to look for people with experience on projects similar to yours. Also, don’t forget about soft skills. Java developers need to always learn new information and actively participate in online communities dedicated to the programming language. Because of its open-source nature, Java always evolves and changes, and IT professionals without deep knowledge of the latest tech trends can really set the whole development process back. Online research about candidates and confirming their presence in professional communities can also allow you to take a look at their past works and samples of code. If you are unsure about an applicant’s qualifications even a little bit, don’t be shy and give them test tasks. There are various coding challenges for Java experts online, so you will be able to do it even without any tech experience.
Final thoughts
Millions of businesses, both big and small, prefer Java to create modern, cutting-edge, high-performance apps able to run on multiple devices and OS. This language’s overwhelming popularity is the main proof of its superb qualities and toolset. If you are planning on creating a digital product for your commercial needs, Java can do wonders for you and your company. Just establish desired features and technical requirements early on, categorize your application right, and use tips from this post, and you will be able to easily hire real Java experts and revolutionize your business to achieve success in the modern IT market.