If I had $1 for every time someone asked me for a recommendation for a fantastic PDF to Word converter, I could probably go Whole Foods shopping every day for a month. It’s one of the formatting pile’s top conversion types.
Putting aside my love of organic produce, here are some of the top free PDF to Word converters available.
Tools for Offline Conversion
While there are many online PDF to Word converters to pick from, there are instances when you’ll truly need your own easily available program. In addition to being generally speedier than their online equivalents, offline conversion solutions also ensure that your online conversion will stay online.
Using an internet tool to convert anything other than an occasional document is not recommended, for example. Anything private you’d prefer to keep, including sensitive information and business documents.
1. PDFMate
I’ve been using PDFMate for a while because it reliably converts PDF to Word and also includes conversions for Text, EPUB, HTML, SWF, and JPEG.
It has a fairly straightforward user interface, is cost-free, and includes some useful extra utilities, including batch conversions, document encryption, compatibility for many languages, and a variety of other programmable parameters.
2. WinScan2PDF
From a program that performs a variety of tasks to one that performs the bare minimum Its inclusion in this list is made possible by the fact that it completes its sole task.
WinScan2PDF is a very small program. It might be the smallest piece of software you use right now because it is only 30 KB. Select Source, Scan, Multiple Pages, and Cancel are your four choices. How could it not be intuitive? You just point it at the document you want to convert, and you’re good to go.
3. UniPDF
UniPDF, a somewhat flexible conversion tool with compatibility for a variety of file formats, including Word, Text, and HTML, comes in last in the offline category.
UniPDF transforms into an excellent, cost-free all-purpose conversion tool when you add PDF to JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIF, GIF, PCX, and TGA conversions to the mix.
Tools for Online Conversion
You should only utilize online tools when essential, as I said in the introduction to the Offline Conversion Tools.
Now, a conversion service online won’t divulge your personal information to the public, much less your sensitive banking information. It will, however, make a copy of your conversion as part of the procedure, and as we should all be aware by this point, what goes online, stays online.
I also detest having to provide my email address as part of the procedure because it opens your inbox up to a tonne of inbound spam.
However, they are incredibly practical, and many online conversion providers provide you with an astounding variety of possible output formats.
4. FileProInfo

Converting a PDF to Word format has a lot of advantages. The fact that a Word file can be read on any device, as opposed to a PDF file, which can only be viewed on devices that accept the PDF format, may be the most evident advantage. As Word files typically have better readability than PDF files, converting a PDF to Word also makes the content easier to read. Additionally, editing a document in a Word format rather than a PDF version can often be significantly simpler. Last but not least, with our free online PDF to Word converter, it is simple and quick to convert a PDF file to a Word format.
5. Jedok

Convert your PDF to Word online for free in a matter of seconds without downloading anything or registering.
6. ConvertMePdf

Freely convert your PDF documents to Word format. It is simple to convert your PDF files to Word format or any other file format with an online PDF to Word converter.
7. Docpose

If you have ever needed to convert a PDF document to a Microsoft Word document, you know how frustrating it can be. PDFs are great for keeping formatting consistent, but they can be a pain to edit. That’s where Docpose comes in.
Docpose is a PDF to Word converter that makes the process of converting your PDFs into editable Word documents easy and painless. Simply upload your PDF and select your options, and Docpose converts PDF to DOC. In just a few moments, you’ll have a perfectly formatted Word document that you can edit to your heart’s content.
Best of all, Docpose is free to use! So if you’ve been struggling with editing PDFs, give Docpose a try. You’ll be glad you did.
8. Smallpdf
There is a tonne of online PDF converters, like Smallpdf. Its value in comparison to other comparable products should therefore be demonstrated by the fact that it is included in this list. Furthermore, it boasts a cheery, stylish aesthetic, which gives it an advantage.
A variety of PDF conversion services, including PDF to Word, PowerPoint, Excel, JPEG, and HTML, are provided by Smallpdf. The online tool may also be used to split PDF files into several papers or combine numerous PDFs into a single file.
However, any properly encrypted documents will remain that way. Curiously, Smallpdf also has a document password locking and unlocking option.
9. TinyWow
TinyWow is a browser-based application that quickly converts PDF files to Word documents. You may easily upload your PDF file by dragging it into the tool or selecting it from your computer or mobile device.
You have the option of maintaining the formatting, extracting merely the text from the PDF, or utilizing OCR to extract text from a scanned document.
The file can be downloaded or viewed in your browser after conversion. Your submitted documents will be completely removed from TinyWow’s database after one hour.
10. CloudConvert
Practically every file format you can throw at CloudConvert will be converted to almost any other file type you choose.
Tables are accurately converted from PDF to Word and kept in their proper places. It also handled several papers that were particularly image and bullet point-heavy with ease.
Come for the PDF to Word conversions, stay for everything else seems to be the true ethos of CloudConvert.
Using Word to convert
Yes, without a doubt. To turn a PDF file into an editable one, utilize Microsoft Word itself. Users of Office 2013 and Office 2016 are the only ones who can utilize this feature, though.
Then, launch Word 2013 or 2016. Click File > Open. Open the PDF by browsing it. Line breaks and page breaks might not be exactly where you expect them, according to a notification you’ll see stating that a minor amount of reformatting might take place.
Depending on the nature of the PDF, in my experience, the correspondence between Word and PDF is typically pretty close. Keep in mind that Word occasionally has trouble with tables.
All Set for the Conversion
Each of the six conversion solutions we’ve chosen does a fantastic job of handling PDF to Word conversion. Word is an alternative, but even Microsoft is willing to acknowledge that it occasionally falls short, especially in light of the other choices you have. Use one of these to save yourself some time and hassle.
If you prefer another option, you might only want to edit your PDFs using the software.
Important features for converting PDF to Word format
- Converting your PDF to Word while keeping the original PDF file in an editable word document.
- Incredibly quick conversion of PDF to Word.
- No registration or account creation is required.
- The majority of office suites and Windows systems are supported by PDF to Word converter.
- Conversion choices include full documents, single pages, ranges of pages, or just a section. It’s your decision.
- competence and effectiveness using PDF to Word.