When you have to manage time to study, prepare for exams and do something for yourself, it’s especially difficult to organize your time and prioritize. We have made a selection of popular apps for planning things, managing projects, and forming new habits that will help you distribute your resources and manage everything.
Google Tasks
Platforms: Windows, Android, iOS.
Free service for setting tasks and time management. Designed for personal use and has a limited set of features. That makes the application easy to learn, and the functionality is quite enough to organize your studies.
In the application you can:
- Make lists of tasks and subtasks;
- Sort them by date of completion or in another user-friendly order;
- Sort tasks into “overdue”, “expired”, and “completed” categories;
- Add additional information about the task;
- Create reminders about task due date;
- Make notes for reminders;
- Delete completed tasks.
The application synchronizes with the calendar and integrates with other Google services: mail and Google Docs. You can install a special extension for the Google Chrome browser.
Platforms: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS.
Task Scheduler, designed for both personal and teamwork, is easy to learn and use. It’s easy to make plans and create task lists. It is very convenient to use for students because scheduled homework assignments will save you from turning to write my essay service or rushing to complete it.
In the free version of the application you can:
- create lists of tasks and subtasks;
- sort tasks by date, name, or level of importance;
- merge tasks into projects;
- set due dates for tasks;
- set tasks as a priority from 1 (the most important) to 4;
- move completed tasks to an archive.
The paid version adds features such as:
- receive reminders, including email reminders;
- to mark tasks;
- attach files;
- leave comments to tasks;
- view statistics of tasks execution.
The application integrates with cloud storages (Google Disk, Dropbox), Google Maps, and Gmail. You can install a special extension for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.
Platforms: Android, iOS.
Habit formation app. It will come in handy for anyone who has difficulty organizing themselves and regularly doing useful and necessary things. The functionality of the app is easy to transfer to the solution of educational issues.
In the app you can:
- create a habit (for example, morning exercise, reading literature on the program, preparing for the USE, solving problems, doing homework);
- set a regularity for the planned activities;
- to set a convenient reminder schedule for each habit: every day, every other day, or several times a day;
- track the progress of the habits on the Home screen;
- view the schedules for each habit by clicking on its name.
Platforms: Android, iOS, macOS, web.
A planning and to-do list app designed for individual and shared use.
In the app, you can:
- create tasks;
- categorize them into “today”, “tomorrow”, “upcoming tasks”, “someday”;
- create folders for tasks of the same type and categorize them;
- create notes for tasks, including via voice dialing;
- prioritize tasks by dividing them into more and less important ones;
- set alerts to remind you of tasks on a certain date or at a certain time;
- share tasks with your contact list;
- receive reminders about missed calls;
- set task repeats for regular execution.
The application synchronizes with Google Disk and Dropbox cloud storage and allows you to set up import of information from Google Tasks.
Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, web.
An application for project planning and management. A basic free version allows up to 12 people to share the application. The advantage of the application is its vast functionality, but its disadvantage is that it takes time to master it.
In the app you can:
- make to-do lists;
- categorize tasks: for personal fulfillment, for delegation, for helping others, for monitoring the performance of tasks by other participants;
- sort tasks by importance;
- make templates for performing tasks of the same type;
- use a kanban board to keep track of the stages of tasks;
- plan deadlines;
- view text documents, graphics, presentations (supported formats – xls, xlsx, doc, docx, ppt, pptx);
- upload photos from a smartphone;
- generate reports on task fulfillment.
The applications differ in interface, settings, and functionality, so it is better to try each of them personally to understand how it suits you, fits your goals and objectives.
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