
How to Pick Colors for Your Business Website

The visual nature of websites necessitates deliberate color selection in order to make your brand more recognizable. A new report from WebsiteBuilderExpert, How to Choose a Color for Your Website, examines the significance of colors on websites and how they affect viewers.

Picking Colors for Your Website

Colors have a strong emotional impact on people. Colors’ emotions and psychology are very real. According to the report, 85 percent of them believe color has a significant influence on what they buy. Not only that but colors increase brand recognition by an average of 80%. Understanding the color that best represents your company and industry can help you build and increase that recognition factor.

With that in mind, the next step is to select a color scheme for your website that best represents your brand. “You have to get a good understanding of what you are selling/providing,” wrote report author Duncan Lambden.

Choose purple if you want to project a more premium, high-end image because people associate it with royalty, high quality, and intrigue. And if you want to reach a larger audience, blue is the color to use because it is reassuring and gentle. According to Lambden, it is appropriate for more sensitive topics such as healthcare or finance.

Here are some examples of colors, brands, and what they covey:

  • Red: Coca-Cola or Nintendo – Implies excitement or happiness
  • Orange: Nickelodeon or Fanta – Implies a friendly, fun time is ahead
  • Yellow: Nikon or McDonalds – Implies optimism and happiness
  • Green: Whole Foods or Animal Planet – Implies freshness and nature
  • Blue: Walmart or American Express – Implies dependability and reassurance
  • Purple: Hallmark or Cadbury – Implies a distinguished brand that has a history of quality
  • Brown: Nespresso or UPS – Implies a reliable product that can be used by anyone
  • Black: Chanel or Adidas – Implies luxury or elegance
  • White: Apple or Nike – Implies sleek, user-friendly products

The Colors for Your Website

The report suggests starting with a primary color and then adding complementary colors to it. Then add a background color and a typeface color.

Take a look at the infographic below for more information on the significance of colors, not only for your website but also for your brand as a whole.

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John Harper

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