
How to Edit PSD Files Without Photoshop

In the world of graphic design and digital art, Adobe Photoshop has long been the top for editing PSD files. Still, not everyone has access to Photoshop. They may prefer essential styles for editing PSD files. Thankfully, several options are available. They let you edit PSD files without needing Photoshop. In this guide, we’ll explore colorful styles and tools. These include the FileProInfo online PSD editor. They will help you make professional edits.


Adobe Photoshop is a key tool for editing PSD files. But, its high cost and complexity may discourage some users. Fortunately, there are key results with similar features. They come without a high price. In this companion, we’ll claw into these druthers and demonstrate how you can edit PSD files with ease.

Understanding PSD Files

Before we claw into the editing process, let’s compactly bandy what PSD files are. PSD stands for Photoshop Document. It’s a file format made by Adobe for storing layered images. PSD files allow druggies to work with layers. They have masks and other editing features. This makes PSD files popular among graphic contrivers and shutterbugs.

Alternative Methods for Editing PSD Files

1. Using Online PSD Editors:

Using online PSD editors is one of the easiest ways to edit PSD files without Photoshop. You can use online PSD editor. These tools let you upload and edit PSD files from your web browser. You can do this without any need for software installation. FileProInfo offers a stoner-friendly interface. It also has many editing features. This makes it a great choice for quick edits on the go.

2. Open Source Software:

Another difference from Photoshop is open-source software. An example is GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). GIMP has many of the same features as Photoshop. It supports the PSD format. This allows you to edit PSD files without any compatibility issues. GIMP lacks some advanced Photoshop features. But, it’s an important free tool.

3. Using Other Image Editing Software:

You can also use other image editing software. Several options support the PSD format, like Affinity Photo and Pixelmator. These software packages offer features like Photoshop. They are a cheaper choice for druggies. They do not need all the bells and whistles of Adobe’s flagship product.

FileProInfo Online PSD Editor: A Closer Look

FileProInfo is a free online PSD editor that offers a range of editing tools and features. Let’s take a near look at some of its crucial features

  • No Registration Required: Unlike some online tools that force users to sign up. FileProInfo allows you to edit PSD files without any signup. Simply visit the website and start editing right down.
  • Cloud-Based Editing: FileProInfo uses cloud-grounded waiters. They reuse and store PSD files securely. The system removes all files from the waiters after a set time. This protects your sequestration and data.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The interface of FileProInfo is easy to use. It’s great for druggies who are new to editing PSDs. The tools are easily labeled. They are accessible. This makes it easy to do colorful editing tasks.
  • Support for Large Files: You can upload PSD files with a max size of 150 MB. This makes it great for editing high-res images.
  • Range of Editing Tools: FileProInfo offers a range of editing tools. It includes introductory adaptations like cropping and resizing. It also includes more advanced features like subcaste manipulation and pollutants. These tools can meet your requirements.

Step-by-Step Guide to Editing PSD Files with FileProInfo

We have covered the features of FileProInfo. Now, let’s walk through the process of editing a PSD file using this online tool.

  • Step 1: Visit the PSD editor page in your web browser.
  • Step 2: Click the” Select PSD File” button to select the PSD file you want to edit from your computer.
  • Step 3: Once you upload the file, you can view it in the FileProInfo editor.
  • Step 4: Use the left toolbar to access colorful editing tools. These include layers, adaptations, and filters.
  • Step 5: Make your requested edits to the PSD file. This includes conforming colors, adding text, and applying pollutants.
  • Step 6: Once you are happy with your edits, click “Save” to download the edited PSD file.


In conclusion, you can edit PSD files without Photoshop. This is possible thanks to the use of the volition tools and styles. You can use online PSD editors like FileProInfo. Or, you can use open-source software like GIMP. Both can produce pro-quality edits without breaking the bank. Try different tools and ways to find the result that suits your needs and workflow. You can reach your full potential with the right tools and some creativity. You can do so as a digital artist or graphic developer.

John Harper

#1 File Information bestselling author John Harper loves to dispel the myth that smart men & women don’t read (or write) romance, and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch him winning the $77,000 jackpot. In 2021, Netflix will premiere Bridgerton, based on his popular series of novels about the Why Files.

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