Want Bigger Marketing Results? Aim Smaller

We often fall prey to the notion that bigger is better as business owners and marketers. “If we just did more, bought more, or increased our budget, we would get better results,” we reason. But what if that isn’t the case? What if it was the polar opposite?

It’s the year 2022, and many astute marketers and brands realize that bigger isn’t always better. They’re learning that aiming smaller is one of the most effective ways to build a successful brand. We’re talking about making your marketing strategy more local.

Local Marketing’s Influence

Local marketing may appear to be something that small, niche brands or startups do when they don’t have the financial resources to launch a full-fledged marketing campaign. But don’t pass judgment too quickly. There’s a reason why some of the world’s most successful brands are narrowing their focus and emphasizing local marketing more. Here are a few of the immediate advantages:

When you add up all of these advantages, you can see how valuable local marketing is (particularly when you stack it up against your existing marketing strategy that attempts to reach a broader market).

5 Local Marketing Strategies and Techniques

There are several things you can do to maximize your local marketing results if you want to be successful. Let’s look at a few of these strategies:

1. Select a Specific Market

A well-defined target market is the foundation of successful local marketing. To put it another way, you must know who your target audience is.

Targeting a specific local market, such as Nashville, TN, isn’t enough. Within this market, you must determine who your ideal target customer is. Consider factors such as age range, interests, careers, political and religious affiliations, desires, frustrations, and so on as you create your target customer profiles.

Your local marketing efforts will be more effective if your target audience is more specific. On the front end, spend some time fleshing out these details.

2. Make an investment in local SEO

It’s time to focus on local search engine optimization once you’ve defined your market (SEO). Given that nearly half of all online users use Google and other search engines to find local businesses, it’s a no-brainer to invest in local SEO. The following are the main components:

When you invest in local SEO, you instantly increase the visibility of your brand on the internet. In other words, when people search for keywords related to your products, services, or niche, they are more likely to find you.

3. Take advantage of location-based services

If you have a physical storefront or building, you can use location-based services to boost your visibility and potentially increase foot traffic.

Foursquare, Google Places, and Facebook Places are all popular location-based services. These services are free to use, and they allow you to connect with people in your area.

4. Collaborate with other small businesses in the area

Using the connections, resources, and relationships that other established businesses already have is one of the fastest ways to establish a presence in a local market. This can be accomplished by forming partnerships (whether official or unofficial).

Partnerships can take on a variety of shapes and sizes. The ultimate goal is to assist other businesses. When you assist other businesses by adding value to them, they will be willing to reciprocate.

During the pandemic shutdowns of 2020 and 2021, the power of business partnerships was perfectly demonstrated. Businesses that had strong partnerships with other businesses were able to pool resources and leverage them to stay afloat. Those who ran their businesses from their own private islands were much more likely to fail.

5. Participate in Community Events

There’s no better way to connect with customers than to meet them face to face and interact with them. What better way to engage people in person than at a local event?

Attending local events allows you to meet new people and form connections. This strategy works especially well if you have people on your team who are outgoing. Here are some local event marketing ideas:

These are only a few suggestions. Bring your team together and come up with some new ideas. Every market is different, and your city may have some unique opportunities.

Local Marketing Can Help You Grow Your Business

Local marketing isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme that produces immediate results. It takes time, patience, and forethought. However, if you give it a few months, you’ll be rewarded with increased penetration, visibility, and, ultimately, a higher return on your marketing dollars.

The only question is whether you’re willing to put in the effort.

Learn more from Marketing and read Avoid These 5 Small Business Marketing Mistakes.

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