How to Start a Food Blog

This is a natural fit if you are passionate about food and writing. Perhaps you want to start food blogging to have more personal and meaningful conversations with the people you meet. Alternatively, provide some recipe specifics.

Whatever your reason for starting a blog, there are a few things you should be aware of.

What is a Food Blog?

A food blog is about the subject of its name. However, these can be about a variety of topics, such as restaurant reviews. Alternatively, you could write about various foods from various cultures, as well as recipes.

Do you want to learn how to start a food blog? Here are a few simple steps to get you started.

Why Should You Start Your Own Food Blog?

Let’s start with 5 reasons why you should start a new food blog.

Challenge Your Cooking Skills

Posting regularly keeps you motivated as a cook. Receiving feedback from other food bloggers leads to the development of new techniques.

Meet Others Who Share Your Interests

This blogging platform attracts people who share your interests. You’ll quickly become part of a community.

Express Your Passion

Your food blog is a chronicle. Keep it current. Cooking hints are welcome. Or even several recipes.

Earn Some Money

Make money by starting a food blog. Increase your follower count, and sponsored posts will follow. A free ebook can help you get noticed.

Put Together A Cookbook

Post recipes on your blog, then compile your favorites into a cookbook. Take photos that leave white space on the plate. This helps to set the scene for the food.

How to Start a Food Blog and Make Money in 17 Important Steps

Follow these steps to create and monetize a blog.

1. Choose a Food Blog Niche and Research Other Food Blogs

Your cooking blog can also be tailored to a specific audience. The following are six distinct methods for selecting a lane.

1. Food Photography

Here’s a good tip: learn how to photograph food and photograph it in natural light.

2. Name Your Blog

The blog’s name is important. SEO also plays a role. Long-tail keywords generate the most traffic. A recipe blog can have a title that is generated. Acronyms can also be used.

3. Create a Food Blogger Business Plan

Business plans are essential. Determine the competition. That can also help with SEO keyword research.

4. Purchase a Domain Name

For food blogging platforms, a good web address is essential. Choosing your domain name requires you to be descriptive and catchy. Here’s where you can get a free domain name. Alternatively, you can buy one from places like this.

5. Choose a Reliable Web Host

Web hosting must be dependable. Understand concepts such as data transfer and bandwidth. Make certain that your options have high uptime. Is the hosting company offering cloud services?

6. Install WordPress

This website contains all of the information you require. Choose between a free and a paid theme. Widgets and WordPress plugins will be displayed in your WordPress dashboard.

7. Choose a Successful Blog Theme

Select a food blog theme. There are free themes available. Alternatively, you can purchase a WordPress theme. Look for themes that can be customized and responsive designs. Here are some of the best WordPress food blog themes:


This WordPress theme is mobile-friendly. Put advertisements on your blog.


This one includes a WordPress recipe maker that formats.


Make an online store. Cookely is WooCommerce compatible.


There are four different versions to choose from. It’s also simple to use. Fonts can be changed.


The responsive design is ideal for high-resolution images.

Finally, think about Ranna. This is yet another mobile-friendly design.

8. Sign Up for Google Analytics and Search Console

Google tools are required for your food blog. This one, for example. To monitor site traffic and visitors. As well as Search Console. To determine your position in the search results. To get started, sign in with your new Google Account.

9. Improve Your SEO

Then there’s the technical stuff, such as SEO. Increase blog traffic by matching keywords to client searches. Please read this.

10. Install WordPress Plugins

You can get a WordPress plugin for free or pay for it. They can be found on a self-hosted WordPress blog. Naturally, you’ll look for good recipe plugins.

11. Create a Food Blog Content Plan

Your blog is ranked by search engines. A good blog strategy will include search engine optimization. Look up keywords related to your recipes. To maximize Google traffic, incorporate them into your content.

12. Publish Your First Post

Your first post will be up next. A good food blog includes text as well as food photos. Here you can find blog post ideas.

13. Promote Your Blog

Promoting food blogs entails more than just sharing them on social media platforms.

Here are some additional ways to promote your blog.

On a YouTube Channel

Mention your article and include a link to it.

Use Your Email

Add a link to a new blog post in your signature. A personal address is preferable to a generic one.


Make sure you include a link to your blog in your profile. Your Instagram feed will receive a lot of attention.

Use Keywords

Specifically, those with a long tail.

Optimize Images

Keywords should be used in both the alternate tag and title tag sections.

Finally, linking to other authoritative sites is effective. Make certain that they are both credible and relevant.

14. Start Making Money

You can make money from your blog. Here are a few ideas on how to make money blogging.

Google Adsense

Pay for clicks or impressions on display ads.

Sell Books

Based on the content of your blog, sell physical cookbooks. One option is self-publishing.

Put Up A Membership Site

It costs money to be a part of a foodie community. Obtain recurring income.

Sponsored Content

Display various brands on your blog. They get product content, and you get paid.

Offer Cooking Classes

Here are a few examples to help you get started.

Offer Cooking Classes

Earn a commission by promoting a food-related product.

15. Diversify Your Income Streams

It’s always a good idea to broaden your horizons. Sell merchandise such as t-shirts. You can even make extra money by participating in or organizing events.

16. Continue Posting Fresh Content and Recipes

The more content you publish, the more Google notices. You become more authoritative. As a result, there will be more traffic.

17. Be the Owner of a Successful Food Blog Business

A box of digital tools is required for a successful business in this niche. As an example, a good hosting provider can deal with spam comments. And a WordPress website with a fantastic recipe plugin. In addition, you have culinary skills and a strong commitment to the business.

How do food bloggers get paid?

There are numerous ways to make money with a food blog. Here are a few we haven’t gotten to yet.

How much do food bloggers make a year?

This is dependent on several factors. Some bloggers make five figures per month. This is dependent on a variety of income sources. Other part-time workers earn $20,000 per year.

The national average salary is $41,058 per year.

Need help with our free SEO tools? Try our free Keywords Suggestion ToolKeyword Density Checker, Keyword Position.

Learn more from technology and read What to Blog About?

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